
I just wanna say -- the random comments thread

It is officially too hot for me.

Yesterday afternoon my hubby and our next-door neighbor, “Alex,” left to go on a 10-day motorcycle/camping trip. Our neighbor especially had been looking forward to it: Within the past four months or so he had lost both of his parents, had to clean out their condo, and negotiated with the reverse mortgage company to buy the condo his parents had been living in. Last night my husband called to let me know that Alex had been seriously injured when a truck coming from the opposite direction swerved into his lane an a rural road. Fortunately, a medic on his way home from work stopped to help them within a few minutes of the accident. An ambulance arrived a few minutes later and transported him to a nearby medical helicopter that transported him to a regional hospital. He has several broken bones, the most serious being his pelvis. He’s in ICU due to blood loss from those broken bones (who knew?). He’ll probably be in that hospital - a two hour drive from here - for three or four days, and his wife just found out she can’t visit him there due to Covid restrictions. She is absolutely beside herself.

I’m so grateful the accident wasn’t worse, as it could easily have been. And of course I’m grateful that my husband was there to help, and that he wasn’t hurt.

An update on our neighbor’s condition: his pelvis was shattered. What was expected to be a three-hour surgery to put it back together ended up taking six hours, but they think it was successful. He’ll be in a wheelchair for six weeks or more, and there will be lots of therapy and hard work involved, but he should make a full recovery.

When I wrote my original post, we were on our way to “the scene of the accident “to pick up Alex’s gear. The accident happened on a rural road with widely spaced houses, but fortunately it happened near one of those houses and the owners came rushing out to help as soon as they heard the impact - and then they invited my hubby to spend the night at their house, and they offered to keep Alex’s gear at their house until someone could pick it up.

So we went to pick up Alex’s gear from these kind folks and they invited us inside to chat for a while. As they re-counted their version of the night of the accident, we realized how very fortunate Alex was. I already heard from my hubby that a medic on his way home was at the scene within a minute after Alex was here. The neighbors told us that even though this is a dead end road, and a very small community, they did not recognize the medic and they have no idea who he was. He didn’t stick around to chat after the ambulance left. The second fortunate thing is that EMT for the local volunteer fire department lived lives within a mile of where the accident was, and it just so happened that he had taken the firetruck home with him at night instead of his car as is usual - so he was there with equipment almost right away too. And because the heliport for the local medivac had recently been moved to a fairground just a mile or two from the accident site, Alex was in the air within ten minutes of the accident - and at the regional trauma center within half an hour.

Alex and his wife had been scheduled to go to Hawaii next week for a long-overdue vacation. She’s been able to re-book everything for next spring - a great incentive for Alex to work hard on his recovery!
An update on our neighbor’s condition: his pelvis was shattered. What was expected to be a three-hour surgery to put it back together ended up taking six hours, but they think it was successful. He’ll be in a wheelchair for six weeks or more, and there will be lots of therapy and hard work involved, but he should make a full recovery.

When I wrote my original post, we were on our way to “the scene of the accident “to pick up Alex’s gear. The accident happened on a rural road with widely spaced houses, but fortunately it happened near one of those houses and the owners came rushing out to help as soon as they heard the impact - and then they invited my hubby to spend the night at their house, and they offered to keep Alex’s gear at their house until someone could pick it up.

So we went to pick up Alex’s gear from these kind folks and they invited us inside to chat for a while. As they re-counted their version of the night of the accident, we realized how very fortunate Alex was. I already heard from my hubby that a medic on his way home was at the scene within a minute after Alex was here. The neighbors told us that even though this is a dead end road, and a very small community, they did not recognize the medic and they have no idea who he was. He didn’t stick around to chat after the ambulance left. The second fortunate thing is that EMT for the local volunteer fire department lived lives within a mile of where the accident was, and it just so happened that he had taken the firetruck home with him at night instead of his car as is usual - so he was there with equipment almost right away too. And because the heliport for the local medivac had recently been moved to a fairground just a mile or two from the accident site, Alex was in the air within ten minutes of the accident - and at the regional trauma center within half an hour.

Alex and his wife had been scheduled to go to Hawaii next week for a long-overdue vacation. She’s been able to re-book everything for next spring - a great incentive for Alex to work hard on his recovery!

He was fortunate despite the accident. Could have been so much worse. Glad the surgery went well and was successful Sending Alex best wishes for a complete recovery. I agree that trip to Hawaii is a big incentive for him to work hard on his PT for a full recovery.
I’ve been taking the kids on an “ice cream tour” of CT this week. Everyday we visit a new ice cream spot. Today I got probably the best strawberry ice cream I’ve ever had. Thought I would share for all the ice cream fans:

I’ve been taking the kids on an “ice cream tour” of CT this week. Everyday we visit a new ice cream spot. Today I got probably the best strawberry ice cream I’ve ever had. Thought I would share for all the ice cream fans:


That looks strawberrylicious yummmmm❤️
I’ve been taking the kids on an “ice cream tour” of CT this week. Everyday we visit a new ice cream spot. Today I got probably the best strawberry ice cream I’ve ever had. Thought I would share for all the ice cream fans:


Wow! I've always found strawberry ice cream to be disappointing. But this looks amazing!
Wow! I've always found strawberry ice cream to be disappointing. But this looks amazing!

It was really good, I was impressed. Agree that normally strawberry ice cream usually is lacking, you’re lucky to find any real strawberries in it a good bit of the time.
I’ve been taking the kids on an “ice cream tour” of CT this week. Everyday we visit a new ice cream spot. Today I got probably the best strawberry ice cream I’ve ever had. Thought I would share for all the ice cream fans:


when you are done with your ice cream tour are you going to tell us which place had the best of each flavor you tried??
@Lookinagain, I wasn’t going to because I thought it wouldn’t be relevant to most but…sure!

Today we visited Honeycone in Chester. I had a scoop of chocolate milk and a scoop of rose pistachio, here is a picture from their website since it was melting faster than I could eat it!


My younger son loves sprinkles and they actually make their own sprinkles!

The places we visited this week (all in CT) were:

Bloom Hill Farm, Bloomfield

Kloter’s Ice Cream Barn, Ellington

UConn Dairy Bar, Storrs

Honeycone, Chester

It was hard to pick a favorite but we all more or less agreed that Kloter’s Ice Cream Barn was our pick, there was not a place that we didn’t like though. If you have a chance to try any of these places I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.

We apparently love ice cream because I have to mention that even though we didn’t visit this week, there are a few other places that we really enjoy:

Tall Man’s in Cromwell

Sweet Cream in Wallingford

Wentworth’s in Hamden
Hey , what happened to my " good for her teacher quit " thread? did you guys say something nasty? :Up_to_something:
Hey , what happened to my " good for her teacher quit " thread? did you guys say something nasty? :Up_to_something:

@Ella said it was regarding politics and deleted it per PS rules of no political threads.
This morning, for the first time in 2 months, I woke up to clear air and cool temps. The wildfire smoke was blown out of the area by a cold front, the temp went from 105 yesterday to a high of 77 today. I threw open the doors and windows and shed a few tears at being able to see the hills and the sky and at being able to take deep lungsfull of fresh air. Then I got cold, lol, so me and the cats snuggled under a blanket and enjoyed the beginning of a spectacular day. Smoke is due back tomorrow.
He was fortunate despite the accident. Could have been so much worse. Glad the surgery went well and was successful Sending Alex best wishes for a complete recovery. I agree that trip to Hawaii is a big incentive for him to work hard on his PT for a full recovery.

Both “Alex” and my hubby were riding BMW motorcycles. They were older models, but they have a large protective “apron” around the front of the cycle that effectively acts as a “crumple zone.” But yes, it could have been much, much worse.
Okay, can this please please be the oops for the trip!?!? Scheduled the airport shuttle my grandfather wanted me to. Earliest run of the day. Get to airport 6:45. Airplane leaves at 8:30. A bit close, but not awful. Wait.... Leaves at 8:15. Board at 7:30. Uh. Oh.
Late night text to my mom. Think we have to drive there....
@smitcompton, Annette, I just came across a post you made recently. I apologize for not seeing it earlier. Are you feeling well now? I’m thinking of you and hoping you are safe and well. You are one of my favorite people here. Callie
Well, we made it on our trip to South Dakota. My plan was a week and up to two weeks based on how Grandma was feeling but pack meds and essentials for three weeks in case of COVID delays. Well, Grandma heard three weeks of pills and got it stuck in her mind that we are here for three weeks. I have been extending our return date bit by bit based on how she is feeling. Not what I had in mind, but she is really enjoying herself and it is clear she probably won't be able to make it again so this really is her last time home and last time seeing many in her family. I am tired, sore, swollen in the humidity, and want a hot shower more than anyone can know but it is worth it. Such amazing memories being made. So many smiles from her. Now to just hope we don't end up in a mess by staying with no extra meds!
Well, we made it on our trip to South Dakota. My plan was a week and up to two weeks based on how Grandma was feeling but pack meds and essentials for three weeks in case of COVID delays. Well, Grandma heard three weeks of pills and got it stuck in her mind that we are here for three weeks. I have been extending our return date bit by bit based on how she is feeling. Not what I had in mind, but she is really enjoying herself and it is clear she probably won't be able to make it again so this really is her last time home and last time seeing many in her family. I am tired, sore, swollen in the humidity, and want a hot shower more than anyone can know but it is worth it. Such amazing memories being made. So many smiles from her. Now to just hope we don't end up in a mess by staying with no extra meds!

Just a thought but would it be possible for her to call her doctor and explain, then pick up a smaller amount of her meds at a local pharmacy to tide her over?
Just a thought but would it be possible for her to call her doctor and explain, then pick up a smaller amount of her meds at a local pharmacy to tide her over?

She has all of her meds through us getting home plus a day extra. If we have to, the doctor could probably get something in at the hospital in Omaha. Hopefully we don't need to find out!
Enjoy the rest of the trip with your grandmother @TooPatient. You are both very fortunate to have each other in your lives. Your grandma is very lucky she has such a wonderful granddaughter and vice versa. What I wouldn't give to spend more time with my grandma. Enjoy. Time is precious and you truly know the value of time. ((((Hugs)))).
"Anger, resentment and jealousy doesn't change the heart of others-- it only changes yours.”

Where I live it is still summer...but my flower pots are CRUMMY! Half dead! Really???

I spent the MOST this year on pots....and well, I am disappointed. Kinda crumb bummy.

That was one very long trip. 20 days. Some fun parts. I enjoyed seeing Grandma enjoy herself and see family. What I didn't enjoy was the gossiping, judgemental, narrow minded attitudes. The water was completely disgusting too. Would do it again even knowing what I know now. We visited the house they grew up in, had lunch with a cousin she hadn't seen in 30 years, visited her favorite ice cream place, drove through the country, and just did whatever she wanted to.

I am down 13 pounds in those 20 days. Some of that healthy. Some probably from being badly dehydrated. Glad to be home. Hoping Grandma feels better after settling in. Also hoping she is stable for awhile and not in the rapid decline that often comes when the dementia component of Parkinson's kicks in.
My mom’s nursing home had another Covid case yesterday to make three..I just found out there is one more Covid case today..That makes four cases in a month and a half…. This is all staff..Three were not vaccinated..Only one of them was vaccinated. I don’t know if she had one or two shots. My poor mother keeps telling me she misses me because they have to shut down visitation..She’s 95…We need to see her as much as we can..Those unvaccinated nurses should not be working in a nursing home.