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Date: 5/18/2007 10:04:23 AM
Author: zdrastvootya
Thanks everyone, for your insights. Good to hear opiniions from folks in the QC (isn''t that a tv show?). Our American friends must be falling asleep by now! Ally, I think you''re identifying symptoms of a few things. The ''siege'' mentaility of a french-speaking minority surrounded by an english-speaking majority. The kicker is that the minority is the majority in that province.
I met 2 Montreal girls on vacation and learned a few things. They were very friendly, and their English was quite good. One thing I found weird was they were translating their names into English. Marie introduced herself as ''Mary'' and her friend as ''Josie'' rather than Josee (ack, where''s my accent). It struck me that they didn''t really encounter anglophone Canadians that much, or they would know that they didn''t have to translate their names.
I think that was an indication of ''the divide''. Marie also told me, she''d never been to Toronto or anywhere in Ontario. She mentioned that her and her friends have encontered fairly often that servers in downtown Montreal restaurants don''t speak French. I don''t think she was angry about it, but more disappointed. I think Montreal is quite bilingual which is great, but still a divided city where there are ''islands'' of English-speaking.
Anchor, cultural/religiious accommodation is a hot topic for me right now. I picture myself (like a lot of Canadians, I suppose) as polite, tolerant, etc., but now we''re meeting the challenge of orthodox religions/cultures that have taboos/customs outside our secular society. I used to make jokes about someone who seemed inherently rude, and say ''it''s a cultural thing'', but in truth coming from a different culture doesn''t excuse it. I''m thinking now, if you don''t believe in Canadian core principles (like equality of women), maybe you shouldn''t come here. (Something I''d never thought I''d say - sounds very bigoted.) I''m wondering if this is a condition of citizenship? If so, I understand people give it lip service, but maybe we need to emphasize it more in immigration policy. (Of course there are people born here who don''t believe in these values, but we can''t kick them out
I note that in QC folks are willing to take a stand on the issue, because it''s inherent over there to protect French culture. Over here in Ontario, we''re not so used to this position and have been wimpy in dealing with the issue.
Hehe, maybe our american friends are falling asleep, but it sure is refreshing for me!

I have to admit that I do pronounce my name (Roxane) in English rather than French when I talk to an anglophone. I''m not sure why we do that... I go to Ontario several times a year; my mother''s family in from the Ottawa region. I''ve been to the Toronto area and Borden (the Georgia Bay is just stunning!) as well. Do you mind my asking in what area you are in ON?
Personally, I''ve never been anywhere in Montreal where I was no served in French. I don''t mind speaking English, but if someone answers to me in English, I usually politely ask if they speak French. They usually say yes and switch to French. I would be disappointed as well if someone was not willing to serve me in French. Our official language in French, so being a Quebecer and refusing to learn French would be (to me) like being American and refusing to learn English.
I''m with you 100% on the cultural/religious accomodation thing. I wasn''t aware you were having that kind of issues as well, although I shouldn''t be surprised. To me, your opinion doesn''t seem bigoted because I agree! If people don''t agree with our culture and way of life, why would they come here in the first place? Do they really believe they can try to change us?
As for how we dealt with it, I''m not no proud to say it took a lot for our government to finally stand up to it. They agreed to the first requests... and it took many petitions to have those "accomodations" removed. After a while, the government finally saw that the Quebecers would NOT allow their identity and culture to be slighted.