
How long after marraige did you have babies?

We waited quite awhile to have children. We just had our first child 7 months ago, a day before our 5 yr wedding anniversary. It was the best gift ever! In hindsight, I wish we would have started just a *bit* earlier, as we are now in our mid and late 30's and we would love to have more children. So, hoping we dont run out of time. But then again, we had an awesome time just being together and having so many wonderful experiences, so I dont know! ;))
We waited 10 years to actually have kids. My nephew made me realize I want a child. Children are the most wonderful thing and also the thing that will make you worry the most but overall it is worth it and bring a lot of joy into your life and make love like you never knew you could love.

In between seven and eight years....

3 years, but it wasn't planned that way. We actually started TTC about a year and a half into the marriage and fertility issues caused us to wait another year and a half before successfully conceiving our first child.
I was 2 months pregnant on our first anniversary...I was 24 and he was 29....
Started dating: 3/14/06, me-17 him-25
Married: 2/29/08, me-19 him-27
DD born: 10/09/10, me-22 him-30

*Currently pregnant with DD#2, due 07/05/13, me-24 him-33*
We are planning to TTC at our one year wedding anniversary in July. We have been living together for over four years now and even though we just got married we have had a lot of time to spend together with just the two of us, take trips and plan for everything, so we will be ready by then. We've already had a house for three years and in all honesty if we weren't taking a vacation the week before TTC we would probably start now :lol:
I had my kids are ages 31 and 33. That was the bigger determinant than how long we were married. But we were married about 20 months when we had our son. We met and began dating when we were 26.
We met at 25 and 28, got married at 27 and 30, and started trying after we had been married 1.5 years. LO arrived 2 months after our second anniversary - we were 29 and 32. We want a few kids and I want to be done with pregnancy before 35 so we didn't want to wait too much longer.
Asscherhalo_lover|1367286659|3437056 said:
Just curious for those who went this route if you don't mind sharing.

How long after marraige did you have a baby? DH and I started dating when we were teens and got married seven years after we started dating at 22 and 23. I thought that by now at 27 and 28 we would be ready but we're just not. We have set a deadline that by our seven year wedding anniversary we will start TTC no matter. I will be 29 and he'll be 30. So that'll be seven years after marraige to start TTC. We were the first of our friends to get married but now quite a few who married after us are already pregnant. We will most likely be first ones married last to have kids.

So, how long did you wait?

This sounds exactly like my relationship! We met in high school, got married at 22 and started TTC at 28/29. Baby was born 3 weeks before DH turned 30, I was preggo on our 7th anniversary. I don't know that I was ever ready, but I'd held him off long enough and gave in. We're still some of the first to get married and have a child in our old group of friends, which has moved us on to find new family friendly friends.
FancyPantsSparkles|1367321565|3437230 said:
Asscherhalo_lover|1367316403|3437211 said:
Thank you all for sharing! I definitely do want children but it's more that we are waiting to be better off financially before having them. That's why for us two more years is the max wait, we may never be fully ready but we do want it and we will just have to start trying one day. We have been ignoring family bothering us about it since we got married :appl:

It's funny that you mention finances, as this is always a huge worry for most people wanting to become parents. DH and I went to lunch with his parents a few weeks ago and MIL flat out said 'Don't wait until you're financially ready. If we would have done that, we never would have had kids. You just make it work.' Thankfully, we don't have any debt, own a house (well, we're paying for it) and the only real bills we have are monthly things like electric, gas, phones, etc. At this point DH and I are NTNP and I'm happy with that. If we're not pregnant by January, I think we're going to take it more seriously and move it to the drs office to help things along. We got married in September, so we're still newlyweds. I'm 30, so we don't want to wait forever. DH told me on Friday that he is more concerned about me not being able to get pregnant than getting pregnant, so we're not going to do any preventing and see if we catch ourselves a baby lol
So true!! ,Had we waited we still be childless today.
We started dating at 19 and 20, married at 23 and 25. I was not ready to have kids anytime soon! We had DD a couple months after our 5th anniversary - DH had turned 30 and I was a few months away from my 29th birthday.

One of the reasons I decided we were ready to have a baby was because we knew we wanted a larger age gap between babies. I didn't want to wait until I was older to have #1 and then feel like we needed to try for #2 sooner then we wanted. I'm glad for that decision - DD is almost 4 and we're not ready to try again yet. Fortunately I feel like we still have some time (DH will be 34 in a couple weeks, and I'll be 33 this year).
We got married pretty young (me - 21, DH - 22) and waited a little over 13 years before TTC. We had our son about 1 1/2 months after our 14th wedding anniversary. :))
I am 15 weeks pregnant and our 2 year anniversary is tomorrow =) We have been together for over 8 years though. I am 30 and DH is 31.
We started dating when we were 18, engaged 6 months after we started dating, married at 20 and then had our first bub after 2 yrs of trying when we were 21. We are young parents, sometimes i wonder if we did the right thing but we wouldn't trade our little miracle for anything! (fyi he's 3.5 years old, and the cutest and funniest thing ever! he he ) I'm not keen on having another one (marriage needs work but more so i couldn't handle anymore) as i also had sever morning sickness (Hypremesis Gravidarum) amazing labour but a terribly unsettled colicy baby who didn't sleep through until he was over 1.5 y/o...... And I'm also studying at uni so really have the determination to finish uni so we can travel and have fun in life!