
I just wanna say -- the random comments thread

Date: 12/16/2009 1:32:36 PM
Author: April20

Date: 12/16/2009 12:42:13 PM
Author: MC

Date: 12/16/2009 12:31:02 PM
Author: April20
I''m procrastinating, something I excel at, my posting in this thread.

MC, I''m still in PJs with no makeup on either. Only I''m on the east coast and it''s 1230 PM. In my defense, I''m going for a bike ride later and didn''t want to put on nice clothes only to change into work out clothes later. Plus my house is cold and my PJs are warmer than my workout clothes.
hehehe I''m on the west coast and it''s 9:41. Gotta get dressed, do hair, etc. My dh complained last night about me not keeping up my end-of-the-deal (aka taking care of the house as my ''job'')

My cat now has 305 facebook friends.
I''ve been on conference calls all day long and I keep thinking, these people have no idea they''re talking to me in my PJs with no makeup and slippers on. I''m on the road the rest of the week, so I''ll have to be SHOWERED and presentable ALL.DAY.LONG.

My friend''s dog had a MySpace page for a while. I thought about setting up Chester (our dog) a FB page. I don''t think he''ll have as many friends as your cat. Heck, I don''t have as many friends as your cat!!
hahaha I don''t have that many friends either. My cat is a fan of "cat toys," and "catnip," and after joining those, he received a lot of requests.
Date: 12/16/2009 11:15:11 AM
Author: Vancity
A client just came up to me and said ''Wow, great eyebrows! You must have spent some time on those?'' (?)

I answered back with ''Thank you so much for noticing, sir ...they''re implants.''

He looked totally stunned

Just got back from a dental cleaning visit, old cavity need crown
and returned home with a sonicare
Today marks the day that I can no longer even play Farmville on facebook without previous talked about friend criticizing me about it.

I am FED UP.
Earl grey for the nerves...
Company Holiday parties suck when they''re held at lunch and you still have to go back to work for 2 hours. trying to function while still slightly drunk
...and I feel a hang-over creeping up
Date: 12/15/2009 11:45:14 PM
Author: Munchkin
At what point did it become acceptable to use apostrophes incorrectly? On signs, newspapers and in magazines, I see apostrophes written to denote plurality rather than possession or a contraction. I get it when a coworker has a ''brain fart'' occasionally, but it has become clear that SO many people aren''t even aware they are doing it in error! It is one of those things that I think makes a person look less intelligent. (Whether or not it is warranted.)

A local chiropractor has a large sign that reads: ''Walk In''s Welcome.'' The front door of a local MRI site reads ''Joe Schmoe and John Doe MD''s.'' Am I the only one fanatical enough to get annoyed?
Munchkin, I am 100% with you!!! It''s infuriating, and I think the origin of all of this misuse is the generally accepted misplacement in removing the century from decades. Darn the "80''s"

On the news this morning, the weather forecast said "Up''s and Downs" and I was tempted to call in and make my frustration known.

And, no cat, you can not fit into the sleeve of my Slanket! I know it''s warm in there, but your belly is simply too large.
That and lay vs. lie.

I want to pull out a grammar book everytime someone misuses them and shove it front of his or her nose! Even professional websites and BOOKS get it wrong!!! Honestly, it's not like it's all that difficult! Where are the editors?!?

Who vs. whom to a lesser extent.

Professional publications that use "their" in place of his or her.

I just want people to use there, they''re and their correct as well as to and too.
I don''t understand the fascination behind cats...
Date: 12/16/2009 1:43:00 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
My partner just called and told me that she promised her three year old niece that she could name the new kitten since she was so upset when the adult cat when to the great litter box in the sky a few months ago. The new kitten has been officially named Mrs. Yum Yum Peaches. Oh, and as if Yum Yum Peaches isn''t bad enough, it''s actually a MR. cat, not a MRS. cat. LOL!!! My partner asked what she should do, but my philosophy is a promise is a promise, so if you tell little three year old Courtney that she can name the new kitty and new kitty becomes Mrs. Yum Yum Peaches, well there you go!!!

We''ve always named our own pets. We''ve had everything from Gravel (who incidentally got hit by a car) to Hulk (he was the world''s biggest St Bernard) to Mama (a cat who had a tendency of running away. I still remember my mom wandering around our block looking for her in trash cans and yelling "MAAMAAA!"). JT got fish for his 3rd birthday. He named them Dory (Elmo''s fish name), Chopper (which was funny because they''re gold fish) and Walk (because he couldn''t). I think names kids come up with are hilarious!
Date: 12/16/2009 9:34:18 PM
Author: somethingshiny

Date: 12/16/2009 1:43:00 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
My partner just called and told me that she promised her three year old niece that she could name the new kitten since she was so upset when the adult cat when to the great litter box in the sky a few months ago. The new kitten has been officially named Mrs. Yum Yum Peaches. Oh, and as if Yum Yum Peaches isn''t bad enough, it''s actually a MR. cat, not a MRS. cat. LOL!!! My partner asked what she should do, but my philosophy is a promise is a promise, so if you tell little three year old Courtney that she can name the new kitty and new kitty becomes Mrs. Yum Yum Peaches, well there you go!!!

We''ve always named our own pets. We''ve had everything from Gravel (who incidentally got hit by a car) to Hulk (he was the world''s biggest St Bernard) to Mama (a cat who had a tendency of running away. I still remember my mom wandering around our block looking for her in trash cans and yelling ''MAAMAAA!''). JT got fish for his 3rd birthday. He named them Dory (Elmo''s fish name), Chopper (which was funny because they''re gold fish) and Walk (because he couldn''t). I think names kids come up with are hilarious!

I once had a fish named school bus (b/c he was yellow) and a rabbit named carrot (b/c he was orange/red/rust colored). I had a pony named Strawberry Taffy, a dog named Tracker, and another rabbit named Kristy.
My dad got fed up w/the names I gave our cats when I still lived at home, but I LIKE original names. Matahari Tnedicca and Sir Didymous Ambrosious were 2 of my special kitties years ago. They were Siamese Himalayan and oh how I loved those cats. My brother didn''t like it either. When he moved back home after JD and I got married, he promptly named his 2 favorite kittens Bill and Bob.
A good lint/pet hair roller is my most important fashion accessory.
Desperately need an intervention. I''m deep into one of my "don''t need it but waaaant it" addiction for kitchen gadgets. So far this week I''ve ordered a John Boos cutting board, new measuring cups & spoons, & a 10 piece glass mixing bowl set all of which I''ll use but I can make do with stuff I already have. And, I purchased at a restaurant supply store in town, a sheet pan, more whisks, commercial sized containers of xtra virgin olive oil, vinegar & other sundry cooking supplies, olive wood spoons & a knive sharpener. Even though I''m gaga about gadgets, I can''t bring myself to buy the Wustof knives and Le Creuset stuff I covet.
Date: 12/16/2009 10:06:14 PM
Author: Matata
Desperately need an intervention. I'm deep into one of my 'don't need it but waaaant it' addiction for kitchen gadgets. So far this week I've ordered a John Boos cutting board, new measuring cups & spoons, & a 10 piece glass mixing bowl set all of which I'll use but I can make do with stuff I already have. And, I purchased at a restaurant supply store in town, a sheet pan, more whisks, commercial sized containers of xtra virgin olive oil, vinegar & other sundry cooking supplies, olive wood spoons & a knive sharpener. Even though I'm gaga about gadgets, I can't bring myself to buy the Wustof knives and Le Creuset stuff I covet.
I love kitchen gadgets. DH not so much.

When we got married, we threw out all our knives and bought the Wustof knife block with additional chef knife and I got the Le Creuset stock pot I'd been wanting forever. Those are the two best things we own and worth every single penny. Bring yourself to buy them!!!
I''m weird.
Sometime I keep the house spotless, other times it is a mess. (like now)
Some of these pet names are awesome! I love "schoolbus" for a goldfish--adorable. Packrat, your kitty names are excellent, definitely original, maybe a bit long, but fun to say!

I had an appaloosa named Cricket growing up, and a cat named July. I don''t know the story behind Cricket''s name, but I can tell you I always thought she was purple. She wasn''t really purple, she was brown/spotted, but she looked rather purplish to me. July was a stray who started coming around our house in July so my mother named him that. She also named one of my guinea pigs Ezio Pinza after an Italian opera singer because that guinea pig was so vocal. He was a rather debonair little fellow. I called him Toto because I thought he looked more like Dorothy''s dog from the Wizard of Oz.
I don''t like weddings, I''m not having a traditional wedding, and a resent all the people who make it seem like that is absurd. Weddings, I''m just not that into you.
I fear that if we do have children we''ll never love them as much as we love our pets.
Date: 12/17/2009 12:11:09 AM
Author: trillionaire
I don't like weddings, I'm not having a traditional wedding, and a resent all the people who make it seem like that is absurd. Weddings, I'm just not that into you.
We're doing the circus wedding - mostly for the parents. I'd be happy marrying FI with ten close friends and relatives on some tropical island in the middle of nowhere. I'm really having a tough time getting excited about planning the minutae of introducing two very different cultures over 6 hours of dinner and dancing... I feel like rather a defective bride
15 jars of apple butter, and pear butter and orange marmalade in the works
Date: 12/17/2009 12:37:02 AM
Author: yssie
15 jars of apple butter, and pear butter and orange marmalade in the works
Maramalade reminds me of Paddington Bear. Since this is the random thought thread I thought it would be ok to interject that.
I hate having insomnia. I feel it brewing for tonight already.

BF got me a green and red polka dot apron with red sequins on the hem. I keep wearing it around the house even though I''m not always baking or cooking. My roommate is starting to think I''m batty.

Our cats are having the opposite issue. Lazy little buggers.

Yssie, that is the cutest kitty pic!
Date: 12/16/2009 1:43:00 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
My partner just called and told me that she promised her three year old niece that she could name the new kitten since she was so upset when the adult cat when to the great litter box in the sky a few months ago. The new kitten has been officially named Mrs. Yum Yum Peaches. Oh, and as if Yum Yum Peaches isn''t bad enough, it''s actually a MR. cat, not a MRS. cat. LOL!!! My partner asked what she should do, but my philosophy is a promise is a promise, so if you tell little three year old Courtney that she can name the new kitty and new kitty becomes Mrs. Yum Yum Peaches, well there you go!!!
Hahahaha! OMG, poor little boy, he won''t be able to hold up his head among the other cats.

You know what happened today? Two of the employees at my office smuggled some Christmas decorations in despite the ban imposed by the owners of the company!
They were somewhat flustered when they ran into me, but I pretended not to see what they''re holding. Yay for the spirit of Christmas!
I have been obsessing for over 48 hours over whether or not I should keep these new shoes I bought. I think they make my feet look big (pointy toe) I realize I have too much time on my hands.
Yesterday my coworker offered me chocolate and when I said "No thank you" she said "Gained enough weight already?".
Do I have a sinus infection? am I allergic to something?

this... like 4 month stuffed up nose is really getting to me. Perhaps a doctor visit is in order.

I did some xmas wrapping last night. Realized I am missing A TON OF GIFTS for people. Damn. Now I have to shop shop shop this weekend.
