
I just wanna say -- the random comments thread

Enerchi|1406845815|3724054 said:
I know you are good for it!! :wink2:

Fabulous news!! how are you going to celebrate? or rather... which glass will you be using to celebrate *WITH*!! HAHAHA!

Well... I *might* have had a little nip of the ol' malbec when I saw the license number come up on the site! The CB is on his way down from his place now and there is a nice dinner* in my future. (*Translation: There is some nice wine in my future and I will do my best to have some food with it!)
(*Translation: There is some nice wine in my future and I will do my best to have some food with it!)

TOO funny!!! you and I cook from the exact recipe book so I know it could very well be a bag of nachos and salsa!! Hey- its a grain and a vegetable serving - plus the fruit from the wine - you've almost got a complete meal there!!
Enerchi|1406846658|3724067 said:
(*Translation: There is some nice wine in my future and I will do my best to have some food with it!)

TOO funny!!! you and I cook from the exact recipe book so I know it could very well be a bag of nachos and salsa!! Hey- its a grain and a vegetable serving - plus the fruit from the wine - you've almost got a complete meal there!!

Melt a little cheese on top of those nachos for protein and I think we've got the whole food pyramid!
Dee Jay!!!!! Woohoo!!!!!! Congratulations!!!! I never doubted you for a second! All that hard work paid off and you are the woman!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Enjoy your celebration! You deserve it!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Thank you Missy! I was getting concerned about the (ridiculous) amount of time it was taking the state to process my application but the thing that was missing was just an administrative item and not some big deficiency in my experience or education that would kick me out of the system for good. Having passed the last of these exams in OCTOBER I am more than thrilled to finally have that piece of paper (or at least online validation at this point -- the paper will come in the mail later)!

I've been following your thread BTW and it sounds like things are going to pan out in a positive way for your work. I'm so happy for you about that!
Congratulations DeeJay!!!! Enjoy the wine!
Dee*Jay|1406848181|3724075 said:
Thank you Missy! I was getting concerned about the (ridiculous) amount of time it was taking the state to process my application but the thing that was missing was just an administrative item and not some big deficiency in my experience or education that would kick me out of the system for good. Having passed the last of these exams in OCTOBER I am more than thrilled to finally have that piece of paper (or at least online validation at this point -- the paper will come in the mail later)!

I've been following your thread BTW and it sounds like things are going to pan out in a positive way for your work. I'm so happy for you about that!

Wow, that's a very long time the state took in processing your application. I would have been worried too! I am thrilled for you and I know how hard you worked and how much you sacrificed to achieve this Dee Jay. Enjoy your (make it a big one!) celebration! :appl:

And thanks for your good wishes and encouragement too!
Thank you Callie! And the wine was lovely!

Missy, I did a bad job of explaining that the state also has an experience requirement that has to be met and I didn't hit that goal until May of this year so I didn't mail my application until May 29. It only took about 8 weeks for processing, not 9 months -- sorry that wasn't clear! Believe me, if the state took 9 months to process aps there would be an absolute MUTANY among IL CPA candidates! :lol:
I'm snuggling my kitty and thinking I'm lucky to have her after a major health scare a few years ago.

Thanks Missy for guiding me through the process of veterinary referrals and explaining exactly which procedures I needed to ask about.

My precious little monster is here because of you!
Chemgirl and Missy: :appl: :appl: :appl:
Oh my but Robinson Design Gallery's closing down sale is tempting! Unfortunately there's just no way I can justify spending a few thousand on a blingy flower ring that's only going to get worn a few times per year - if that. :blackeye:
Chemgirl, So glad your baby is doing well. A big thank you to Missy for helping Chemgirl. It amazes me the love we all have for our furbablies. So glad I'm not alone.
PSA: everyone needs a dashcam. Also leave it running while you have your car serviced.

I can't get into details because I'm still trying to work out a settlement. I had my car serviced yesterday at a high end car dealership and it came back with quite a bit of damage. My dashcam automatically turns on when the car is on so lucky for me the mechanics kept it idling a lot. What happens at this dealership is shocking.

I Googled "dashcam dealership" and found loads of video. None quite as socking as mine, but enough to realize that this is a widespread problem.
Chemgirl, Oh my gosh are you serious. I can't wait to hear the story on this one.
Chemgirl, I am so so happy your precious kitty is doing so great and snuggling with you all these years later. Biggest (((hugs))) to both you and your sweet kitty!

And you have me very curious about what happened today at the mechanics. We don't have a dashcam but sounds like it might be worth getting. Hope your case is resolved to your satisfaction.
Calliecake|1407448364|3728133 said:
Chemgirl, Oh my gosh are you serious. I can't wait to hear the story on this one.

Since I'm not naming names and I don't have to sign anything I guess its OK to share.

I had my car in for an oil change and the dealership washes the cars before returning them. Two of the guys in the washing bay had an argument. One was behind the wheel and the other was supposed to wash the windshield. Well windshield guy grabbed the squeegee with both hands and swung it into the hood of the car. Squeegee shaped dent that DH didn't notice when the car was delivered.

Have a very damning video helps with service :lol:

They will be replacing the hood. They also dropped off a loaner that is much nicer than my car. Now I'm a VIP client lol.

I'm not really upset anymore because they have dealt with it.
A friend & his gf just had a baby last week. Being the uber crafty person I am, I've made blankets, booties, hats and this.

Not done yet since I still have to weave ribbons and make either shoulder straps or a halter top.
I thought it was cute, but I could be bias :bigsmile:

TooPatient, I just want to let you know I am thinking of you and hoping you and your family are doing OK. Not to pry but just wanted you to know that and hope you are OK. We are here for you. (((Hugs))).

Kelinas, how thoughtful of you and it is very cute!
OHmymy! Wellwellwell. Who knew?

Speedo Hydrobra swinsuit. Nuf said! :naughty:

My department has enough surplus budget to hire another person for the same position I have. They posted the job this week, while I'm on vacation. The pay? Higher than I'm making. :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire:
DH and I may have to tell "A" that her mother is in the hospital.
She's really lost it mentally (again) and her sister has the police over doing a welfare check right now. (The sister is a dr in the field) Likely to be kept involuntarily.

A's b-day is 10 days away...

ETA: She had swung back to okay enough that the police decided she is not a danger. Not sure how.
Going to be an interesting week anyway... She is supposed to be going to see someone to manage her medications and stuff. May still end up in the hospital. The sister is supposed to let us know what is going on. In the mean time, I am going to shift her visit with "A" this week to give her more time to get re-balanced. DH & I are going to keep "A" safe and right now her mother is not safe.
missy|1407933586|3731439 said:
TooPatient, I just want to let you know I am thinking of you and hoping you and your family are doing OK. Not to pry but just wanted you to know that and hope you are OK. We are here for you. (((Hugs))).

Kelinas, how thoughtful of you and it is very cute!

Thanks Missy!

Life is never boring around here... I would LOVE for it to be boring for a change!

Will try to check in later. Lots going on right this second. (as you saw from my last post :nono: )
WHY am I posting on PS a 2:06 am? Because it's raining.

I've had water in my unit 5 times in the past 60 days. Only once in a major way (as in a ruin 2,800 square feet of newly installed hardwood floors sort of way) but I am in utter fear that it will happen again. The association is being forced to fix the most major of the problems because the CB contacted his friend the plumbing commissioner who issued a violation against the building, but I talked to the president of the association today and he doesn't even understand WHAT ELSE needs to be done to make this a valid fix. My only hope is that the City won't sign off on the fix until it's done right, and the CB will be totally in front of that, but I just need this DONE and DONE RIGHT. I can hear water gurgling p in both showers, both toilets, and the mechanical room drain right now. The check valves are holding... SO FAR... What a fvcking PITA.
This is a stupid little thing. A former coworker and more aptly named frenimie posted in the line of comments when I made a brief post about the engagement for friends. She said "Congratulations, now get off Facebook and spend time with your sweetie".

I ignored it, but wonder when the expiration date is for rude former coworkers?
moneymeister|1408694684|3737363 said:
This is a stupid little thing. A former coworker and more aptly named frenimie posted in the line of comments when I made a brief post about the engagement for friends. She said "Congratulations, now get off Facebook and spend time with your sweetie".

I ignored it, but wonder when the expiration date is for rude former coworkers?

Ugh, that would piss me off too moneymeister. Very condescending and it sounds like she might be jealous or not truly happy for you. Would you consider blocking her? I would. I don't want negativity like that in my life.

Dee*Jay said:
WHY am I posting on PS a 2:06 am? Because it's raining.

I've had water in my unit 5 times in the past 60 days. Only once in a major way (as in a ruin 2,800 square feet of newly installed hardwood floors sort of way) but I am in utter fear that it will happen again. The association is being forced to fix the most major of the problems because the CB contacted his friend the plumbing commissioner who issued a violation against the building, but I talked to the president of the association today and he doesn't even understand WHAT ELSE needs to be done to make this a valid fix. My only hope is that the City won't sign off on the fix until it's done right, and the CB will be totally in front of that, but I just need this DONE and DONE RIGHT. I can hear water gurgling p in both showers, both toilets, and the mechanical room drain right now. The check valves are holding... SO FAR... What a fvcking PITA.

Oh no Dee, I am sending you bucket loads of dry dust for fixing the problem(s) so you never have any water issues again! Water is the enemy and we have been through it at the beach house so I understand. I am glad your CB is on it helping you and I hope the issues are fixed soon and permanently with no more damage to your lovely home.

TooPatient Hope things are going more smoothly for you and that everyone is doing well.
Dee*Jay|1408691698|3737351 said:
WHY am I posting on PS a 2:06 am? Because it's raining.

I've had water in my unit 5 times in the past 60 days. Only once in a major way (as in a ruin 2,800 square feet of newly installed hardwood floors sort of way) but I am in utter fear that it will happen again. The association is being forced to fix the most major of the problems because the CB contacted his friend the plumbing commissioner who issued a violation against the building, but I talked to the president of the association today and he doesn't even understand WHAT ELSE needs to be done to make this a valid fix. My only hope is that the City won't sign off on the fix until it's done right, and the CB will be totally in front of that, but I just need this DONE and DONE RIGHT. I can hear water gurgling p in both showers, both toilets, and the mechanical room drain right now. The check valves are holding... SO FAR... What a fvcking PITA.

Oh NO!!!

I'm sorry you're going through this. Hopefully they'll get someone good in to do a nice repair and you can go back to enjoying your nice (dry) home :))
Missy -- Sort of better but sort of worse. She is still having issues but not so serious that she can be held without her okay. That is sort of good because she is sounding better than she had been but it is bad because she isn't getting help voluntarily and until they get her sorted out she's likely to continue these massive swings. To add to the fun, her sister is going on vacation and won't be available to help. (she's the only family and even though she lives on the opposite coast, she's able to get help when needed -- doesn't hurt that she's a psychologist so knows where to go and family so can reasonably call the help)
Apropos of nothing... sometimes joy is in the little things: Recently found out one of my favorite trilogies (by Mary Longstreet Wallace) is actually a quartet - yay! - and the 4th book just come in the mail today *along* with The Courtship of Eddie's Father (Season One) DVD - I am so happy!
Oregon Swallowtail Butterfly sipping nectar from my Zinnias this morning. I love summer.


