
I have the diamond, now need the ring (HW Belle inspired)


Feb 24, 2013
My girlfriend loves the Harry Winston Belle e-ring. Anyone have recommendations on where I can get a ring inspired by HW Belle? I'm looking for a proven online store. I bought the diamond from B2C but am unsure of their custom e-ring abilities.


Re: I have the diamond, now need the ring (HW Belle inspired

Re: I have the diamond, now need the ring (HW Belle inspired

Thanks, I've seen their name in other posts on here. I'm just a little nervous about ordering a custom ring which I will be unable to return without a big restocking fee. I didn't see any rings that looked very similar to the Belle. I will check with them and see what images they can come up with.

The other issue that I have is that I have purchased the diamond from another jeweler. I don't know how that will affect the ring design and diamond setting aspect of my transaction.
Re: I have the diamond, now need the ring (HW Belle inspired

donnie1977|1361763411|3389631 said:
Thanks, I've seen their name in other posts on here. I'm just a little nervous about ordering a custom ring which I will be unable to return without a big restocking fee. I didn't see any rings that looked very similar to the Belle. I will check with them and see what images they can come up with.

The other issue that I have is that I have purchased the diamond from another jeweler. I don't know how that will affect the ring design and diamond setting aspect of my transaction.

Its fairly common to have a ring bought someplace and set somewhere else. Will cost shipping and probably to insure while being set, but its not uncommon at all. And i think they would do a lovely job
Re: I have the diamond, now need the ring (HW Belle inspired

What is your budget? I think any of our frequently recommended vendors - Steven Kirsch, Leon Mege, and Victor Canera can execute this. This design also reminds me of JbEG's Bella design.

Re: I have the diamond, now need the ring (HW Belle inspired


Apologies for the inappropriate post earlier.

Most Jewelers who do a custom job may have intensive labor costs involved than cannot be recouped, assuming it is all done by hand. However, they can recover the melee and metal and redesign another ring. More than likely the design is done via cad and you can request images and render, sometimes even a 360 video.

I see don't see this being an issue for any of the commonly referred Jewelers here. One thing to keep in mind is that the undercarriage of the halo (aka gallery) should be open so that your eventual wedding band can sit flush. Furthermore, you want a bead set ring (aka Pavé set). I have found that preset channel is not as pretty finished.

Also, don't go larger than 1.5mm melee.

Question: what are the specs on your stone (4 Cs, measurements, shape, etc).

Hope this information is helpful.
Re: I have the diamond, now need the ring (HW Belle inspired

pavejewelers|1361765835|3389660 said:

Apologies for the inappropriate post earlier.

Most Jewelers who do a custom job may have intensive labor costs involved than cannot be recouped, assuming it is all done by hand. However, they can recover the melee and metal and redesign another ring. More than likely the design is done via cad and you can request images and render, sometimes even a 360 video.

I see don't see this being an issue for any of the commonly referred Jewelers here. One thing to keep in mind is that the undercarriage of the halo (aka gallery) should be open so that your eventual wedding band can sit flush. Furthermore, you want a bead set ring (aka Pavé set). I have found that preset channel is not as pretty finished.

Also, don't go larger than 1.5mm melee.

Question: what are the specs on your stone (4 Cs, measurements, shape, etc).

Hope this information is helpful.

No problem. I just saw "removed".

The center stone is a 2.01 ct, VS1, J (Strong Blue), Excellent round cut diamond. I'm trying to keep the ring within $2,000-3,000 if possible. If I had the money, I would simply buy the HW Belle itself. Would your setting recommendations lead to a maximum brilliance? I guess that's what I'm really after.

Re: I have the diamond, now need the ring (HW Belle inspired

Honestly, maximum brilliance has nothing to do with it. ItIs just the finished product that will really matter.

That budget is very reasonable in my opinion. You may end up on the higher end of it, but for a good ring it will be worth the money. You have to be comfortable sending the stone to the jeweler if you want it done right because the corner gaps need to be symmetrical.

Short answers, you will get the brilliance you're looking for if you set the stone a little higher than the halo.
Re: I have the diamond, now need the ring (HW Belle inspired

For 2-3K, you won't be getting a ring from Steven, Leon or Victor. I say give ERD a call and get a quote. Their CAD work is usually very good and might be able to come within your budget. I am thinking a setting like that will cost $3500 to be done right.
Re: I have the diamond, now need the ring (HW Belle inspired

CharmyPoo|1361771555|3389743 said:
For 2-3K, you won't be getting a ring from Steven, Leon or Victor. I say give ERD a call and get a quote. Their CAD work is usually very good and might be able to come within your budget. I am thinking a setting like that will cost $3500 to be done right.

I am willing to spend more for better quality. It seems that all of the examples I have seen use a very simple round or square halo. I haven't seen one with the more elaborate angles on the halo like used on the Belle. I think that's why she likes it. It definitely stands out from most other halos I've seen. I guess I just need to make some phone calls. Thanks for all your input.
Re: I have the diamond, now need the ring (HW Belle inspired

Check these ones. I really think any of the vendors below can do it. However, I think your piece can most easily be accomplished through CAD/CAST. I also sense that you are the type of buyer who needs to see it first so a CAD project may be ideal for you. I would recommend going to ERD.

Work by JbEG
[URL=''][/URL] bella

Work by ERD

Work by Victor Canera

Work by Steven Kisrch. If he can make something like this, the Harry Winston design is no issue.

Work by Leon Mege.
This is out of this world
Re: I have the diamond, now need the ring (HW Belle inspired

Beautiful setting! As many others said if you want to go custom it is going to cost you more than 2-3K. If I were having something like that created I would want it to be handforged and I'd go with Leon Mege, Steven Kirsch or Victor Canera (but I think you'd have to increase your budget for the setting by a few thousand). I think cast will look too clunky. As much as I like the JBEG version charmy suggested I also think the HW halo is MUCH more delicate that the JBEG setting - so I'd stick w/ something closer to the original style your GF likes.

Here one that looks like it is pretty good quality if you want to go retail:

Re: I have the diamond, now need the ring (HW Belle inspired

bigdiamondtinygal|1361813863|3390023 said:
Beautiful setting! As many others said if you want to go custom it is going to cost you more than 2-3K. If I were having something like that created I would want it to be handforged and I'd go with Leon Mege, Steven Kirsch or Victor Canera (but I think you'd have to increase your budget for the setting by a few thousand). I think cast will look too clunky. As much as I like the JBEG version charmy suggested I also think the HW halo is MUCH more delicate that the JBEG setting - so I'd stick w/ something closer to the original style your GF likes.

Here one that looks like it is pretty good quality if you want to go retail:

I just spoke with Mark from ERD. He quoted me a price of about $3k. He even suggested that I offset the prongs by 45 degrees to fill in the open corners shown in the top view. He requires a $400 deposit to build the 3d image. I certainly hope it does not look too "clunky". Is that usually the case with these CAD designed rings?

Re: I have the diamond, now need the ring (HW Belle inspired

donnie1977|1361820476|3390137 said:
bigdiamondtinygal|1361813863|3390023 said:
Beautiful setting! As many others said if you want to go custom it is going to cost you more than 2-3K. If I were having something like that created I would want it to be handforged and I'd go with Leon Mege, Steven Kirsch or Victor Canera (but I think you'd have to increase your budget for the setting by a few thousand). I think cast will look too clunky. As much as I like the JBEG version charmy suggested I also think the HW halo is MUCH more delicate that the JBEG setting - so I'd stick w/ something closer to the original style your GF likes.

Here one that looks like it is pretty good quality if you want to go retail:

I just spoke with Mark from ERD. He quoted me a price of about $3k. He even suggested that I offset the prongs by 45 degrees to fill in the open corners shown in the top view. He requires a $400 deposit to build the 3d image. I certainly hope it does not look too "clunky". Is that usually the case with these CAD designed rings?


CADS do always look chunky. Dont let that worry you too much.
Re: I have the diamond, now need the ring (HW Belle inspired

Now that I have paid the deposit with ERD, Brilliance just got back to me with a quote that is $700 less. They seem to have great reviews. Any thoughts on Brilliance?
Re: I have the diamond, now need the ring (HW Belle inspired

I haven't heard of many people around here using Brilliance. I just looked at their site and to be perfectly honest the quality of the work doesn't look the same as the level of I've seen from ERD. ERD is a well respected vendor here and they have made many lovely halo rings which you can see close up photos of on this site. Although the brilliance quote may cost less, to recreate a ring like this which is quite unique in style, that is intended for my fiance to wear for years to come - I'd go with ERD over Brilliance hands down. I wouldn't want to take the risk with a little known vendor.
Re: I have the diamond, now need the ring (HW Belle inspired

Lovingwarmdiamonds|1361927251|3391333 said:
I haven't heard of many people around here using Brilliance. I just looked at their site and to be perfectly honest the quality of the work doesn't look the same as the level of I've seen from ERD. ERD is a well respected vendor here and they have made many lovely halo rings which you can see close up photos of on this site. Although the brilliance quote may cost less, to recreate a ring like this which is quite unique in style, that is intended for my fiance to wear for years to come - I'd go with ERD over Brilliance hands down. I wouldn't want to take the risk with a little known vendor.

This seems odd because Brilliance has nearly 6 times as many reviews on the reseller ratings site and many more reviews when googled. Their deposit is less at $250 and they say that they will redesign the 3D rendering as many times as I would like. This is limited with ERD. I'm kind of torn right now.
Re: I have the diamond, now need the ring (HW Belle inspired

donnie1977|1361925145|3391299 said:
Now that I have paid the deposit with ERD, Brilliance just got back to me with a quote that is $700 less. They seem to have great reviews. Any thoughts on Brilliance?

well think of it this way, if you want to switch now you would loose the deposit, right? so then that makes it the same price. So even if its the same quality, in the end your paying the same amount (sense youve lost the deposit)

I havent seen brilliance's stuff, but I can say ERD is just fantastic, and i know they will do you well. For me, $700 is worth the piece of mind in knowing "ive seen lots of there work, and it all looks very good". At least, it is for me, and im sure if you google "pricescope ERD" you will see a ton of quality work!
Re: I have the diamond, now need the ring (HW Belle inspired

I have never seen any examples of Brilliance work. Do you have links you can share?
Re: I have the diamond, now need the ring (HW Belle inspired

nielseel|1361928473|3391350 said:
donnie1977|1361925145|3391299 said:
Now that I have paid the deposit with ERD, Brilliance just got back to me with a quote that is $700 less. They seem to have great reviews. Any thoughts on Brilliance?

well think of it this way, if you want to switch now you would loose the deposit, right? so then that makes it the same price. So even if its the same quality, in the end your paying the same amount (sense youve lost the deposit)

I havent seen brilliance's stuff, but I can say ERD is just fantastic, and i know they will do you well. For me, $700 is worth the piece of mind in knowing "ive seen lots of there work, and it all looks very good". At least, it is for me, and im sure if you google "pricescope ERD" you will see a ton of quality work!

Thanks for helping convince me. I am sticking with Mark and ERD.
Re: I have the diamond, now need the ring (HW Belle inspired

Hello Again All,

I just saw another very similar diamond that might be better. I am trying to choose between the 2. Can any of you gleam anything interesting from the GIA reports? I will choose the best of the two for the big ring. I will try to upload the certs but here are the numbers just in case. These can be looked up here:

GIA Cert 1149557202 (2.01 ct) and 2146651815 (2.02 ct)




Re: I have the diamond, now need the ring (HW Belle inspired

How closely does it have to be to the HW, have you seen the Vatche 167?,17&startRow=0&id=137

It is about $2500 in gold, about $3000 in platinum.

Vatche is carried by many of the preferred vendors around here, such as Whiteflash, Good Old Gold, High Performance Diamonds, and Excel Diamonds.
Re: I have the diamond, now need the ring (HW Belle inspired

JulieN|1362477329|3396653 said:
How closely does it have to be to the HW, have you seen the Vatche 167?,17&startRow=0&id=137

It is about $2500 in gold, about $3000 in platinum.

Vatche is carried by many of the preferred vendors around here, such as Whiteflash, Good Old Gold, High Performance Diamonds, and Excel Diamonds.

That is a great looking ring but I think my girlfriend likes the asymmetrical look of the HW. I don't want to venture too far off that concept but thanks for the reply.
Re: I have the diamond, now need the ring (HW Belle inspired

OK, i see you have got ERD to do it, that's cool.

anyway, this one has a higher probability of being better, but I can't guarantee that: 2146651815
Re: I have the diamond, now need the ring (HW Belle inspired

are you buying your diamond from ERD too?
Re: I have the diamond, now need the ring (HW Belle inspired

nielseel|1362510329|3397008 said:
are you buying your diamond from ERD too?

I'm buying the diamond from B2C. They actually called me today to tell me that the 2.02ct stone is brown and cloudy. I'm wondering why none of that was noted by GIA.
Re: I have the diamond, now need the ring (HW Belle inspired

Here are the renderings from ERD. Mark said that the computer makes the edges look much more "hard" than how it will actually turn out. He also said that much of the detail will be added after the ring is cast. I like the way he rotated the prongs 90 degrees to fill in the corner gaps.

