
I just wanna say -- the random comments thread

It sounds like this doctor has prescribed you six PLUS prescriptions for conditions related to your depression or state of mind, as opposed to ailments that are purely physical in nature. It also sounds like he prescribed them without explaining why he was prescribing each drug, or talking about potential interactions. I'm assuming he's a GP or that he has some specialty other than counselling or psychiatry. Has he talked to you about supplementary treatment (counselling, increasing exercise) at all?

If this description is accurate, I think you should get a second opinion regardless of his specialization. I know you're probably overwhelmed by your family situation right now. What I'd do is continue the regimine you were on before you saw the doctor -- throw in the daily walks for good measure! -- and get to another doctor or specialist as soon as you can.

If you've been taking the antidepressants for awhile, do not go off of them cold turkey. You may think they're not helpoing you at all, but... you don't want to find out that you were wrong the hard way! (trust me on this
Date: 3/4/2010 2:25:01 PM
Author: Smurfyimproved
The owner told me he had a habit of hiring everyone he interviews too so hopefully that is a good thing, time will tell...

Hopefully it will work out for you!
Trapper *finally* decided to go potty in the toilet like a big boy. Only twice but it''s a start. And..he has an interesting way of going about it. How, you ask? My son stands on the seat. Stands ON the seat. I had to lean him back so the stream would hit the bowl hahahaha
Date: 3/4/2010 6:51:26 PM
Author: packrat
Trapper *finally* decided to go potty in the toilet like a big boy. Only twice but it''s a start. And..he has an interesting way of going about it. How, you ask? My son stands on the seat. Stands ON the seat. I had to lean him back so the stream would hit the bowl hahahaha


I learnt today that
A) mint green is really not my colour
B) I''m glad I work in IT - noone cares what operating system I have, and there''s no such thing as keeping up with the Jones''
I have a friend who has a famous cousin. My friend and the famous cousin''s little sister are always chatting up on facebook and its so weird how much more beautiful they are then Ms. Famous because she def. had some plastic surgery.
DH is cleaning the kitchen while I play on PS. He doesn''t know what I''m doing.

In my defense, I did make dinner. He ate a lot of it. It''s definitely a fair deal that he''s cleaning up.
Date: 3/4/2010 9:58:31 PM
Author: April20
DH is cleaning the kitchen while I play on PS. He doesn''t know what I''m doing.

In my defense, I did make dinner. He ate a lot of it. It''s definitely a fair deal that he''s cleaning up.
our natutal arrangement is that one person cooks, the other cleans, so that no one is ever doing all the work, so don''t feel bad April!

That said, I''ve been doing the lion share of the cooking and cleaning recently since FI is working and I am looking for jobs after relocating. I can honestly say that I can''t imagine why anyone would want to be a housewife... unless they have a maid
I really enjoy cooking (hate cleaning), but the daily routineness of it is such a drag. I can''t say I wasn''t thrilled tonight when FI reminded me that he was going out with some old co-workers. I was naughty and went to KFC and tried their spicy grilled chicken which really hit the spot!
I had planned to make a glorious meal of curry chicken, samosa mashed potatoes, and indian spiced cabbage and cauliflower. I love Indian food, but it was going to be more cooking than I was up for tonight. And, I had some wine with my KFC. Classy, I know!
Date: 3/4/2010 9:58:31 PM
Author: April20
DH is cleaning the kitchen while I play on PS. He doesn''t know what I''m doing.

In my defense, I did make dinner. He ate a lot of it. It''s definitely a fair deal that he''s cleaning up.
Hey, in our household, whoever cooks, doesn''t clean! So, I definitely prefer cooking and making the mess than cleaning it up afterwards!
Manalogy: a quasi-sensical analogy made by a man to explain life, that usually involves references to cult man-films, such as Star Wars, Top Gun, or ''300''.
Now I''m sitting here wondering who Ms. Famous is

It''s Friday, and I get to go grocery shopping and to work out tonight and that makes me happy
Going to see Man Man tonight. It''ll technically be the baby''s first concert.
DD is SO excited. DH exposes her to a lot of music that isn''t mainstream and she''s pretty open to it. We promised her she could see Vampire Weekend but then they became so popular that tickets sold out in minutes.
Date: 3/4/2010 3:18:19 PM
Author: VRBeauty
If you've been taking the antidepressants for awhile, do not go off of them cold turkey. You may think they're not helpoing you at all, but... you don't want to find out that you were wrong the hard way! (trust me on this
There's no way I'd go off anti-depressants cold-turkey.

FWIW, I tried 1/4 of a ritalin yesterday afternoon and really felt it. Ended up going shopping. lol Guess that means I don't have ADD?
(It would be uncomprehensible taking 2 whole tablets. I'd be bouncing off the walls! I can imagine it's beneficial for those who need it - but clearly I didn't focus but rather went wild. I bought new fun stuff to decorate for easter time

Anyway, feel a lot better today. Since my neighbors garbage is all over the street, I have something else to obsess over. hahaha
MC well the question is... when shopping, did you jump from itemtoitemtoitemtoitem
I love reading these random comments. It makes me feel like I am part of everyone''s day!
We went out to lunch after our work meeting today. As we were walking back to our cars, we decided that coffee and cake at this wonderful little cafe was necessary. So we stopped in. Lunch was on my p-card. My co-worker paid the dessert. Dessert cost almost as much as lunch and we had four people at lunch and only two for coffee and dessert! It was SO good.
Had to choose between Cheetos and roasted vegies for lunch. Cheetos won.
Date: 3/5/2010 5:42:10 PM
Author: Matata
Had to choose between Cheetos and roasted vegies for lunch. Cheetos won.
I love Cheetos.

Have you had the baked ones? They are yum too.

Since my fiance and I live in different cities in Canada, we''ve decided to have our engagement shots taken somewhere other than either one of our home bases.

We''re going to sunny Las Vegas in May. Going to have them taken there


Just secured the photographer and hair & make-up team - YAY!


I live in the PacNW, and I ordered something from Utah a couple of days ago. I get a FedEx tracking link and when I check it this morning, I see the package is in Memphis, TN. Wha? I'm assuming Memphis is a hub, but did it really have to travel toward the other side of the country, only to come alllll the way back?


(p.s. Thanks for the recs re: pizza disposal. I told my husband he'd have to eat what I didn't, and it's still sitting in the fridge.

(p.p.s. Now I want Cheetos.
Date: 3/5/2010 6:05:03 PM
Author: E B
I live in the PacNW, and I ordered something from Utah a couple of days ago. I get a FedEx tracking link and when I check it this morning, I see the package is in Memphis, TN. Wha? I''m assuming Memphis is a hub, but did it really have to travel toward the other side of the country, only to come alllll the way back?


(p.s. Thanks for the recs re: pizza disposal. I told my husband he''d have to eat what I didn''t, and it''s still sitting in the fridge.

(p.p.s. Now I want Cheetos.
Memphis is FedEx''s headquarters. I may be wrong, but I believe nearly every package is routed thru there.
Why does popular culture assume that romantic love is reserved for youngsters?

The next show in the "bachelor" franchise should be Boomer Bachelor!
Lauren dress slacks, fine silk twill. $15.00.

I love bargain shopping!
Decided to jump the gun on Summer today and drove 2 1/2 hours to the nearest B-E-A-C-H. Was heavenly! And it ended up being 55 degrees/sunny -- much warmer than the forecast, so LUCKY US! The puppy girl still doesn''t seem to like the surf. She dragged me as far away from it as possible -- actually straddling the ledge of sand below the boardwalk''s edge and leaning into the wall all the way to the ramp up. She''s *strong* for 8 lbs. Must be pure muscle. Or abject fear + adrenaline. If she could have beamed herself to the center point between the US coastlines, I swear she would have. But socializing with the other doggies on the boardwalk was another story entirely. Pure delight. She developed a kind of Ashton/Demi relationship with a fine Puggle specimen. Fun day.
We don''t have ABC TV (channel 7) on our cable service for the time being and I can''t watch the Oscars tonight. I''m really
Date: 3/7/2010 8:54:55 PM
Author: gemgirl
We don''t have ABC TV (channel 7) on our cable service for the time being and I can''t watch the Oscars tonight. I''m really
Mine doesn''t work either, but 37 (for some reason) is the same thing... maybe check your cable listings online?
I am exhausted after a long car ride home! I wish I could fall asleep as quickly as my dogs!
Today is my birthday, and my day off. I decided to work so a co-worker could take off on her daughter''s birthday.

The gods were kind in return. I get three days off next weekend to go to the OBX, where it will be warmer than it is now, and Taste of the Beach is going on. I can''t wait.
Date: 3/7/2010 9:17:26 PM
Author: trillionaire

Date: 3/7/2010 8:54:55 PM
Author: gemgirl
We don''t have ABC TV (channel 7) on our cable service for the time being and I can''t watch the Oscars tonight. I''m really
Mine doesn''t work either, but 37 (for some reason) is the same thing... maybe check your cable listings online?

Our situation was an ongoing dispute between Cablevision and ABC TV, each company blaming the other for not coming to terms with their contract. Cablevision gave us ABC back an hour and a half into the Oscars (based on the pressure they were under from a deluge of phone calls and emails). So I got to see Sandra Bullock win!
Date: 3/8/2010 3:03:50 AM
Author: reader
Today is my birthday, and my day off. I decided to work so a co-worker could take off on her daughter''s birthday.

The gods were kind in return. I get three days off next weekend to go to the OBX, where it will be warmer than it is now, and Taste of the Beach is going on. I can''t wait.
Happy Birthday, reader!!!
I''m really worried about this year''s hurricane season. It''s the first time in my 16 years of living in Florida that I''m scared about what''s to come.