
I just wanna say -- the random comments thread

Date: 2/25/2010 7:46:55 PM
Author: Maisie
I love how my cat Gracie has grown to trust me enough that she sleeps on my bed with me.
Awww - that''s so nice!! Makes me think about my kitty - she did that with me every night!
Date: 2/25/2010 7:54:53 PM
Author: joflier
Date: 2/25/2010 7:46:55 PM

Author: Maisie

I love how my cat Gracie has grown to trust me enough that she sleeps on my bed with me.
Awww - that''s so nice!! Makes me think about my kitty - she did that with me every night!

It''s a huge step forward for her. I think she was nervous of my husband. I prefer sleeping with her anyway. She doesn''t take up the whole bed
Date: 2/25/2010 7:57:13 PM
Author: Maisie

Date: 2/25/2010 7:54:53 PM
Author: joflier

Date: 2/25/2010 7:46:55 PM

Author: Maisie

I love how my cat Gracie has grown to trust me enough that she sleeps on my bed with me.
Awww - that''s so nice!! Makes me think about my kitty - she did that with me every night!

It''s a huge step forward for her. I think she was nervous of my husband. I prefer sleeping with her anyway. She doesn''t take up the whole bed
Bet she doesn''t snore, either!
kitteh snuggles are some of the best kind! Next to bebe snuggles that is!!
No snoring, no stealing the duvet. And no bad attitude! She is the perfect buddy!

HH, The only one who beats her on hugs is James, he whispers that I''m beautiful. You can''t beat that! He is still my baby!
Awww James is such a good little man!
He is. It''s hard to believe how different he is from his dad. Thank goodness. Ok, now it''s the pms talking!
Hahaha no it''s not, that''s honesty talking! Take it as a compliment to your good nature and good nurturing.
Well, I gave up on getting out of New York by airplane and am now taking my first ever trip on Amtrak. I''m excited. I''ve got a hotel in DC tonight and DH will fly up tomorrow and meet me. We''re spending the weekend and then we''ll fly home to ATL Sunday. I was NOT going to miss this trip!!
I''m still feeling depressed about being laid off and I don''t think DH really understands how crappy it makes you feel
I tried to explain it and he still doesn''t "get" it. sigh.
Date: 2/25/2010 8:34:47 PM
Author: Smurfyimproved
I''m still feeling depressed about being laid off and I don''t think DH really understands how crappy it makes you feel
I tried to explain it and he still doesn''t ''get'' it. sigh.
I''m sorry. It SUCKS to get laid off. I got laid off from my job of nearly 8 years abot 18 months ago and I cried for two days. DH just kept handing me cocktails.....

The job market is tough right now, but it WILL get better!! I am sure you will find something soon.
Date: 2/25/2010 8:37:34 PM
Author: April20
Date: 2/25/2010 8:34:47 PM

Author: Smurfyimproved

I''m still feeling depressed about being laid off and I don''t think DH really understands how crappy it makes you feel
I tried to explain it and he still doesn''t ''get'' it. sigh.
I''m sorry. It SUCKS to get laid off. I got laid off from my job of nearly 8 years abot 18 months ago and I cried for two days. DH just kept handing me cocktails.....

The job market is tough right now, but it WILL get better!! I am sure you will find something soon.

I really would love to just go to the tavern down the street right now but DH doesn''t drink so we don''t drink very often
He must have had a REALLLLY bad day too because he thought drinks sounded like a good idea, well how about that
I need to tell my husband to stay away from my Girl Scout cookies or he will pay dearly...
Date: 2/25/2010 8:25:13 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
Hahaha no it''s not, that''s honesty talking! Take it as a compliment to your good nature and good nurturing.
I will. You are right. I am fabulous
It''s a huge step forward for her. I think she was nervous of my husband. I prefer sleeping with her anyway. She doesn''t take up the whole bed

hehe I sleep with two cats in bed with me now. They were glad when I got rid of the husband. The cat who was formerly an alley cat loves the housecat life, will not go near the outside door, and sleeps under the covers in cold weather, with his head on the spare pillow.

I just wanna say: I hope the gods of winter are happy now. I am sick of the snow, sick of the scraping sound of the snowplows, sick of watching that spray salt eating the fenders off my truck (pieces are falling off), and now I am sick and tired of the leaking roof that was caused by the 24" of snow AND the freeze/thaw cycles that made splits in the roofing that requires a commercial roofer to fix. $^%#%$^$%&^#$%&%#$!!!!!
Good morning everyone. I don''t know why but I woke up in the best mood today. It''s really nice because I''ve been feeling rather blah lately.
Snuggling with the kitties is the best. They look so content purring under the blanket.
I''m just stoked that I woke up without a hangover. If I have even one drop of alcohol, I''m guaranteed to wake up with the worst headache ever. I splurged and had 2 drinks last night lol and woke up feeling peachy keen!

Oh and I made a mental note last night to dress nice today because of yesterday lol so I did :)

And I have maple brown sugar oatmeal...

that''s all!
I thought I was soooooo smart getting myself to DC for our weekend away on Amtrak since my flight home from NY got all messed up. It might all backfire on me because the winds are SO bad here that planes aren''t flying into Reagan right now. DH is delayed a couple hours and hopefully he''ll get here soon! In the meantime, I''m going to take myself to the Museum of Natural History. Not only do they have things that sparkle, I think they have a visiting diamond!
Date: 2/26/2010 9:45:07 AM
Author: April20
I thought I was soooooo smart getting myself to DC for our weekend away on Amtrak since my flight home from NY got all messed up. It might all backfire on me because the winds are SO bad here that planes aren''t flying into Reagan right now. DH is delayed a couple hours and hopefully he''ll get here soon! In the meantime, I''m going to take myself to the Museum of Natural History. Not only do they have things that sparkle, I think they have a visiting diamond!
<~~~ jealous
hope you have a good time april!
Date: 2/26/2010 9:45:07 AM
Author: April20
I thought I was soooooo smart getting myself to DC for our weekend away on Amtrak since my flight home from NY got all messed up. It might all backfire on me because the winds are SO bad here that planes aren''t flying into Reagan right now. DH is delayed a couple hours and hopefully he''ll get here soon! In the meantime, I''m going to take myself to the Museum of Natural History. Not only do they have things that sparkle, I think they have a visiting diamond!
Definitely check out the hall of gems should be really quiet today because of all the snow!
monarch - you''re so sweet. I''ll try to share a bit tonight. I''m not sick though :) And fortunately my back is getting much better.

My cousin had a baby boy last night!!!!!!!! His name is Landon!!!
Hey Smurf - sorry to hear about you getting laid off!!!
My feet are so cold I have them wrapped up in my jacket!
Date: 2/26/2010 10:38:33 AM
Author: dragonfly411
monarch - you''re so sweet. I''ll try to share a bit tonight. I''m not sick though :) And fortunately my back is getting much better.

My cousin had a baby boy last night!!!!!!!! His name is Landon!!!

Thanks joflier, it sucks but I''m feeling better each day
Date: 2/26/2010 10:57:40 AM
Author: Smurfyimproved

Thanks joflier, it sucks but I''m feeling better each day
Is it a temporary layoff, or permanent?
Last night I learned a valuable lesson. Just bc you are only staying one night in a hotel does not mean you should go cheap. The walls were thin as paper so I woke up twice in the middle of the night due to screaming and singing preteens in the room next door. It was just a terrible experience all around.
I always expect an easy drive to work and an easy day at work on Fridays.

There was traffic just as I left my house from a four car accident, and I''m busier today than the past few days!
I love how people who can walk to work came in late when I managed to track in from the suburbs AND be early! Weather is not a late excuse when you live 5 blocks away!!!
unfortunately it''s permanent