
I found my Unicorn 4.11 ct OEC due to the Magic of Pricescope

@lulu_ma I'm hesitant to take a detour on a thread dedicated to your gorgeous new diamond, but given you did ask. Here's an image taken from the GIA website. It shows what GIA considers to be the patterns typical of their three types of round diamonds.

GIA Round Diamond Facet Pattern Comparison Photo.png

The Old European designation has the smallest table and more of a pinwheel pattern. The Circular Brilliant has a larger table and longer lower half facets that create the flower petal pattern. It is possible to have a flower pattern with an Old European but the table and lowers have to be at the limits of those allowable by GIA for that designation.

In the above Old Euro photo you can see the tips of some of the lowers just starting to peek out from under the table. These will become more visible as the diamond is tilted backwards and forwards. This appearance and disappearance of the pattern can be beautiful and mesmerizing.

The trade seems to use the term "Old European" for both GIA designated Circular Brilliants and Old Europeans. You won't know which one you are getting until you look at the GIA cert. As far as I can tell there is no difference in pricing between the two designations. There is no "best" pattern, it's all down to personal preference.

As to what cut gives the most sparkle? Well that topic would need a thread of its own, but given we don't get the cut information on these GIA certs, it might not be of much use. You pretty much have to learn how to recognize a good cut by eye!

Thanks, @prs and thanks, @lulu_ma, for indulging my questions and tagging experts ;). In hindsight, I should have created a separate thread instead of asking here on your unicorn thread.
@Dmndsr4evr11 no worries! Post away! I still have OEC fever even though I got a beauty:lol:.

Yes, good OECs are tougher to find, but, perhaps that's one of the things that makes them more special:loopy:

And maybe the market is softening a bit. Dolly and Alex both have attractive 2 and 3+ stones available. Do have a sense of color range yet?
What a stunning stone! Congratulations!
I know I already posted on this, but I am way too excited for you!! This is such a lovely stone. I'm learning so much by other's research too so thank you for posting the details!
You’re so sweet @Sprinkles&Stones ! It’s so fun to share in each other blingtasic joy, right? I think it’s one of the best things about PS :)
I need a tissue.. the drool.. smh..wear it with pure joy congratulations!!
OH wow! I love that stone. That faceting! It's gorgeous!
Your so kind but honestly yours is in a class of its own:kiss2:
You're too sweet @secretagentdee ! And thanks for the melee info.

I need a tissue.. the drool.. smh..wear it with pure joy congratulations!!
@blingmeupscotty mine is just the baby bear in comparison to your papa bear :lol-2:

OH wow! I love that stone. That faceting! It's gorgeous!
@wildcat03 thanks so much! I admit I stare at her a little too much. I'm counting the minutes until she is set :D
So exciting! I was looking at Pricescope the day you got it. It’s lovely! I also have kids at home doing school remotely, and have been hungering for an OEC. I picked one and put a deposit, but I have to raise more funds to pay it off. I look forward to seeing yours set!
@Tourmaline Me too-hopefully soon. I look forward to seeing pics of your new OEC, too!


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I just saw a finished ring in that style on IG recently. I wondered if it was yours?!
I just saw a finished ring in that style on IG recently. I wondered if it was yours?!

Busted! I just started a Part 2 SMTB thread. I need a couple of days to take glamour shots:)
A video and couple more shots:



Alex thought this stone should have been graded higher color wise. Here she is between GIA L and M grading czs.

OOOH!! I was just looking back to the story of your stone after you mentioned working with Alex. I remember seeing him post about a stone coming back from GIA lower than he thought. I wonder if it was yours!?

I’ve always thought your diamond was stunning, and your ring is the perfect deco! <3
OOOH!! I was just looking back to the story of your stone after you mentioned working with Alex. I remember seeing him post about a stone coming back from GIA lower than he thought. I wonder if it was yours!?

I’ve always thought your diamond was stunning, and your ring is the perfect deco! <3

I think this one was already graded when he bought it, but then he acid boiled it to clean off the grime :)

Recently, he did the something similar with another smaller stone but he bought it, acid boiled it and then sent it to GIA. I think that one came back as an O/P.