
How do I get over this??

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Date: 8/30/2007 10:04:29 PM
Author: decodelighted
but I do honk for DANGER.

Me too. In fact today I had to slam on my breaks b/c the car in front of me breaked very suddenly and did a U-turn (illegal in this city). I was so pissed, and I laid on the horn SO long that it felt like I should have had a cigarette after. And that was after my son and I almost got hit, twice, in a crosswalk b/c speeding drivers come from behind stopped cars waiting for you to cross.

Complete and utter lack of consideration for the welfare of others. Not just observable while driving, but in everyday life. Doors slammed in your face, people hanging up on you if they''ve dialed a wrong number, budging ahead in lines (god, at the deli is the worst.....), people pretending you are not there cuz they can''t make eye contact with you...and the list goes on.

But then you have a great example of politeness: one of my son''s friends addressing me by my married name and saying a very cheery "Hello", and it helps to erase those crummy examples that can ruin your day..

I hear your frustration, Ellen.

Ellen, be careful about letting your anger get the better of you on the road. People are freakin'' nuts these days -- you never know who will have a gun or is a total psycho.

A long time ago I was driving down the highway and another car was in front of me driving about 15 or 20 miles below the speed limit. It went on for miles. I passed him and then he passed me, then went slow again. I passed him again and as I did, (I don''t know what posessed me) I flipped him off. He got behind me and followed me, so I changed lanes and slowed WAY down. Eventually he drove away from me -- I was doing about 30 in a 55. Anyway, it scared me half to death. Now I always try to just stay away from any kind of conflict on the road. I''m not a meek person, and I won''t back away from a conflict if I think it needs to be addressed, but on the road it''s a different story.

Also, a few years ago there was someone on the highway who cut someone else off when they got on the exit ramp. The other followed and read ended and the woman who originally cut the guy off got out of her car with a baseball bat and went to town on his car because she claimed she was afraid for her life. She may well have been, since he rear ended her and was yelling at her. I think he even got out of the car? I can''t remember the whole story.

But be careful. You don''t want to get into it over something like this and have it become a serious situation. Not saying you aren''t 100% right, but I would definitely not want anything bad to happen to you.
Date: 8/30/2007 10:04:29 PM
Author: decodelighted
I don't honk for rudeness... but I do honk for DANGER.

Deco, the more I see of your postings, the more I see how often we are in agreement! I almost never honk for rudeness, and it is sometimes hard to get myself to honk in time for danger! My first reflex is to maneuver the car to avoid danger. Sometimes the right first move is to hit the horn, and I have to try to do that more quickly. Probably at my age my reflexes are not about to get speedier, but I think anyone can improve with practice! My daughter is the one who noticed that my husband blows his horn in any situation where there might even potentially be danger (e.g. another car might pull out from a side road), whereas I never blow my horn, even when it looks as if another car may be about to ram into us! (I am maneuvering the car.)

Like lumpkin I think it is foolhardy to confront other motorists; one doesn't know with whom he is dealing out there. Unless you have a gun, a death wish, and a need to act out some violent fantasies on the road, you are better off cooling off. There is always someone crazier than you out there who will be glad to take a fight to a more violent level.

Date: 8/30/2007 9:11:09 PM
Author: jcrow
Date: 8/30/2007 7:39:51 PM

Author: Tacori E-ring

Oh I hear ya Ellen. I get worked up too (even when I try not to). Driving is the worst. I was waiting for a parking space and when I say waiting they were getting into their car when I turned on my blinker. Of course they had to get settled and they pulled out (probably took 10 mins). Then out of NO WHERE this SUV comes and starts to pull into the space. I was so angry (it is a really hard lot to get a space). Luckily at the last minute he noticed me and pulled out, rolled down his window and said he was sorry. All was forgiven but my heart was still racing...

wait they actually backed out and let you have the space?!!!! i''ve never seen (or heard) of that! ever.

you''re in niceville usa compared to me!

He hadn''t pulled all the way in but yeah he backed out. I was planning on getting out of the car and yelling at him (which is something I have never done before!) Pregnancy has given me more guts for sure (not that he knew I was preggo of course). He was actually really embarrassed about it. There are still a lot of rude people here! I think he was just not paying attention.
Skippy, I have had that happen to me in the store too. Actually I try not to go shopping on the weekends b/c there are just SO many people. I was looking as light fixtures at Lowes once and there was a couple, their parents, and their child all hovering in the aisle. (I never knew it took 5 people to pick out a simple light)
I tried to squeeze my way in (I knew exactly what I was looking for) and when I reached for a box ON the SHELF and the man said "no, we are looking at ALL of these." Ummm....okay! Then I went to pick up some grout for hubby and had a question about the colors. There were three people working in the tile department. One was with a customer, one on the phone, one doing nothing (or so it seemed). I made EYE CONTACT with the last guy. Asked where I could find their swatch brochure (was polite about it and we maintained eye contact the whole time). He paused, looked away, and started talking to the other guy who had hung up the phone. I couldn't believe it. He didn't say anything like "one sec" or "I'll find out" NOTHING!!! Luckily the guy who was with the customer saw the whole transaction as the customer had just walked away and gave him a mean look. I was furious. The incidents were back to back so I was steaming when I left there.

ETA: DH and I always talk about how we play "chicken" with people when we are walking somewhere. We both agreed we ALWAYS were the ones to move out of the way first. Even if it was only one of us vs. a group of people.
Ellen, I laughed at the Fried Green Tomatoes reference, I love that movie and that is one of the funniest scenes but also thought provoking! Like others here, I was raised to have good manners and I am amazed at how oblivious others can be when it comes to everyday courtesies or politeness. I have a big issue with others invading my personal space, it seems like every time I''m at a store looking at some particular item someone sticks their arm in front of me without an "excuse me" and grabs whatever it is they were after. Drives me nuts...maybe I''m rude for standing there too long but I''ve worked retail for long enough to be very aware of what''s going on around me when shopping/working, etc.

I honestly have good days and bad days. Sometimes I have all the patience of a saint, sometimes I''m grouchy and can really have an evil attitude (if you can believe that about me, lol
) . I try to gain perspective by thinking about my belief that little things that happen all the time with interaction with strangers doesn''t mean the world is out to get me, and that it''s not the end of the world that someone needed to be somewhere faster than I did, or whatever. OTOH, I''m equally aware that I need to pay attention to how i treat others, whether I might be in someone''s way, and all that...I''m a "pleaser" though, it''s just my personality. Well, of course that''s relative, when I get behind some ol'' granny doing 20 in a 40 mph zone all bets are off, LOL!
I used to be very passive-aggressive with tailgaters. If someone was following too close, I''d slow down to exactly the posted speed limit. So you want to follow that close? Fine, we''re going to go 25 mph then!

Until one day I did that on a stretch of single lane road, about a mile long. The posted limit was 35-40 mph, which was a reasonable limit for the narrow road. This guy behind me was going crazy. Swerving all over the place, giving me the finger, etc. When the road switched to 2 lanes, he went to pass me and I looked over at him and smiled. He, of course, gave me more of the finger. But then pulled directly in front of me and slammed on his brakes. I narrowly missed rear-ending him. Crazy!

Since then I pretty much just pull over for a second if someone seems really impatient.
I''m slow to honk my horn. In Ireland it''s actually illegal to use your horn for anything other than immediate danger, although that''s routinely ignored and lots of people use it to express exasperation. I guess it helps that the horn in my car is sounded by pressing on the ends of the indicator/wiper toggles so you have to do it with one finger, quite carefully, because if you tap it or bang it with your palm you set off all kinds of mayhem with the wipers and the indicators! So can you picture the Queen pressing a light switch? That''s my horn! Not really a frustration-venting kinda exercise!

My solution to tailgaters is to drive as usual but when they get too close for comfort and I think it''s dangerous, I flick on my hazard lights. It confuses the heck out of them and they back up and start looking around for the hazard. If they creep back up, I flick the lights on again. They soon catch on that the hazard is them...

Did someone mention carpark space stealers? Ugh!!! I used to work in a particular university and parking there was a nightmare. On one particular morning I had been waiting an hour and a half for a space, and right as someone finally was leaving (and I''m waiting there, indicator on), this girl comes flying out of nowhere and takes the space. She was a student and had no permit for that particular carpark. I rolled the window down and said I was there first, I''d been there 90 minutes, could she please get out of the space. She told me to ''f*** off'' because she was late for a lecture. I pointed out I was going to be late to give a lecture - the response was ''like I give a s***''.
I had to abandon my car in an undesignated space, knowing I would get clamped for it. And then I had to go in and somehow calmly deliver a lecture?!?
I try not to let things like that bother me - especially with the drivers. I''m one of those old pharts who never drives above the speed limit. Cars pass me left and right all the time. I generally catch up to them at the next stop light or pass them while they''re getting a speeding ticket. It''s their high blood pressure, not mine. People pushing ahead of me in lines don''t bother me either- there are weightier matters to get upset over.
To those who warned me against honking, etc., as I said earlier, I really AM affraid to do much of anything anymore, as people are so crazy. I think THAT helps exacerbate the problem. They are now being rude, getting away with it, and I can''t even say anything or let them know how rude they are or how pizzed I am. It''s bull.

Skippy, I''m not smart, just desperate.

Musey, I could give people the benefit of the doubt, and have in the past. But SO much has happened in the last couple years, that I KNOW they are knowingly doing this. Honestly, I have been at a 4 way stop, and seen EVERYONE go out of turn, because we all hesitated, because we all know to. AND, not only that, but some of the SECOND cars in line have gone out of turn too. Come on, they KNOW it''s not their turn. It has gotten utterly rediculous.

And yes, some people are distracted, because thay are on their CELL PHONES for one thing. Get off it, it is making you a danger on the road. My son said in one of his classes, they were told a person on a phone is more dangerous than a drunk driver. I don''t know if that''s really true, but I could see it being a toss up.

As for tail gaiters, I used to tap my brakes at them, now I usually just pull over, quickly, without any warning. It makes the point, and gets them away from me.

gail, thanks. And I had to laugh (even though it''s not funny) that you got the nerve up to say something, and it didn''t even work. Moron.

Holly, I cracked up at the bathroom scenario. Filing that one away for future reference.

elsie, I''m ALL for a quiet, blingy town. Sounds like heaven.

Tgal, I can''t believe the story about the lady at the airport.

shay, hood ornament, I love it.
Of course, I would never....

curio, oh the visual.
GOD that would feel good. Until they killed me after recovering.

scarleta, thanks. I know it will keep happening, that''s what makes me so mad.

deco, I think I know exactly why I''m getting so upset. It is because I was raised with manners. I was taught they were of the utmost importance (and long ago they were). That you did not act like an @ss in public. That you played by the rules. And that you apologized if by chance you deviated from this.

That''s the way life basically used to be, the way it should be. But it''s not anymore. It''s a free for all. Manners are all but a thing of the past. People don''t give a damn about anybody but themselves.

But, I''m here still trying to play by the rules, and act as I was taught. Why wouldn''t that be frustrating? If you were trying to play a game with a bunch of people, and half of them were cheating and wouldn''t stop, I doubt you''d like it. And you''d probably quit playing. Thing is, this is Life, and one can''t quit. So you HAVE to keep "playing" with the cheaters. And because it''s gotten so crazy, you are scared to even say, Hey, knock it off, that''s not right. Because some nut can pull out a gun, baseball bat, etc, and go to town on you.

THAT is what is pizzing me off.

Sharon, thank you. And yes, it certainly does help when someone is polite, makes you believe the whole world hasn''t lost it. If only for a brief moment.

lump, thanks. Yeah, I know I can''t do anything, people are nuts. Again, this only fuels the fire.

monarch, isn''t that just the BEST scene??
And I also laughed at the granny doing 20 in a 40. Now THAT is where I''ve learned MUCHO patience, because I realized a while back, that will be ME someday.

Delster, LOVE, LOVE the hazard lights. I am giddy with excitement to try this. It is the best non-aggresive approach I have ever heard. Thanks!!

And I can''t find the post now, but whoever mentioned the idiot pulling in front of the ambulance, don''t get me started. I can''t BELIEVE people who don''t get out of the way. All I can think is, what if it were THEIR loved one in there, how would they want US to respond??
Ellen, you are such a sweetie pie and that is the truth! No, yesterday I left the store feeling so angry! Maybe we should get a public announcement going on tv telling people how to be polite; SERIOUSLY!!!
I don't like feeling that way so I understand how you felt.

What happened to people reading the Emily Post book? Maybe we should randomly mail those baby's out. hehe
Date: 8/31/2007 9:05:39 AM
Author: Skippy123
Ellen, you are such a sweetie pie and that is the truth! No, yesterday I left the store feeling so angry! Maybe we should get a public announcement going on tv telling people how to be polite; SERIOUSLY!!!
I don''t like feeling that way so I understand how you felt.

What happened to people reading the Emily Post book? Maybe we should randomly mail those baby''s out. hehe
No kidding.

I was in the grocery store one day, and it was really crowded. LOTS of selfish people. I looked around and said to myself, I see dumb people. (I see dead people)
It really wasn''t nice, but it was true.
Ellen, I am with you (and the other PSers on here)! Having manners means being aware of other people and making certain they are comfortable (never mind SAFE) in a certain situation. Too many belly button inspectors these days.

By the way:

Buy an air-horn. They''ll poop their pants

Is so going to be on the next t-shirt I buy. Thanks curio!
Date: 8/31/2007 8:59:59 AM
Author: Ellen

Delster, LOVE, LOVE the hazard lights. I am giddy with excitement to try this. It is the best non-aggresive approach I have ever heard. Thanks!!

You''re welcome! I only do it when I can''t get out of their way and they''re starting to scare me. But on our narrow Irish roads, eh, that seems like lots of the time!

I''m not sure what an air horn is (just a really noisy horn?) but when I read Curio''s post first I thought she meant her friend uses some kind of air-puffer thing to puff air in the rudies'' faces when they throw rubbish out on top of her!!! I had only just calmed down from giggling about that when I realised what it actually is and I cracked up again! I can feel it, I''m going to get no work done today...
Date: 8/31/2007 9:29:00 AM
Author: jas
Ellen, I am with you (and the other PSers on here)! Having manners means being aware of other people and making certain they are comfortable (never mind SAFE) in a certain situation. Too many belly button inspectors these days.

By the way:

Buy an air-horn. They''ll poop their pants

Is so going to be on the next t-shirt I buy. Thanks curio!

Also laughing at belly button inspectors.
FG, you and are cut from the same cloth. I have no qualms telling people they are doing something wrong. I will honk. I will walk smack into them if they don''t move aside. I''ve even guided people to the right side of the escalator on the metro.

but I won''t do it in Texas... at least not the honking part. I grew up there. Concealed weapons are legal.
I was in a parking lot and a woman started backing up. She was getting closer to me and I thought, no way, she''s got to stop. She didn''t and went smack into my car. Then she parked her car and walked into the building as if nothing had happened. I tracked her down and told her what she had done. No apologies, no nothing
I took her insurance info and filed a claim. She truly had no clue or interest in what she had done. Fast forward into a parking lot a work. A big@#@ truck is backing up in the direction of my small roadster. I leaned on the horn and she stopped coming. When I greated my first client that day, guess who she was.....big@#@ truck driver. Tells me she saw me and had it under control. If she were not my client, I would have told her off
Date: 8/31/2007 10:07:38 AM
Author: risingsun
I was in a parking lot and a woman started backing up. She was getting closer to me and I thought, no way, she''s got to stop. She didn''t and went smack into my car. Then she parked her car and walked into the building as if nothing had happened. I tracked her down and told her what she had done. No apologies, no nothing
I took her insurance info and filed a claim. She truly had no clue or interest in what she had done. Fast forward into a parking lot a work. A big@#@ truck is backing up in the direction of my small roadster. I leaned on the horn and she stopped coming. When I greated my first client that day, guess who she was.....big@#@ truck driver. Tells me she saw me and had it under control. If she were not my client, I would have told her off

Do you think she recogized YOU?
Date: 8/31/2007 8:08:16 AM
Author: Madam Bijoux
I try not to let things like that bother me - especially with the drivers. I''m one of those old pharts who never drives above the speed limit. Cars pass me left and right all the time. I generally catch up to them at the next stop light or pass them while they''re getting a speeding ticket. It''s their high blood pressure, not mine. People pushing ahead of me in lines don''t bother me either- there are weightier matters to get upset over.
Fess up, what drugs are you on?
Date: 8/31/2007 10:10:16 AM
Author: Ellen

Date: 8/31/2007 10:07:38 AM
Author: risingsun
I was in a parking lot and a woman started backing up. She was getting closer to me and I thought, no way, she''s got to stop. She didn''t and went smack into my car. Then she parked her car and walked into the building as if nothing had happened. I tracked her down and told her what she had done. No apologies, no nothing
I took her insurance info and filed a claim. She truly had no clue or interest in what she had done. Fast forward into a parking lot a work. A big@#@ truck is backing up in the direction of my small roadster. I leaned on the horn and she stopped coming. When I greated my first client that day, guess who she was.....big@#@ truck driver. Tells me she saw me and had it under control. If she were not my client, I would have told her off

Do you think she recogized YOU?
Oh yes, she did
Shortly thereafter, she told me she didn''t think we "clicked" and left counseling
Date: 8/31/2007 8:59:59 AM
Author: Ellen
deco, I think I know exactly why I''m getting so upset. It is because I was raised with manners. I was taught they were of the utmost importance (and long ago they were). That you did not act like an @ss in public. That you played by the rules. And that you apologized if by chance you deviated from this. That''s the way life basically used to be, the way it should be. But it''s not anymore. It''s a free for all. Manners are all but a thing of the past. People don''t give a damn about anybody but themselves. But, I''m here still trying to play by the rules, and act as I was taught. Why wouldn''t that be frustrating?
I was taught the same things. Am from the South, yanno! Private school, charm school, CAR/Mayflower Society etc.... But at some point -- I''m guessing my first year at college (in NYC)
, I realized not everyone else had grown up the same way, with the same "rules". And then even later, I realized that those "rules" were really how things SHOULD be, but not a true reflection of how they EVER WERE. People have always been self-involved jerks ... evolved that way because the strong & self-interested SURVIVE. When you stop expecting people to play by your parents ideal-world rules ... you''ll breathe easier.
I agree with you Ellen that it seems like we live in a very inconsiderate, and often downright rude, world. I make it a point to remind myself that I should never allow people who behave in a reckless, animalistic manner affect MY life. So I don''t.

Sometimes it is extremely hard, especially when I''m driving in the suburbs and I find myself surrounded by angry drivers on their cell phones, sipping lattes, and maneuvering their giant SUVs with reckless abandonment. However, the truth is that you have a choice to react in an angry way and thus perpetuate this feeling of ill will on the road, or to continue on with your drive safely and calmly listen to NPR or Frank Sinatra or whatever it is you have coming from your radio. I know this sounds nearly impossible to do, but it''s not--and it gets easier the more you do it. Getting angry just perpetuates anger, and poor driving.

I wish we could mandate that all people must read a few basic etiquette books before they reach the age 18--I think everyone would love reading anything by The Etiquette Grrls, and it would go a long way. Maybe even some Laetitia Baldridge. I love her book titled Taste.

Anyway, the point is that I think I''m pretty sure everyone on the road believes that their actions are the correct actions, and so even if you react with some vulgar gesture or glare, you will not be getting your point across, you''ll just be adding fuel to their fire, as they drive off thinking "THAT woman is a complete maniac!"

Kill them with kindness, it tends to rub off.

(I must admit, though, when a woman with several young kids packed into her minivan and an ENORMOUS cross hanging from her rear view mirror tailgated me, sped around me and thrust her middle finger at me repeatedly as she passed, and then went in front of me and tapped the breaks every so often I was tempted to hold up a sign that said "WWJD?" I didn''t, of course. I just smiled at her the entire time. My crime: I believe I wasn''t speeding fast enough for her, it was a residential road, after all--there were children all over the sidewalks. How lovely.)
Fess up, what drugs are you on
Hi, Ellen. Unfortunately (or fortunately maybe), I'm not on any drugs. I realized a long time ago that when a person makes me angry, that person is in control of me, and I refuse to let anyone but myself be in control of me. So, whenever someone cuts me off on the road or pushes ahead or me in line I just shrug it off. Getting upset and stewing about things like that just isn't worth it. Also, if the other person wants to escalate the incident into some sort of fight, it's important that you are not seen as the instigator if the police get involved.
Date: 8/31/2007 11:01:11 AM
Author: decodelighted

I was taught the same things. Am from the South, yanno! Private school, charm school, CAR/Mayflower Society etc.... But at some point -- I''m guessing my first year at college (in NYC)
, I realized not everyone else had grown up the same way, with the same ''rules''. And then even later, I realized that those ''rules'' were really how things SHOULD be, but not a true reflection of how they EVER WERE. People have always been self-involved jerks ... evolved that way because the strong & self-interested SURVIVE. When you stop expecting people to play by your parents ideal-world rules ... you''ll breathe easier.
deco, there''s never been an ideal world. But, there used to be a better world. Slower paced, more caring, more considerate. And that isn''t limited to my area. The fact that so many people in this thread have commiserated with me on the ever growing rudeness tells me so, besides the fact that I traveled quite a bit from a very young age, and saw it elsewhere as well. Sure, there have always been rude, selfish people, but not in the numbers there are today.

I''ve been driving in this town 31 years. I know what it was like when I started, and I know what it is like now. Back then, going out of turn, and careless driving were the exception, they are now almost the rule. Cell phones, which are relatively new, have added a GREAT distraction to drivers.

I don''t believe you have any children right now. If and when you ever do, and they turn 16 and get on the road with these same careless, rude people, let me know how you feel then. And I mean that genuinely.

For now, I guess we''ll just have to agree to disagree.
Date: 8/30/2007 8:12:53 PM
Author: elsie
I don''t mind ignorant drivers as much as aggressive jerks who know exactly how bad they''re driving. I live in a big metropolitan area, and it stresses me out when I''m tailgated all the way to work and someone zooms around me on the shoulder at 100 mph on the freeway. People around here are raised to be rude, it seems.
These people make me CRAZY!!! Sounds like the BMW drivers in Los Angeles (no offense to BMW owners). They make my blood boil so much! In fact, while I was single, BMW drivers were on my "Do Not Date" list - no exceptions. People in this city seem completely oblivious to their surroundings. And while I''m at it, may I add clueless pedestrians? I think they annoy me more than any other group. Sauntering along, totally unaware of the traffic that surrounds them. I hate when I''m in a turning lane and halfway through my turn some idiot decides to cross the street when it clearly says "DON''T WALK". I actually Honk at pedestrians (please say I''m not the only one). This is a terrible confession, but I actually pretend I''m in Deathrace 2000 and calculate how many points I would get for each particular pedestrian. Oh well, it makes me feel better.
Date: 8/31/2007 10:44:31 AM
Author: risingsun

Date: 8/31/2007 10:10:16 AM
Author: Ellen


Do you think she recogized YOU?
Oh yes, she did
Shortly thereafter, she told me she didn''t think we ''clicked'' and left counseling
Imagine that.

Haven, thanks. Yes, I know the "kill them with kindness" CAN really irritate people. Maybe I should just start smiling and waving to these people. Might work, IF I can do it.

Madam, thank you for your thoughts as well. You raise good points of course.
Date: 8/31/2007 11:35:14 AM
Author: Madam Bijoux

Fess up, what drugs are you on
Hi, Ellen. Unfortunately (or fortunately maybe), I''m not on any drugs. I realized a long time ago that when a person makes me angry, that person is in control of me, and I refuse to let anyone but myself be in control of me. So, whenever someone cuts me off on the road or pushes ahead or me in line I just shrug it off. Getting upset and stewing about things like that just isn''t worth it. Also, if the other person wants to escalate the incident into some sort of fight, it''s important that you are not seen as the instigator if the police get involved.
I also try to not let the drivers around me bother me. I drive at the speed limit and no higher. If they seem to be having a real problem with that, I pull to the side and let them pass. I try to pick uncrowded routes and times, even if it takes me a bit longer to get to my destination. Safety first.

Our world is getting crowded. People assume that they are anonymous, and you will never know who they are or see them again. Otherwise, I think many of them would behave a bit better.
This reminds me of a really funny story. It happened to me about 15 years ago. I was merging on to the highway, and in the right lane of the highway (to my left as I''m merging) was a guy in some old mid-1970''s car going pretty slow with a huuuge gap in front of him because he was driving so slow. So I speed up, intending to merge in front of him, and he decides to hit the gas and block me. When we hit 80mph, I came off the gas and slipped in behind him.

Then... BANG! Smoke starts pouring out of his hood!!! He pulled to the side of the road and as I passed I could see his wife having cutting loose on him. That was just too funny - yes, there is a God!
I totally hear you, Ellen on the rude drivers thing!!

Yesterday, I was driving on the highway (3 lanes) and I was in the process of passing a truck. The truck was in the right hand lane and I was in the middle. Suddenly the driver decides he wants to be in the middle lane, where I was. I could clearly see his face in his side mirror, so I think that had he looked he would have seen me in the middle lane. The driver starts to pull his 18 wheeler into my lane and I'm not far enough back to slow down enough to miss the truck and not ahead enough to speed by him. I start LAYING on my horn and throw my left blinker on, hoping someone will let me in (it was crowded). He didn't even LOOK out his window (I was watching his face in his mirror to see if he would react at all so I wouldn't get hit. Luckily the guy in the left lane slowed down so I could swerve into his lane! I actually had swerved in slightly then back into my lane b/c I was worried I'd hit someone in the left lane, rechecked the lane quickly and swung over into the left lane. The truck driver never even looked -- I think he was talking on the phone (he had one of those headset phones on!!!

I was FURIOUS! I mean, he NEVER EVEN LOOKED to check the lane I was in.
I slowed down, pulled into his lane behind him and called the "how is my driving" number and reported him. I was so mad, who doesn't even check their mirrors or look at all when they switch lanes???? I don't do it in my little Honda Civic, and he was pulling that with an 18 wheeler.
I will say angry and upset as I can get by people''s inconsiderate actions, I am equally, if not more, thankful when the rare person actually *recognizes* their error and corrects it, or at least acknowledges it with an ''I''m sorry.''
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