
How much do you like the time change?

How much do you like the time change?

  • 1 I LOVE it.

    Votes: 4 9.8%
  • 2

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • 3

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 5

    Votes: 7 17.1%
  • 6

    Votes: 2 4.9%
  • 7

    Votes: 3 7.3%
  • 8

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 9 I HATE it.

    Votes: 24 58.5%

  • Total voters
It's never been for farmers. It has to do with energy conservation--coal burning back in the 1700's and most recently the 1970s energy crisis.

Indiana never observed it. We grow all the corn. That will help you remember we can't blame farmers!
That's what I get for only half listening to the radio yesterday! They said something about farmers haha..

5. Daylight saving time in the United States was not intended to benefit farmers, as many people think.
Contrary to popular belief, American farmers did not lobby for daylight saving to have more time to work in the fields; in fact, the agriculture industry was deeply opposed to the time switch when it was first implemented on March 31, 1918, as a wartime measure. The sun, not the clock, dictated farmers’ schedules, so daylight saving was very disruptive. Farmers had to wait an extra hour for dew to evaporate to harvest hay, hired hands worked less since they still left at the same time for dinner and cows weren’t ready to be milked an hour earlier to meet shipping schedules. Agrarian interests led the fight for the 1919 repeal of national daylight saving time, which passed after Congress voted to override President Woodrow Wilson’s veto. Rather than rural interests, it has been urban entities such as retail outlets and recreational businesses that have championed daylight saving over the decades.

Niel|1446563033|3945093 said:
Those who like it dark early should hate daylight savings, because it would be dark earlier always without it.

Not really, because it already naturally stays lighter later in the summer.

Light is never getting 'saved'.
Changing clocks does not change how many hours of light there is in a day.

This all boils down to ... when the days are shorter when you prefer to have it light, morning or evening.
I really don't care about mornings as much as I do evening.
Mornings are for getting the days ball rolling.
Afternoon/evening is when I'm getting off work, am most active and would appreciate more daylight time.
kenny|1446569099|3945138 said:
Niel|1446563033|3945093 said:
Those who like it dark early should hate daylight savings, because it would be dark earlier always without it.

Not really, because it already naturally stays lighter later in the summer.

Light is never getting 'saved'.
Changing clocks does not change how many hours of light there is in a day.

This all boils down to ... when the days are shorter when you prefer to have it light, morning or evening.
I really don't care about mornings as much as I do evening.
Mornings are for getting the days ball rolling.
Afternoon/evening is when I'm getting off work, am most active and would appreciate more daylight time.

I didn't say you get more light. Obviously. I said it would be darker earlier. Which is a measure of time, and the measure of time is altered in the summer, its not altered right now. You're saying you don't like how it is now, is standard time. So what were griping about is standard time, not savings time.
Niel|1446570780|3945151 said:
Which is a measure of time, and the measure of time is altered in the summer, its not altered right now. You're saying you don't like how it is now, is standard time. So what were griping about is standard time, not savings time.

The problem is that DST messes up our perception of how much light we have when the shift to standard time happens. If there were no DST, then the effect of the amount of decrease of daylight will not be as perceptible because it would be gradual and we would barely notice it. The adjustment would come naturally. With the 1 hour change, it seems very shocking to suddenly have it darker than usual even though standard time is what is actually the true time.
When I was in high school we had several years when we did daylight savings all year round. Some people complained it was not safe for children walking to school. I walked 3/4 mile to the bus in the dark and I was just fine. Bring it back!!!
We were also closed for two weeks in February for energy savings. I graduated 1976.
mayerling|1446553230|3945069 said:
CJ2008|1446523795|3945019 said:
I love it.

I am a hermit and love that it gets dark out earlier.
Love it for the same reason.

Hey mayerling! :wavey: nice to see you!

Nice to see I'm not the only hermit ::)
I hate both time changes so my vote was 5.

I like this time change better than DST. I have to be at work early and I go to bed early so DST is torture for me. Ditto being a hermit.

I just wish they'd leave it alone. I hate change in general.

Leave it to the government to not only take a good portion of my income but to mess with my clock as well!
one of my friends had this on FB and it made me laugh

CJ2008|1446574701|3945183 said:
mayerling|1446553230|3945069 said:
CJ2008|1446523795|3945019 said:
I love it.

I am a hermit and love that it gets dark out earlier.
Love it for the same reason.

Hey mayerling! :wavey: nice to see you!

Nice to see I'm not the only hermit ::)
I hate dealing with the time change because it throws the dog off. She could care less what time it is, if its dark its dinner time :lol:
It's not even 4:00 PM.
It's already getting dark in Southern California. :nono:
This is stoopid!
I want to change my vote from 7 to 9 - I was driving home on the turnpike at 5:30 in.the.dark .

junebug17|1446595747|3945359 said:
I want to change my vote from 7 to 9 - I was driving home on the turnpike at 5:30 in.the.dark .


Yup, I voted 9 because I was driving home from work around the same time today. It's horrible!
I kinda like the time change back to standard time. I'm not at big fan of sunlight and rarely outdoors during the day due to my job and since I'm usually at work until 7pm and drive home in semi-darkness anyway, the time change really doesn't bother me.

I like waking up in the morning with sunlight streaming through the blinds. It make me feel like I slept in longer, and my body feels more satisfied, even though I still sleep the same 7 hours.
I HATE it!
It sucks! It throws everything off, my kids' nap schedules, etc. I keep feeling like it must be sooo late, only to look at the clock and it's only like 7:30 p.m. or something. Just leave the time alone!
Ugh, I don't like it at all! :doh:
In the UK they attribute it to lesser car accidents in the mornings ànd not to energy savings.
Pyramid|1446608206|3945465 said:
In the UK they attribute it to lesser car accidents in the mornings ànd not to energy savings.

But wouldn't the additional accidents from an additional hour dark evening driving make it a wash?
Sorry I got it the wrong way around, I found an article on the internet that says that is what they were arguing for lesser accidents if they stopped moving the clocks. It said the practice started for dairy farmers and Germany was the first country to do it followed by the rest of Europe.
SO, why couldn't those friggin dairy farmers just wake up earlier in the winter, instead of friggin up the rest of the world? :angryfire:
I hate DST. I never fully adjust to it, and I function so much better on standard time. I like how it gets dark early, even though yes, it's freaky running an errand at 5:30 in the pitch dark.
kenny|1446867622|3946527 said:
SO, why couldn't those friggin dairy farmers just wake up earlier in the winter, instead of friggin up the rest of the world? :angryfire:

It's a misconception that its done for farmers. Farmers get up with the sun and work in the daylight. This doesn't effect their worked hours. It was done as a way to concerve energy

"The idea was first suggested in an essay by Benjamin Franklin in 1784, and later proposed to British Parliament by Englishman William Willett 1907. However, it did not become a standard practice in the United States until 1966. Daylight Saving Time was originally instituted in the United States during World War I and World War II in order to take advantage of longer daylight hours and save energy for the war production"
why not just change hours of operation/work hours? Is it some sort of Vulcan mind trick, like pricing something at 9.99 instead of 10? So we think we're playing w/the time continuum when in reality we're changing a clock?
I couldn't vote, because there is not a high enough number on your scale to sufficiently represent my disgust with daylight savings time.

It's super dumb.