
How Green is Your Blue? How Blue is Your Green? Check this out :)


Apr 21, 2010
Hey everyone, I came across this super cool website which shows you colors that you identify as green or blue, and then it calculates your specific boundary/hue dividing what you call green from what you call blue.

More specifically, according to the website, "[t]
his is a color naming test designed to measure your personal blue-green boundary."


And, yes, I was entertained!

I took it twice!!

The 1st time it came up with hue 175 as my color boundary ("Your boundary is at hue 176, bluer than 68% of the population. For you, turquoise is green.").

The 2nd time the result was "hue 176, bluer than 68% of the population. For you, turquoise is green."

I already knew that I identify turquoise as more green than blue but it was interesting to see that I am in the minority (32%) doing so.

So, if you're game, check it out and let me know what hue your blue-green boundary is; only takes a maybe half a minute; happy Saturday! . Screenshot 2024-09-07 at 8.41.16 AM.png

Fyi, I found this in today's Washington Post "How to Read This Chart" column by Philip Bump (who I follow and adore).

Fun! Thanks for sharing @marymm !IMG_0216.jpeg
Sorry the color representation is so bad on my image! I took a pic of the computer screen with my phone to post it.

I took it twice - I got hue 176 the first time (it said I found turquoise green) on my phone; and hue 172 the second time (it said I found turquoise blue) on my laptop! So weird!
First time:
boundary is at hue 180, bluer than 85% of the population. For you, turquoise is green.

Second time:

Your boundary is at hue 178, bluer than 80% of the population. For you, turquoise is green.


But I also think turquoise is turquoise!
I got 174:

DK :))


Interesting, so 180 is the “official” bar!
I tried it multiple times to see if results would differ. My first result was 180, but as I began responding more quickly and instinctively, I settled at 174-175. Turquoise is green to me.
I did find when I took off my progressive lenses I saw things a bit greener, which is interesting as they are not tinted.

175 bluer than 59% of population.png
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I wonder if there is a similar test for other colors? Like is a color closer to yellow vs. orange.
Funny, because I also got 174, but it did not say anything about being in the median or neutral.

Screenshot 2024-09-07 at 2.31.45 PM.png
But I also think turquoise is turquoise!
+1. I suspect that most people, if not forced to choose 'blue' or 'green' would call the intermediate colours 'teal' or 'turquoise'.

but how does this work for people who's language does not have a seperate word for blue ?
Very good question!

I wonder if there is a similar test for other colors? Like is a color closer to yellow vs. orange.

Randall Munroe ('XKCD') did a survey in which people were shown colour patches and asked to name them (without forced choice). His report is here:

Here is his summary chart, with hue lines added:

Make of this what you will...
That's wild!


So: no wagering?

I got this, and was only one different on re-take:

Screen Shot 2024-09-07 at 5.27.08 PM.png

The mineral turquoise is always blue to me, unless it is old and oily, in which case it is clearly green.

Or is this really how blue is your monitor?

Cataracts add yellow to your world; I would guess that there is an age-dependency to this threshold number.

Also, toward the end when I was presented with more subtle distinctions and was prompted "THIS IS...," I kind of wanted a "REALLY IRRITATING" button instead of either blue or green. And showing a bluer screen after always makes that "look" blue even if it is still green(ish). I do not know the impact of that before/after effect. I know when I edit an image with Lightroom and adjust the color temperature, even a subtle shift looks wild; however, if I come back in an hour without the mental/visual bias of the original, I often realize that I have still way under-corrected the color temperature (yellow vs. blue).
+1. I suspect that most people, if not forced to choose 'blue' or 'green' would call the intermediate colours 'teal' or 'turquoise'.
Turquoise looks like turquoise to me, neither blue nor green. But since the only choices were blue or green, I think that sometimes I chose one, sometimes the other. I did the test several times and scored between 172 and 180!
So either I was inadvertently cheating, or I can’t trust myself to buy coloured gemstones. :confused:
It was an interesting and fun exercise nonetheless.
For me turquoise is green. (But it’s turquoise, actually)
So I guess I'll be the weirdo and say I could see different gradients in the so called turquoise they presented. One was always a little warmer than the other blue is a cooler color to me than green.

Some turquoise leans blue or green to me, but I think maybe I'm just really weird. Color sensitivity isn't always a bad thing.

Fun! Thanks for sharing @marymm !IMG_0216.jpeg

+1. I did the test twice, and had the same results as you, @Eli22.

I have two monitors, and the above was on the secondary monitor. I moved the test to my primary monitor (MacBook Pro laptop), and the results were 175, bluer that 66% of the population. For you, turquoise is green.

The mineral turquoise is always blue to me, unless it is old and oily, in which case it is clearly green.

+1 Same as your observation, @LilAlex.
173 and then 171, for me turuoise is blue :D
This was fun! So I’m very particular about my green, I suppose? :lol-2: What I wonder is how one’s preference for blue or green (favourite colour or dislike of either) determines this boundary between blue and green.
Didn't expect to get this result. I usually think of the mineral turquoise as blue. The screens I was presented with towards the end, I wouldn't describe as turquoise.


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I definitely think turquoise is in the blue range rather than the green range. I got 171. But I would assume screen calibration influences our choices to some degree.
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