
I just wanna say -- the random comments thread

Kelinas|1397703691|3654790 said:
The moment when you realize that you spent an insane amount of money buying acrylic yarn for chemo caps and nicu blankets ....

And missed the email missive that asked all caps to be made from cotton for the seasonal change.

Bought 17 skeins of yarn and I can't use them.
Well I can but I *can't* knowing that its not comfortable.
The entire point of making the caps is to bring comfort.

Dh thinks I bought it on purpose to add to my yarn stash.

I think sofa throw is now in the works..

So nice you are doing this Kelinas! What a lovely thing to do. And I am sure you can find some good use for the yarn you cannot use for the chemo caps. Something pretty for yourself and dh perhaps? Love the sofa throw idea.
TooPatient|1397705032|3654795 said:
Dee*Jay|1397655753|3654304 said:
Happy day after tax day kids!

In a moment of madness I agreed to do taxes at H&R Block this season on my days off from my regular job. The experience was grim beyond words (mostly attributable to one total bully of a "tax pro" in the office -- who I frequently overhead saying things that were just pain INCORRECT to clients), and the icing on the cake was the RAT who ran through the office, took a lap around the reception area, and headed down the stairs to the storage room at about 10 pm on April 14. Maybe he was frantically looking for receipts for his unreimbursed business expenses like every other client who came in the last few days. Needless to say I spent all of yesterday ready to spring onto my desk at the first sign of fur and whiskers.

But it's OVER.

Now back to my regularly scheduled life...

:lol: :lol:

I hope you get to have a few days off to relax after all that!

The guy who does our taxes won't even work with you if you put it off to the last minute. I've seen him e-mailing at all hours of the day and night as the deadline gets closer so I see why he put that requirement in his contract! (he's not all that strict about it, I think it is more just to get people to give him stuff already...)

LOL love a cute rat. I'm sorry but I just love all rodents. Yes I am weird. :cheeky:
Hope you are done with tax craziness DeeJay and are getting some much deserved R&R! Thank goodness my dh takes care of our taxes. I used to hate going to the accountant and having them done when I was single. Now my dh takes care of it with our accountant over the phone. Painless and easy and efficient.
I'm on vacation next week and I can't wait to see my college roommates and other friends. It's been too long. We're so spread out, we only see each other a couple times per year. I'm actually going to meet an old friend whom I haven't seen over 21 years. We have a lot to catch up on!
I'm craving chocolate, ice cream, treats like brownies, cookies, cupcakes, and pasta so badly. It doesn't matter that's only 7:30 in the morning. I haven't had any of those things in 16 months (to be exact!) but the cravings haven't gone away.
Missy how is everything? How are you feeling these days? My thoughts have been with you but I haven't been reading updates regularly since we moved.

Cozy- I'm sorry honey. Eat all the chocolate and drink some coffee, those are the only things that make me feel better at times.

As for me our babysitter last night let the dog out of the house TWICE....Yes that is right. Didn't even know she got our the first time and the neighbor brought her back and then someone she got out again via the back door (was missing for 5 hours before we found her), broke our water dispensor which has a child lock on it but seriously if she asked our 3 year old how to use it he would have showed her and then finally lost the keys we left her with which were MY house/work / car keys. I'm so frustrated I could rip out my hair. So now we have to pay almost $500 in new keys!!!!! Plus it will take 2 weeks for my new car key to arrive.

Sorry had to whine!
SB621|1398009931|3656604 said:
Missy how is everything? How are you feeling these days? My thoughts have been with you but I haven't been reading updates regularly since we moved.

Cozy- I'm sorry honey. Eat all the chocolate and drink some coffee, those are the only things that make me feel better at times.

As for me our babysitter last night let the dog out of the house TWICE....Yes that is right. Didn't even know she got our the first time and the neighbor brought her back and then someone she got out again via the back door (was missing for 5 hours before we found her), broke our water dispensor which has a child lock on it but seriously if she asked our 3 year old how to use it he would have showed her and then finally lost the keys we left her with which were MY house/work / car keys. I'm so frustrated I could rip out my hair. So now we have to pay almost $500 in new keys!!!!! Plus it will take 2 weeks for my new car key to arrive.

Sorry had to whine!


Time for a new babysitter!!!

Hope you're able to get someone good to take care of your kids AND not make problems around the house!
Thanks TP! She was a friend's HS daughter that we thought we would try out. She is a sweetheart in RL, and has 4 younger siblings so you would think she has it a bit more together.

I was hoping the keys would show up as it has been 3 days and we have been home with the kids, but still nothing. :nono:
SB621|1398009931|3656604 said:
Missy how is everything? How are you feeling these days? My thoughts have been with you but I haven't been reading updates regularly since we moved.

Cozy- I'm sorry honey. Eat all the chocolate and drink some coffee, those are the only things that make me feel better at times.

As for me our babysitter last night let the dog out of the house TWICE....Yes that is right. Didn't even know she got our the first time and the neighbor brought her back and then someone she got out again via the back door (was missing for 5 hours before we found her), broke our water dispensor which has a child lock on it but seriously if she asked our 3 year old how to use it he would have showed her and then finally lost the keys we left her with which were MY house/work / car keys. I'm so frustrated I could rip out my hair. So now we have to pay almost $500 in new keys!!!!! Plus it will take 2 weeks for my new car key to arrive.

Sorry had to whine!

Oh no Sarah, that really sucks. That babysitter has to go. After all you went through with losing your sweet dog last time and now this? Unbelievable. Not to mention the kids safety! Ugh, I am so sorry you are dealing with this when you have enough on your plate right now. Hope it all works out and you find someone reliable and trustworthy.

Thanks for asking about me. No real relief or help from any doctors or my own research yet. I have the doctors baffled and the pain just keeps on coming. Seeing a rheumatologist today but pretty sure this has nothing to do with that area but covering all my bases yanno? I am on edge much of the time and unfortunately now fighting with my mom. Pain can make you a little stressed and my mom brings out the worst in me sometimes. So on many fronts I am miserable. Sorry for my whining now. I am just not in good spirits these days. Hugs to you and your family and hope all smooths out on your end.
Bah so had the ultrasound today and the radiologist isn't sure if one of the lumps is a cyst or not. He wants me back in 3 months to see if there is any change.

Absolutely rediculus. I am so angry that they won't biopsy. He said because of my age and I'm not high risk. The only reason I'm not high risk is because we're waiting for genetic testing to come back!

I called my doctor but I can't get in for month. The receptionist had an attitude like "well he's already ordered tests". I did have her leave a note in my file that I want to be referred to the Princess Margaret rapid screening center. Receptionist says results will take 2 weeks. Then he might refer me.


I will call frequently looking for cancellations.
chemgirl|1398295408|3658798 said:
Bah so had the ultrasound today and the radiologist isn't sure if one of the lumps is a cyst or not. He wants me back in 3 months to see if there is any change.

Absolutely rediculus. I am so angry that they won't biopsy. He said because of my age and I'm not high risk. The only reason I'm not high risk is because we're waiting for genetic testing to come back!

I called my doctor but I can't get in for month. The receptionist had an attitude like "well he's already ordered tests". I did have her leave a note in my file that I want to be referred to the Princess Margaret rapid screening center. Receptionist says results will take 2 weeks. Then he might refer me.


I will call frequently looking for cancellations.


I'm so sorry it isn't just clear and obviously okay. Hopefully you're able to get in soon and have it checked. I can't believe they won't so much as do a biopsy?!? Especially if it is the sort where they'd be able to just use a needle to remove a bit!

Keep calling! Don't let them blow you off.

Do you have online messaging to your doctor? The lady I see (and the guy DH sees) all have online messaging. It may take a day or two, but their medical assistants make sure the dr's get them and reply. I usually see a reply directly from the dr within 24 hours.
Another option might be to call after hours and leave a message. Apparently the medical assistant is the one in the office we go to that listens to all messages. She passes on billing/scheduling to the other lady but takes care of more urgent stuff herself (with the dr).

Big hugs!
Hope you're able to get in soon and can confirm it is just a cyst.
Had a good day today (accept with the friend situation), had some retail therapy.....bought 3 more polishes AND a skirt :appl: Received mood two polishes in the mail today... :appl: :appl: :appl:
TooPatient, unfortunately the receptionist is the gatekeeper. I've had questions before and she's never bothered to leave notes. I'm hoping she actually leaves a note this time. The place I want to be referred to is a cancer center so she had an attitude about my being referred without a diagnosis. She didn't know about the rapid screening center so I hope she wrote it down. They advertise it as referral to diagnosis in 48 hours. They also do breast MRI where the local hospital doesn't.

Annoying part is that if this genetic testing was faster (so far have been waiting since October), I may qualify as high risk and be a patient there already. Then I could go for routine screenings there.

I know it's still probably nothing, but hard to convince myself of that right now.
chemgirl|1398348189|3659107 said:
TooPatient, unfortunately the receptionist is the gatekeeper. I've had questions before and she's never bothered to leave notes. I'm hoping she actually leaves a note this time. The place I want to be referred to is a cancer center so she had an attitude about my being referred without a diagnosis. She didn't know about the rapid screening center so I hope she wrote it down. They advertise it as referral to diagnosis in 48 hours. They also do breast MRI where the local hospital doesn't.

Annoying part is that if this genetic testing was faster (so far have been waiting since October), I may qualify as high risk and be a patient there already. Then I could go for routine screenings there.

I know it's still probably nothing, but hard to convince myself of that right now.

I hate it when places are set up like that. Would the cancer center be willing to put a request in for a referral? I know they don't usually, but maybe they'd know enough to get around the gate keeper...
Woot! Doctor called me and said he has seen my films and is confident that its a fibroadenoma caused by the fibrocystic breast issue.

He also said the ultrasound tech should never have said that he saw a concerning mass that's not a cyst. He said he understands why I'm not happy with my local hospital and is sending me to the diagnostic clinic at the cancer center so I can get a second opinion.

Eta: I was speaking with the tech yesterday and not the radiologist. That'll teach me to wear my glasses and read name tags.
Chemgirl-- That is great!

Sorry you had to go through the worry! A tech is NEVER supposed to say anything like that. Good or bad. Not even a hint.
With all of the MRIs DH had done last year, I learned quickly that the most they are supposed to say is that the Radiologist will prepare a report and send to requesting dr. It was super frustrating, but I guess your situation shows the logic of those policies...

Glad your dr called to let you know and is sending you for extra checking just to be extra safe. :))
chemgirl|1398370826|3659341 said:
Woot! Doctor called me and said he has seen my films and is confident that its a fibroadenoma caused by the fibrocystic breast issue.

He also said the ultrasound tech should never have said that he saw a concerning mass that's not a cyst. He said he understands why I'm not happy with my local hospital and is sending me to the diagnostic clinic at the cancer center so I can get a second opinion.

Eta: I was speaking with the tech yesterday and not the radiologist. That'll teach me to wear my glasses and read name tags.

Hey Chemgirl, I am relieved it turned out to be OK! And I am glad you are able to get that referral for a second opinion. Crazy you had to work so hard to get the opportunity for a second opinion. I just don't get it and how unprofessional of that tech. He needs to be re-educated. Good luck with your 2nd opinion and enjoy the fact you are well!!!
missy|1398374749|3659375 said:
chemgirl|1398370826|3659341 said:
Woot! Doctor called me and said he has seen my films and is confident that its a fibroadenoma caused by the fibrocystic breast issue.

He also said the ultrasound tech should never have said that he saw a concerning mass that's not a cyst. He said he understands why I'm not happy with my local hospital and is sending me to the diagnostic clinic at the cancer center so I can get a second opinion.

Eta: I was speaking with the tech yesterday and not the radiologist. That'll teach me to wear my glasses and read name tags.

Hey Chemgirl, I am relieved it turned out to be OK! And I am glad you are able to get that referral for a second opinion. Crazy you had to work so hard to get the opportunity for a second opinion. I just don't get it and how unprofessional of that tech. He needs to be re-educated. Good luck with your 2nd opinion and enjoy the fact you are well!!!

Great news chemgirl, really pleased for you!

On a slight tangent: I'm sitting my final ever specialist exams next week. They are very hard and only have a pass rate of 40%. I've been ill with a virus for the last 48 hours. I am not in top shape. Hoping against hope, can I please ask for some spare dust from my PS family? I have been working for six years towards my dream to be the best oncologist I can be. I realise my chances of passing this time are very small, but please keep me in your prayers if you can. Thank you!
Dust Rosetta!

Sending good thoughts your way.
Rosetta-- Feel better! Sending lots of dust and healthy thoughts your way!
Sending you buckets of dust rosetta!!! Get better soon and good luck on the exams-I have faith in you and you will do great! :appl: :appl: :appl:
rosetta|1398439802|3659874 said:
missy|1398374749|3659375 said:
chemgirl|1398370826|3659341 said:
Woot! Doctor called me and said he has seen my films and is confident that its a fibroadenoma caused by the fibrocystic breast issue.

He also said the ultrasound tech should never have said that he saw a concerning mass that's not a cyst. He said he understands why I'm not happy with my local hospital and is sending me to the diagnostic clinic at the cancer center so I can get a second opinion.

Eta: I was speaking with the tech yesterday and not the radiologist. That'll teach me to wear my glasses and read name tags.

Hey Chemgirl, I am relieved it turned out to be OK! And I am glad you are able to get that referral for a second opinion. Crazy you had to work so hard to get the opportunity for a second opinion. I just don't get it and how unprofessional of that tech. He needs to be re-educated. Good luck with your 2nd opinion and enjoy the fact you are well!!!

Great news chemgirl, really pleased for you!

On a slight tangent: I'm sitting my final ever specialist exams next week. They are very hard and only have a pass rate of 40%. I've been ill with a virus for the last 48 hours. I am not in top shape. Hoping against hope, can I please ask for some spare dust from my PS family? I have been working for six years towards my dream to be the best oncologist I can be. I realise my chances of passing this time are very small, but please keep me in your prayers if you can. Thank you!

Rosetta, you're a brilliant physician! I'm sending you heaps of dust that your exam results reflect the time and effort you're put into your endeavours, because you really deserve them. :))
Chemgirl, so glad you were able to speak to the doctor and receive good news!

Rosetta, will be keeping you in my thoughts and sending tons of dust - I admire you for your dedication and hard work in such an important and difficult field, the world needs more people like you.

Missy, you continue to be in my thoughts, hope you are hanging in there, my heart goes out to you for all you are going through.
On a slight tangent: I'm sitting my final ever specialist exams next week. They are very hard and only have a pass rate of 40%. I've been ill with a virus for the last 48 hours. I am not in top shape. Hoping against hope, can I please ask for some spare dust from my PS family? I have been working for six years towards my dream to be the best oncologist I can be. I realise my chances of passing this time are very small, but please keep me in your prayers if you can. Thank you![/quote]


Wishing you continued success--never any doubt you'll be anything but excellent! Prediction: you'll finish top 5%! :appl:

Thank you so much Junebug. I hope all is well by you. :wavey:

Sharon, so glad to see you. I've missed you. :wavey:
missy|1398549190|3660808 said:
Thank you so much Junebug. I hope all is well by you. :wavey:

Sharon, so glad to see you. I've missed you. :wavey:

Missy--you are the sweetest person: I unruffled my panties :bigsmile: and thought I would post. I had no idea anyone would notice! :wavey:

It is the one weekend of the year that I hate being down here - Alumni Weekend. It's been 9 years now, of updates and photos of my amazing friends, back on campus, at our house, eating at my favourite restaurants, and I'm consumed with jealousy every time. If I have a break from placements in April next year, I must go. I can't handle it for the tenth year running, lol.
When we lived in the states we had a wonderful part time nanny help me with the kids. She was absolutely amazing and sometimes she would bring her little cousin to play with my son since they are both the same age. He was a sweet little boy, so well mannered and loved to play with my son. We found out very late last night that the little boy went to spend the night at his grandmother's house. In the middle of the night someone for whatever random reason fired on the house. He was hit and as of this morning is brain dead. He is only 3 years old.

In the last 18 months we have watched 4 other friends lose their children, I think everything is finally getting to me and I'm having my long needed emotional breakdown today about it. My heart just hurts for the families and I want to wrap up my own children and protect them though I know I can't against everything in the world. Please keep the "W" family in your prayers or thoughts today. I know they need it. I can't imagine how hard the next few hours are as they say goodbye to their son.
SB621|1398582426|3661088 said:
When we lived in the states we had a wonderful part time nanny help me with the kids. She was absolutely amazing and sometimes she would bring her little cousin to play with my son since they are both the same age. He was a sweet little boy, so well mannered and loved to play with my son. We found out very late last night that the little boy went to spend the night at his grandmother's house. In the middle of the night someone for whatever random reason fired on the house. He was hit and as of this morning is brain dead. He is only 3 years old.

In the last 18 months we have watched 4 other friends lose their children, I think everything is finally getting to me and I'm having my long needed emotional breakdown today about it. My heart just hurts for the families and I want to wrap up my own children and protect them though I know I can't against everything in the world. Please keep the "W" family in your prayers or thoughts today. I know they need it. I can't imagine how hard the next few hours are as they say goodbye to their son.

This makes my heart ache. You're not talking about a war-torn, third world country here - the fact these things happen to families in the US in 2014 is simply unacceptable. I am so very sorry for his parents and the whole family - and you, too, Sarah. You'll all be in my prayers.
canuk-gal|1398531562|3660617 said:
On a slight tangent: I'm sitting my final ever specialist exams next week. They are very hard and only have a pass rate of 40%. I've been ill with a virus for the last 48 hours. I am not in top shape. Hoping against hope, can I please ask for some spare dust from my PS family? I have been working for six years towards my dream to be the best oncologist I can be. I realise my chances of passing this time are very small, but please keep me in your prayers if you can. Thank you!


Wishing you continued success--never any doubt you'll be anything but excellent! Prediction: you'll finish top 5%! :appl:


Sharon, feel better, prayers, and dust. I have a feeling you'll ace it!! :wavey:
re. that Point Me To the Drama thread:

Post by Dancing Fire » 27 Apr 2014 13:39
Just enter the word "Kenny" then click search!... :lol:..
say what ever you want about drama threads, but they do get a lot of views... :bigsmile: 'If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen'

Seriously, Dancing Fire. LMBO :lol:
