
I Finally Found One In My Size...

French cuts are sooooo cool!!!! Congrats!!!!
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French cuts are sooooo cool!!!! Congrats!!!!
Thank you! I miss my Tonk Yasmine horribly whenever I look at your avatar.
I saw this one on glad a PSer grabbed it!
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Thank you! I miss my Tonk Yasmine horribly whenever I look at your avatar.

My PS namesake "Arkie" was a much loved Tonk that I miss horribly too so I understand, do you have a picture of Yasmine? Tonks are wonderful cats - my avatar is Kat (the cat) short for Katsu he lives outside and we also have two inside cats - a blue and mostly grouchy Burmese called Zig and a recently acquired Sphynx kitten called Bat. The house is cat chaos most days :)
Yasmine is the Tonk on the lower right side. Her nose point was very distinct. Of course I miss them all. There’s only one left and she’s over 19 years old. Alexandra is her name and she’s to the left of Yazzie.
The ring has made it to the local post office. Scheduled for delivery today.
Congrats @DAF on this amazing find! :love::love::love:
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So frustrating! It's 7:29 PM and they were supposed to deliver the ring to DF's business. It's still "Out for Delivery". USPS is horrible - so unreliable anymore.
So frustrating! It's 7:29 PM and they were supposed to deliver the ring to DF's business. It's still "Out for Delivery". USPS is horrible - so unreliable anymore.

Oh, no!:cry2:
Just had to say I’m swooning over your french cut band!!! :love::love::love: Congrats!! Hope USPS gets on the ball and delivers it soon so you can share some handshots.
At 8:06 PM last night the item was marked as delivered...and signed for.:shock: Not by DF. I requested proof of delivery and this morning it was in my Inbox. DF tried to call the post office and they didn't answer the phone. He did an internet search on the name of the person who signed for it and found that she is a clerk at the municipal building in the town where DF's business is located. He called her. She said he would keep him updated on the package should she come across it again. The township municipal building is on the other side of town, on a different street and in a different zip code. He asked me to try to call the responsible post office. They picked up for me right away and the clerk was most helpful. She got a supervisor to pick it up and re-deliver to DF. Kudos to him for his detective work.

Sooooo...the ring is absolutely gorgeous and the diamonds so white. It's night time here and I've had a busy day. Tonight we get another Nor'Easter coming in. Had one last Friday that knocked out power for about 200,000 people. We are also getting another one this coming Monday. I'll post pics when the sun shines again.
Glad you got it! Whew what a relief! Be safe. I'll be riding this Nor'easter out too! Can't wait for pictures.
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