
How long will you be enjoying your engagement?

Not long. We will be getting engaged next June around our dating anniversary. We are still deciding what the wedding plans will be.
If we have an actual wedding, we intend for it to be in October 2011.
If we decide to elope, we may very well plan our elopement for later in the summer, making our engagement only a month or two.
Stay tuned! ;))
We had a 6 month engagement, and we didn't settle on a date or location until 2 months in and that was still plenty of time for us to get everything done. Any longer and I probably would've been extremely antsy, wedding planning just wasn't my thing.
I'm a bit conflicted about it at the moment and SO wants to wait to talk about that stuff until we actually get engaged so I'm really not too sure. We'll be getting engaged in the next 4 months and were originally thinking a 2012 wedding but he has also mentioned maybe next year so I really don't know, we also can't do anything in the winter because the weather in Chicago is too unpredictable and I'd be heartbroken if our out of town guests were unable to fly in due to a blizzard. To add to that issue I'll be planning a wedding from across the country and I know my mom will want to be involved which would mean I'd need some trips home which gets expensive fast. While I have no problem with a longer engagement, I also don't want to get sucked in to thinking about wedding stuff for 2 years because I'll drive myself crazy. We might go see some venues while we're home for Christmas so depending on if we find something we like, that may dictate the length of the engagement. Ugh after writing that all out it sounds a bit overwhelming...

So to summarize, I have no idea.
I'm not a LIW but my husband and I got married 14 months after getting engaged.
I hope not long at all! If it were totally up to me, I'd allow just enough time to find a date all the friends and family can make - a few months max **fingers crossed** - and then do it! My boyfriend and I live together, so I don't really care about the "engagement period" - we already share a life. I don't really want a big or expensive wedding either - spending months and months on the planning sounds like a logistical (not to mention financial) headache. I'd be totally content with visiting the local courthouse and then having a big party somewhere - a restaurant, a park pavilion, my back yard - any of that would be fine!

Am I that unusual? :confused:
Probably just over a year...If he proposes by the end of this year.

We're thinking an early 2012 wedding.
I want a year but it will depend on when he proposes and if I can get the venue and photographer I want for the date we've selected. Due to our work schedule the fall is best so if its not a year, it'll be a two year engagement. Here's hoping he proposes soon and that what I want is still avaliable.
paris29 said:
We will be engaged about 4 months, give or take a few days/weeks, depending on when he proposes. Planning is in full swing. Our wedding date is Jan 1, 2011. We had originally planned for a July wedding, but decided we didn't want to wait that long. We are both students so our honeymoon will be in the summer.

I am being a nosey nellie but I am curious about the wedding being planned but no "engagement"? If you are planning to marry and have planned the wedding already, then I think you are engaged, ring or no 8)
And we had 13 months between propsal and marriage! The date was chosen based on our venue availability.
I have no idea! I've always wanted a summer wedding outside on the beach, SO and I have also talked about eloping Vegas style or privately on a beach somewhere tropical, then have a reception when we get back and still do the traditional things like father daughter dance, cake cutting ... all that. Most people don't like going to the ceremony part anyways, but I know some people (SO's mom) would be very sad she missed the exchanging of our vows ... but really, it's something that's between the 2 of us, and I think it would be more intimate. So clearly I have no idea when or how this will all go down :rolleyes:

1 year is pretty typical though, so I would aim for that. In Canada we also have a stag & doe (Buck & Doe, Jack & Jill) whatever you want to call it, that usually takes some time to plan, along with the bachelor/bachelorette parties and the shower ... plus planning for the wedding.

ETA: Any other Canadian LIW?
This is an interesting topic.

The first time around I have about 2.5 year engagement and I definitely think that's too long. At that time, I was in law school and we were waiting for after graduation so we got married almost a year after I graduated. This time around I wouldn't wait that long. I'd rather 1 year max if possible. I do think that longer engagements can be more stressful but it depends on the type of wedding you're planning and the area that you're in. I know in the NYC/Long Island area it's standard for people to book venues 1.5-2 years before the wedding especially during popular months like spring/summer.

I would really rather have a DW or a small wedding here so we shouldn't need a longer engagement.
It's been 6 weeks (or so) so far, and all up it will be about 6 and a half months. Short compared to some, but plenty long enough to make all our wedding arrangements (well.... I hope!!). :bigsmile:
I'm thinking no more than 12 months because SO and I don't want a long engagement. We want the month to be in July because that's the month our current anniversary is in. It's also in between my b-day in June and his in August.
DuckLovingVegan|1294210316|2814734 said:
I'm thinking no more than 12 months because SO and I don't want a long engagement. We want the month to be in July because that's the month our current anniversary is in. It's also in between my b-day in June and his in August.

Our anniversary is in July too (the 19th). I kind of wanted to keep it but it might not happen.
We've been married for 3 years now, and we were engaged for 2 years, and 8.5 months. Very stress-free wedding planning, one thing I had alot of was time :bigsmile:

I'm in Victoria and we were married at the start of November, the day was a tad overcast but temperature wise it was perfect. It did threaten to rain all day though. April would be perfect!