
Hug, please.

Awww poor baba! How upsetting. I'm glad to hear he's doing better.
I'm glad he's doing better. Have you considered a Nissen? I know surgery isn't ideal and shouldn't be the knee-jerk answer to everything, but it sounds like this is really affecting his growth and quality of life, and surgery might be curative.
Glad he's doing better. My daughter is in the 3rd percentile too, but it just seems to be the way she is. She's had tests for metabolic disorders based on blood and urine. DH and I are both thin When she recently got walking pneumonia, I actually cried because she stopped eating and my crying freaked my husband out. (I don't cry much.) Best wishes to you! It's a hard road.
Thanks for all the input.

He has caught a vomiting bug from daycare, so that isn't helping much. On the plus side, his spirits are fine since he is so accustomed to vomiting anyway. Of course, it stresses me out, numbers-wise. He is already a full centimeter below the 3rd percentile. My pedi software calculates him to being at the 0.08% - before illness! I also think I saw blood in his stool today. I have on call office hours tomorrow morning so I'll bring the diaper in to guaiac it.

Re: G/J tubes. There was a lot of discussion early on about periodically dropping an NG tube to augment his intake. Each time he gained JUST enough to keep that at bay. In truth, if they want to use NG tubes I would probably advocate for a temporary G tube instead. I know it's surgical but I feel like dropping an NG tube would only intensify his feeding aversion behaviors. Not to mention, having an NG tube preventing the LES from closing has always seemed nonsensical to me.

I've thought about fundoplication, but I'm not sure we're "there." It may be denial on my part... :?
Hi Munchkin -

I realize this thread has been quiet for two weeks, but I thought I'd pop in anyway!

My husband has had AR all his life, even when he was a baby. He was almost exactly like what you are describing (according to his mom, a special ed teacher and now administrator.) I just wanted to let you know he's healthy, kinda short (love him anyway!), but he still takes reflux medicine twice a day to keep any issues at bay. He set several records in athletics so obviously FTT didn't stop him. ;)

I hope this helps calm your nerves about your baby. Lots of hugs!