
I dislike necklaces...anyone else feel this way?

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I googled Thali and all I got was plates and plates of food?
Date: 1/14/2010 1:32:18 PM
Author: AprilBaby
I googled Thali and all I got was plates and plates of food?
Just tried too. Mmmm. . .seeing all yummy plates of goodies has made me hungry!
The only metal things I like wearing are rings.
Necklaces and bracelets bother me and I use my cell
phone instead of a watch.
I do wear an aventurine magatama all the time but it is on a cord.
I can''t stand turtle necks or scarves either.
necklaces and have a drawer full of them (nothing high end or valuable just inexpensive trendy styles). It''s the only jewelry that I wear and won''t leave home without it. Ironically, I HATE turtlenecks.
I love necklackes BUT I hate to have anything touch my neck. It bothers me...shirts, necklaces, scarves. I fight with the dentist and hygienist about that bib they make you wear.
It makes me sad as I find the aesthetic pleasing but can''t enjoy wearing them, well except that bib from the dentist part

A friend of ours who is very sweet bought all the girls necklaces for Christmas. It''s very understated and elegant, but it touches my neck and it makes me

I always thought I was a weirdo too.
+1 for "love necklaces, can''t wear bracelets."

Collars, chokers, chains, I love ''em all. I have everything from a two-inch-wide leather D-ring collar (don''t ask) to superfine 18" chains and rarely leave home without some kind of necklace on. But I cannot abide bracelets or watches and haven''t owned either since graduating law school (where I only owned a watch because I thought it was part of mandatory business dress; as soon as I learned better, into the drawer it went. I haven''t seen it in years and don''t have the foggiest notion where it is now).
A pic of my thali (the Tamil word for mangalsutra as Kama described)

22k. The chain is 22".

THALI99099 - Copy.jpg
closeup - best my dad could get, apparently

I don''t dislike necklaces but I rarely wear any I buy! I guess I rarely find necklaces I like. The only necklace I really wear are my strand of pearls for work.
i wouldnt say i dislike necklaces, but i really never buy or wear any! lately i''ve been contemplating buying one to round out my "daily wear" ensemble though. i''m stuck between the cartier love (w/ the interlocking rings) or a simple bezel solitaire pendant. an accquaintance pointed out a sterling silver tiffany interlocking rings necklace that is significantly cheaper though, in which case i could get that and the bezel too, hehe.

so even though i dont usually wear them, i feel i''m in need of one to complete my "set".
I like necklaces, but I think that mangalsutras are difficult to wear with western clothing. My mother insisted I have one for my wedding so we just bought mine in India last week. The black and gold combo won''t really go with any of my clothing so I''m afraid I won''t wear it much. I actually got only one charm since that is the new fashion. I can string the charm (which I actually like) on a plain 22kt gold chain, thus making it more wearable. This idea has appeased my mother.

I have never seen a thali like your''s - it''s lovely!
I think necklaces are pretty, but I don''t wear them. I personally can''t stand having anything even remotely close to touching my neck!! I don''t wear turtlenecks, either.
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