
How to detect a moronic jewelry store employee

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The one who thinks an Ideal Scope is a tool to help them pick out the uninformed suckers that walk into their store that are Ideal for fleecing?
Gailey: "Which platinum alloy is this?"
SA: "What do you mean alloy?"
Gailey: "There''s a mix of metals in this ring, it''s not just platinum"
SA: "OH NO, all of our platinum rings are 100% platinum (at which point she is looking at me like I''m the troll)"
Store: Burks, nuff said
Every time I have gone into a mall store and asked any questions about the diamonds I am looking at I have gotten exasperated looks from the SAs. Almost like they are just annoyed with me because they don''t understand the questions.
before pricescope, we bought all of our jewelery at Kay.
I have a promise ring, bracelet and pendant.
I go there every once in awhile to get the diamonds cleaned and have the gold polished.

Well, the one time we were walking by the Kay at the mall and decided to go in and browse for erings. We were helped by a "friendly" man who seeing my "collection" told me (looking at my promise ring) Wow! you have had that for 2 years already? It is in such great condition! You can tell that you take good care of it!" of course, I was extremely flattered.

We looked at some "I3", J rbs and walked out.

Then the very next week, mr sales guy was standing by the entrance to the store and pulled us aside and asked if he could clean my jewelery for me. I said "sure". He took the ring first and said "man! That is disgustingly dirty! (which it wasn''t. I am very careful with my jewelery). When is the last time you had that cleaned? and look how scratched the gold is! It really needs to be polished too. tsk tsk".

It was obvious that he didn''t remember bf or I from our last "visit" so I thought i''d clue him in.
"yeah we were in last week looking at erings with you..." he interrupted
"ooh yeah! If I remember you correctly (he said to bf), you have one picked out but wanted to make sure she was happy with it so you were going to bring her in to see it. welcome back".

"No, I said. I was with him and we didn''t see anything we liked. We''re shopping somewhere else now. But thanks for cleaning my disgusting ring".

We got my jewelery back and walked right out of the store.
laughing all the way!

I''m so glad we didn''t buy anything that first time we went
No jewellery store stories but 2 jewellers stories...... I originally had a cushion in my e-ring that we sent back so had the original setting and a new stone (an OEC) but it needed an new head and we had nobody to set it.

The FIRST jeweller I called worked with antique stones so I called her up, spoke to her on the phone and told her the story. Sent her some photos of the ring (with the cushion in it). When we got the OEC, I called her again, and she had forgotten a little bit of the story so I had to remind her. She then proceeded to tell me that my ring was MUCH too delicate to work on at ALL and who even KNEW who had made it. It could have been ANY cheap place in Vancouver (um, I KNEW who had made it! It was made in New York at ID Jewelry - WTF?) and she just worried that it would all fall apart under her torch. I said "I can give you the PHONE NUMBER of the guy who made it if you want to talk to him" to which she replied "I just don''t DO things like this. I don''t know the solder involved etc etc......" (basically I got the impression the whole thing was now "beneath her" - by the way this was Rosemary at Era Designs, Vancouver. I was NOT IMPRESSED). I then said "Oh, okay - so your skill level isn''t up to par - that''s fine - I''ll find someone else. She was NOT impressed when I said that, I tell you.

Second jeweller was recommended by my appraiser as a guy who "can do ANYTHING" because now I''m worried that my ring is WAY too delicate to take being worked on again (it has ½ carat of 1 point diamonds all around it). I take it to him, he goes "yeah, no problem. What kind of head you want?" Just like that! I decided I wanted fishtail prongs to protect the OEC. You know what HE says? "Oh, you can''t have fishtail prongs with a round stone - NO SUCH THING" OH MY GOD PLEASE SHOOT ME! I''m like "Um, I believe that in the 1930''s and 1940''s there were a LOT of rings with fishtail prongs and the stones were ROUND". He''s ABSOLUTELY insistent that they just DO NOT EXIST and he pulls out the catalogue and shows me. "SEE, fishtail prong - PRINCESS CUT ONLY". By this time I was like - "yeah, whatever - give me that one..... I gave up........ so I got a double prong wire head...... don''t really like it much....... blah blah blah........ LOL
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