
I must Vent! (longish)

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May 7, 2006

ok had to get that out! now heres the story!

My FIs sister (the one I was a maid of honor for in Her wedding) decided not to be a bridesmaid in OUR wedding not that its important I only asked her about a year ago! she says its too stressful to be a bridesmaid for her, because of work! Shes a teachers assistant..... for a continuing education school! so I said whatever move along .... well later today she calls me to tell ME that I need to be a better person and that NO one in my FIs family likes me.... so of course im like what the...... when did this come up? and at this point I know shes LYING so she goes on to tell me that I pretty much ruined her wedding so everyone hates me and is going to feel weird about coming to OUR wedding! hahaah heres the reason shes mad and mind you while they planned there shot gun wedding in like two months we REVOLVED around her helping her while they lived in Texas and wanted to have the wedding back home in San Diego and her brother and I were there for her every emotional need while while planning our wedding and moving two states away (by emotional I mean every time they almost broke up)... anyways she says because I tried to help HER too much I was too pushy with things during rehearsal and ruined it for them!they had no clue what they wanted in there ceremony it was like they never ever saw a wedding so all I simply did was give suggestions! nicely its on video! I don''t know where she came up with this crockery! aggghhh its just so aggravating how some people can be that way! And now because she talked to her mom about this and mom told grandma the whole story is now around the family and I have a ton of phone calls to make to make things right! On top of all this my fiance got into a fight with his sis defending me which thank god he did. I don''t know if it was jealousy that brought this on because we have our lives somewhat organized more than them or is it because we KNOW what we want OR is it because we have a much better relationship???? what ever it is I hope she gets over herself we used to be like sisters and thats why I asked her to be a bridesmaid I almost asked her to be a MOH now im so glad I didn''t!

ok theres my vent and If any of you are wondering we now have a place to have the wedding and our invitations and things are on a roll but ill update more about our wedding when I cool off a little bit! sorry if this was long i Just needed vent i guess!

oh and in the end of all this something good did happen My FIs ring came today and he was so happy to have it, it was a total surprise I''ll have pics soon!
Ugh! Weddings sure do seem to bring out the "crazy" in some people! From the information you provided, it seems like she might be having some jealousy issues. What''s strange is that you were close at one time...maybe she''s unhappy and she sees you all happy (in a good relationship with her brother and planning your wedding), and she''s trying to bring you down. It just seems odd that because you made some suggestions during their rehearsal, it ruined her wedding! And, because of that you need to be a better person, and his whole family doesn''t like you! What?!?! I''m sure you were just trying to be helpful! How long ago was their wedding...all of a sudden this is an issue? If it really was, why didn''t she discuss it with you right away? I don''t think this has anything to do with you at all- there''s something else going on with her.

On a happier note, I can''t wait to see pics of your FI''s ring!
Date: 3/27/2007 1:35:38 AM
Author: Kerbear560
Ugh! Weddings sure do seem to bring out the ''crazy'' in some people! From the information you provided, it seems like she might be having some jealousy issues. What''s strange is that you were close at one time...maybe she''s unhappy and she sees you all happy (in a good relationship with her brother and planning your wedding), and she''s trying to bring you down. It just seems odd that because you made some suggestions during their rehearsal, it ruined her wedding! And, because of that you need to be a better person, and his whole family doesn''t like you! What?!?! I''m sure you were just trying to be helpful! How long ago was their wedding...all of a sudden this is an issue? If it really was, why didn''t she discuss it with you right away? I don''t think this has anything to do with you at all- there''s something else going on with her.

On a happier note, I can''t wait to see pics of your FI''s ring!

exactly what I was thinking! theres something definitely wrong. There wedding was Dec, 29th 06. And whats really funny is that I have always told her if there is ever an issue don''t wait for forever to tell me because it will only get worse and they never ever do that they go behind my back and "talk" about it then 3 months later they do this and the world explodes! yea this isn''t the first time just the most worst-est HAHA i know thats not a word! (oh and by they i mean her , mom,and g-ma) so aggravating like I dont even want her or her husband at the wedding right now ......
for that matter we don''t want anyone there just us on our own island in a far away land where no one can disturb us.....ya that wont happen haha
There''s nothing worse than learning that people are talking behind your back! It''s such a horrible feeling! Bleh!
I''m so sorry that this is not just an isolated incident! Under normal circumstances you would have the option to cut people like that out of your life. Unfortunately, because they are your FI''s family, you don''t. I am really glad to hear that your FI defended you to his sister. Since you''ve already tried (to no avail) talking to his sister about if there''s ever an issue to let you know right away- just a suggestion, but how would your FI feel about maybe sitting down with her, his mom and grandma, and letting them know that in no uncertain terms that it is unacceptable to behave this way towards his future wife...that if they have an issue, to bring it up immediately so it can be addressed. You''re right, if you don''t talk about issues right away, the issues get magnified and built up, which makes things even worse! In addition to that, it''s not right for you to have to wonder what they''re saying about you behind your back all of the time!
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