
I need weight loss tips!

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Date: 3/23/2006 11:05:52 PM
Author: kenny
Excuses Excuses.

The human body, male or female, is an energy storage machine.

Put in less energy, or take out more.

It is that simple.

For everyone.

The multi-billion dollar diet industry is a scam.

Eat less, move more.
Not excuses....actually it was a joke.... but since you want to be serious - I disagree that it is as easy for a woman to lose weight as quickly and efficiently as it is for a man. Women's bodies are biologically programmed to retain a certain amount of body fat in case of famine, in order to facilitate and sustain pregnancy.

Women will lose weight if they put in less energy/take out more but it will not come as easily as it will for men.

I think you have been given very good advice. I like Mara''s way myself. Eat healthy, excercise and don''t deprive yourself. If on the weekend after being good all week, go ahead and treat yourself. The downfall comes when you deprive yourself too much, you will eventually cave. I agree on cutting out the sweets, and maybe even the carbs. I did that, it was hard at first, but then I didn''t miss them. Join a yoga class, or some activity that you enjoy. Make it fun. Excercise doesn''t have to be boring. Good luck!! I gained a lot of weight with my daughter, that was years ago, but I''ve been there..... Good luck!!
Also that daily work out thread as Mara suggested is a great motivator, not just for LIW''s.
hlmr wrote:

Not excuses....actually it was a joke.... but since you want to be serious - I disagree that it is as easy for a woman to lose weight as quickly and efficiently as it is for a man. Women's bodies are biologically programmed to retain a certain amount of body fat in case of famine, in order to facilitate and sustain pregnancy. 
Women will lose weight if they put in less energy/take out more but it will not come as easily as it will for men.

I didn't say it was *equally* easy for men and women to lose weight.
Read my post again; it has not been edited.
I stand by it.
I wanted to add something about "losing weight". The best advice I was ever given when I wanted to lose a couple of pounds was to actually stop wighing myself. That can be sooo deceiving! As muscle weighs much more than fat and you always build up some muscle when exercising, you can lose quite a lot of fat but still weigh the same. To me anyway, clothes size is a much better indicator of "weight loss"!

Good luck!
RE: women and men. This drives me *crazy*. My DB and I can do the exact same exercize routine and he will be able to do twice as much in half the time!

I don;t know about fat loss, but I do know that estrogen keeps muscles from tearing and rebuilding as quickly....thus it is harder for us to build muscle but we have a shorter recovery time.

THe only hard core barrier to weight loss I have seen was my mother''s rxn to having been on steroid treatment for a decade. That stuff literally stores itself in the fat and won''t come off.
Date: 3/23/2006 11:51:02 PM
Author: kenny
hlmr wrote:

Not excuses....actually it was a joke.... but since you want to be serious - I disagree that it is as easy for a woman to lose weight as quickly and efficiently as it is for a man. Women's bodies are biologically programmed to retain a certain amount of body fat in case of famine, in order to facilitate and sustain pregnancy.
Women will lose weight if they put in less energy/take out more but it will not come as easily as it will for men.

I didn't say it was *equally* easy for men and women to lose weight.
Read my post again; it has not been edited.
I stand by it.
I didn't say that *you* said this......perhaps I should change my wording to say that "I believe it is not as easy for a woman to lose weight as quickly and efficiently as it is for a man"

I agree with everything that you have said as it is factual. Do we all lose weight the same way? Of course. Less calorie intake than calorie output = loss of pounds.

That being said, I don't believe it is as easy for women as it is for men to lose weight (for the reasons I mentioned before) and that can be very frustrating and disheartening for women who are trying to drop those pounds and can sometimes lead to a defeatist attitude. Men however, tend to see immediate results which is very inspiring. Not trying to make excuses - just stating my belief and the facts as I know them.


10+ years ago I lost about 35lbs and have kept it off. At the time, I dieted, and to tell you the truth - that was the EAZY part. The hard part.. is the 9.5 years of maintaining!!!!

Here''s the thing. Like it was said about it is simple math. Calories in vs Calories burned. That simple. Really. Any diet/point thing/whatever will fit into that.

If you can commit to at least "know" how much you eat. You are halfway there. Really. When I first found out how much I was really consuming in calories a day... I was appaled. Portion size really does matter.

So I will share a secret weapon!

It''s free. It''s ugly. It''s effective.

Go there. Put in what you eat. EVERYTHING. Do it everyday.

Then, later- when you get the hang of it.. then throw in some exercise.. and burn some calories.

But the reports there are as plain as day. If you eat more than you burn.. .. you gain.. or if you burn more than you eat! Yippee you lose weight!

Good Luck!
Wow, that website looks great laney!
So many great tips here! Have any of you had food delivered to your house from the Zone, Sunfare, or any place else that you liked?
I''m someone who has had to lose over 40lbs 3X in my life.... The first after my chubby college days (lost 40lbs) and then after baby #1 I lost 55lbs, and baby #2, I had to lose 60!

Most people say the post-pregnancy weightloss doesn count because you lose a ton after the baby is born (yeah right). I gained 55lbs and 60lbs, and my kids were 6lbs 5oz, and 6lbs 15oz!

Anyways, I''m with Mara too. I believe in watching what I eat, Sometimes I''d do lower carbs for 1 month, then switch to high fiber, then switch to low fat, and then I do portion control. I''m not one to stick to structured diets either. I guess my diet concept is to be conscious of what you''re putting into your mouth, don''t just sit, chat, and forget about the tons of food going down. Always stop and think with each bite. Dh and I eat out a lot, and we have dessert almost every night. I don''t deprive myself, but I have only a couple bites of dh''s cheesecake, or one spoonful of ice-cream and I don''t go back for seconds.

I also try to walk at least 2 miles a day. It doesn''t require gym membership or excercise equipment, If I don''t get to walk during my lunch hour, I strap my toddler in a stroller and push her around a couple of miles after work. About 3-4 times a week after the kids are in bed, I do about 20-30 minutes of either windsor pilates or tae-bo (depending on my mood) or what part of my body I want to concentrate on.

I also have vanity that I have in a certain size that makes me look WOW. I try to stay in that size. when my vanity clothes start feeling snug, I know it''s time to bump up the excercise, or curb the eating.

I also give myself a realistic weight fluctuation range. I usually flutuate up and down 5 lbs. I don''t beat myself up if I gain a few lbs after a bad week. i just refocus the following week, and bring the weight back down to within my 5 lb. range.

Good Luck, if I can do it, I think anyone can because I''ve never met anyone who enjoys food more than me. I''m SUCH a foodie, that''s all I think about, and all I watch on TV!
I agree re: nixing the scale, that thing is my enemy for sure....!! I go by fit of clothes and how I look naked in the mirror or even worse, with a bikini on. The bikini does not lie!!
Ditto bin the scale! This has worked the best for me, no more anguish when the needle doesn''t move the way I want when I deserve it to
Be more active and use every chance you have to make smart food choices, the weight will come off. Also do have a treat occasionally, you have to live too!
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