
I think I might be losing my mind...


Nov 4, 2009
I kid everyone not, last week at least 2 of my friends got engaged, SO and I went to an engagement party, one friend got married, and over the holiday weekend THREE MORE of my friends got engaged. I never thought I would be the one to say "when is that going to be me?!?" because I try not to compare myself to my friends, but it's beginning to drive me a little bananas.

He talks about our future ALL the time, tells me I'm the one, that he doesn't want to be with anyone else, and says he's been ready to marry me, but has been waiting for our relationship to be "completely stable" (to be honest, I was not the best version of myself during my most stressful rotation, surgery, which I strongly disliked and am not even considering for residency). We've certainly had our issues, but nothing I would consider unstable or anything we couldn't work out. We might have a different perspective of what the means since he has never been in a relationship as long as ours. We'll be celebrating our one year anniversary in two weeks. I know he is the one I want to be with, and when we talk about our future, I can see it crystal clear and it makes me giddy. But I am so tired of just talking about it, it almost makes me wonder if he is stalling. He says to give himself a little bit of time, but he doesn't even want to talk about it, even though he's ok with talking about all the things we'll do together "when we're married." I have no idea what gives.

To his credit, he did let me vent for quite a while yesterday about labor day weekend engagement extravaganza of 2012, and I really appreciated that. He was also able to see things from my perspective, but still didn't seem to want to talk about it.

On top of all this, I am having some anxiety about the rising price of diamonds and gold, that I'm wondering if it's worth having a discussion with him about perhaps getting a ring now and letting him hold onto it until he's ready. I told him I really wanted to be engaged by the end of my third year of school which is in May, and he agreed with this timeline. In addition, we're planning on a vacation together at the end of April, most likely somewhere in Europe, and I'm wondering if he is going to hold out until then? I really don't think I would mind waiting until then, as long as he's sticking with the timeline we agreed on.

It makes me wonder if we should be looking for a ring relatively soon? He's allowing me to find what I want, and really does not have the patience to search around and inquire about stones. It might sound silly, but I've already been looking at JbEG, PS Preloved Jewels, and contacted Adam at OWD to see what possible options are out there, and if I found something I absolutely fell in love with for the right price, I think I could convince my SO to at least purchase the diamond before prices go way up.

I apologize if I sound crazy, I'm just sort of venting every single frustration I have about this entire process. I know the only way to settle them is to have a conversation with SO, but since this is a place to vent, I feel a lot better getting it all out in a safe place :)
May I ask what is the rush?
*hugs*. Deep breaths. First of all, I know it's SO hard to see all the people around you moving on when it's ll that's on your mind. Try and deal with those feeling separately from your anxiousness about your own LIW situation.

Your timeline of May isn't that far off. The ring shopping process is different for everyone and it really depends on what you want to see how long it will likely take. If you are looking for a larger OEC, it could take awhile to find *the one*. If you're looking at a semi-stock designer setting carried by one of our vendors and a MRB, 2-3 months max I'd guess.

For what it's worth, I understand feeling ready. You and I have very similar stories. I never got engaged to my ex, but we dated about as long as you and your ex and broke it off mid way through 2011. Andrew and I just celebrated our 1 year anniversary in July and have our timeline of being engaged by the end of July next year. We already have the ring because we found an amazing OEC that fit our budget and decided to get it while it was available. We then decided to go ahead and just have it set since gold prices were continuing to rise. If that's something you think your BF would be comfortable with, it's worth discussing. I suggest not pushing him, though, since your timeline is still a ways off. Andrew was okay with going ahead with the purchase because it saved us money in the long run and we got more than we could afford say right now.

You don't sound crazy to me, I know how you feel. But this is the longest relationship he's ever had. He probably does just need a little more time to get used to the idea of getting married no matter how sure he is. That's what Andrew needs/ed too. We've (you and I) both been in serious long term relationships before and can clearly see the difference and have a stronger "I know this is right" feeling. He'll get there, just let him find his way.
gem_anemone|1346844536|3262528 said:
May I ask what is the rush?

Rationally speaking there shouldn't be a rush, but there are some factors that I always have in the back of my mind. 

The first is my professional timeline. In terms of getting married, it would ideally either be spring 2014 or 2017. I'd like to either get married before or after residency because I really don't want the stress of wedding during an already stressful period of life. And 2014 sounds a lot more appealing than 2017 when I've probably aged 3x faster than my actual age. We both have large families, so I already know planning will be stressful. 

The second is that SO wants to buy property when I get into residency. His parents set asie 40K for each of their sons to buy a house and he is itching to do it soon since he feels like he's at the right place in his life and his roommate is driving him nuts. I'm really not sure how I feel about doing this with him without being married. 

The third is that I would really like to be married while my grandparents are still alive. Two of them are deteriorating and although I believe that everything happens for a reason at the times that they happen, it would mean a lot to me for them to be around. 

Lastly I personally like the idea of being engaged for a little while, at least a year. SO is aware of this and while he prefers a shorter engagement, like less than 6 months, he'd be willing to stretch it for me. 

I'm also trying not to let the fact that everyone I know around me is getting engaged get to me, and I know that it's contributing to the sense of rush. Some friends have been with their SOs for years while others have been together less than a year. 

Should I ask him to cool down a little with the future talk if he can't talk more about engagement? It seems like a mean thing to ask, but it does contribute to the sense of rushing
You mentioned that he had issues with your relationship being "completely stable" because you were in a stressful time with school. I doubt that your rotations will be any different, so what and when is "stable," especially if you are to be a doctor? You schedule will always be crazy unless you have some cushy private practice that is open 3 days a week. I would never doubt your relationship and I certainly don't want to be a nah-sayer, but perhaps you should have a discussion with him and tell him what your timeline is. If it matches, great. If not, you have some decisions to make (either acceptance...or...). Since it seems like you are in more of a "rush" than he is, then you should initiate it.

Believe me, I know it sucks. I am on a different time frame than my boyfriend and it has caused a lot of stress in our relationship. It's all totally me and if I only knew to relax and lay off, then it would be better. In general, girls will push for sooner than guys will. It is the Mars versus Venus thing. We are just two different animals!
Those sound like pretty good reasons. It sounds like you have it all planned out. What year does he want to get married? How long of an engagement does he want? If you both want a 2014 wedding, then he's got plenty of time to meet your one year engagement requirements. I wouldn't sweat it. I think maybe all your online browsing is making you long for the ring on your finger now. Maybe cutting back on the time you spend doing that would help (and staying off of PS ;) ).

Do you guys live together? I thought my husband and I would get engaged the same year we bought a house together, but we got engaged after living in our house for one year. While I was waiting like 6 or 7 couples we know got engaged (including his little sister...mehhh!). It was really annoying so I can relate. Needless to say it took us another 6-9 months or so to get engaged after the big wave of them. We actually got married sooner than some of those couples, so it really is different for everyone.
Agreed. All good reasons. It just sounds like the two of you definitely have different definitions of stable and have different ideas about how long to be engaged and when you'd like to get married/settled. Seems like a talk is in order.

I don't know that mean is the right word...but if him talking about the future really makes you that anxious for it to be happening, you should be able to express your feelings to him. Andrew is the opposite, he always tells me that talking about it helps him get more and more comfortable with it. Maybe that's why he always talks about the hypotheticals? It's helping him see how it'll all work out?
Thanks everyone! You've all given some great advice and insight. It's great to know I can find solace here, and know I'm not alone. Everyone's posts have given me a lot of perspective on how I can try to put myself in my SO's shoes. Nick doesn't like to admit that he hasn't been in very long relationships, let alone a serious relationship in his past. I can see how my sense of rushing him can be bothersome to him. And I do wonder if he talks about it more just so he feels more comfortable with the thought of spending his life with me. He hasn't had great role models when it comes to marriage: his mother threatened to divorce his father all throughout his childhood, and his identical twin brother was married less than two years before getting a divorce. I do love hearing all the things he's looking forward to with our life together, but it makes me wonder, so what's the hold up?! Crazy LIWitis I guess. To be honest, it really doesn't bother me to be seeing all the bling on PS and figuring out what I want. It's moreso seeing everyone around me getting engaged. I am so excited and happy for all of them, but I think it's just the sheer quantity of them getting engaged at the same time that is like whoa.

I really was not myself when I was rotating through surgery. The main reason why it drove me so crazy was that I absolutely could not see myself doing surgery, and I knew it would be my most challenging rotation. I'm confident that I can find my passion in medicine and be able to handle long hours, since I'll be doing what I love. While I was rotating on surgery, I was working upwards of 80 hours a week in a specialty I wasn't excited about, standing in the OR and retracting for hours on end in just awful positions, and watching attending surgeons yell, scream, and throw fits over silly things. I also just could not fit myself into the culture of surgery. So that was the most unstable period of our relationship. I was so cranky, EXHAUSTED to the point where I had to cheer myself up to not cry, and didn't feel like I was accomplishing anything as a student on the service. Now things are a lot better and I feel back to myself again since I've started my next rotation, which is something I happen to love doing.

We currently don't live together, but he is pushing me to try to organize my rotations next year around the Boston area where he currently lives. I am aiming for a residency in Boston, but I have no idea what our restrictions are next year so I don't want to promise him something I can't guarantee. I am very excited with the idea of living together, but don't want to get too ahead of myself.

He is aware that I would like to be engaged by May with a wedding in 2014. In terms of when he wants to get engaged I'm not sure because all he says is "I just need time" and nothing more specific than that, even when I coax him to explain more for both of our benefit. I do know that he would like to be engaged for a shorter amount of time with a wedding right after engagement, so maybe 3-6 months of being engaged. He's in not a huge rush to have a wedding, but wants to make sure that it happens very soon after engagement. He also has a steady 9-5 job 3 days a week and teaches the other 2 days, so he's a lot more flexible.

I do think I'll have to talk to him about the anxiety and try to find out more about his timeline before pushing mine on him. I know that finding a ring will take a while because I'm incredibly picky and am looking for a larger OEC with a limited budget, so if he does want to propose by May, I feel like I need to start looking now at least for a stone. I think first things first is to get an honest timeline from him.
Things at the top of the list of sucky things: Everyone else in the world getting engaged/married before you (particularly when they arent really at the same life stage as you).

.....hang in there!
I don't really have any advice that these ladies haven't told you yet, but *Hugs* for you and I hope it all works out like it is suppose to. Good Luck!!!
Sounds like you've got some of your own thoughts worked out too. I do think that talking about it in that hypothetical sense is one way guys get used to the idea. I don't know that I would discourage him talking about it personally. If anything, keep it happy, positive, light hearted. Make him *want* to talk about it and have a good experience when you do. That'll help get there.

The biggest issues seem to be your difference of opinion on the length of engagement. Even if you're both on the same page for a 2014 wedding, if he wants 3-6 months and you want a year+ the engagement timelines are vastly different.

The other issue is the purchase timeline. Prices do keep going up and up AND if you have those limiting factors (large OEC, smaller budget) it will take some time and compromise to find your rock.

Talk it out. Most guys are CLUELESS about shopping. Andrew had NO idea that it would take 3-6 months to search and buy. Ours was completed about 5 months after we started looking and we lucked into finding a great stone on the first try.
Thanks for the support everyone! I took that, plus the advice that I should talk to my SO, and we worked things out beautifully. I was so nervous too, but we both heard each other out.

I told him how much I loved hearing him talk about our future, because it's exactly how I envision our future together too. I also explained to him how that also caused some anxiety. We both shared each other's timeline, and I gave him the reasons why I wanted us to be engaged by May, married in 2014, etc. He said he understood, and said that he had no insecurities about wanting to spend the rest of his life with me, but wanted to be able to enjoy our time together without thinking too much into the future. He said that at this point in our relationship, we would be engaged before May :bigsmile: and what he was really waiting for was how he felt by the end of year about getting a ring. So I also talked to him about the process of getting a ring and how it would take longer than a few months to find based on what I wanted. I said that if we looked now, then we could stay under budget and find what I was looking for. He agreed with this, and said if I found the perfect diamond between now and whenever he were to propose, then he'd be okay with going ahead with purchasing a stone. Needless to say, I was elated by this! and now I feel much more comfortable putting more effort into my research. He was actually relieved that I was so willing to take over looking for the ring, especialy since he finally realizes how picky I am.

So this is all great news, and I love that we both understand where we each stand, and found a nice timeline that works for both of us. And now I know what I will be doing during my study breaks :naughty:
sweetpea&babycorn|1347036181|3263778 said:
Thanks for the support everyone! I took that, plus the advice that I should talk to my SO, and we worked things out beautifully. I was so nervous too, but we both heard each other out.

I told him how much I loved hearing him talk about our future, because it's exactly how I envision our future together too. I also explained to him how that also caused some anxiety. We both shared each other's timeline, and I gave him the reasons why I wanted us to be engaged by May, married in 2014, etc. He said he understood, and said that he had no insecurities about wanting to spend the rest of his life with me, but wanted to be able to enjoy our time together without thinking too much into the future. He said that at this point in our relationship, we would be engaged before May :bigsmile: and what he was really waiting for was how he felt by the end of year about getting a ring. So I also talked to him about the process of getting a ring and how it would take longer than a few months to find based on what I wanted. I said that if we looked now, then we could stay under budget and find what I was looking for. He agreed with this, and said if I found the perfect diamond between now and whenever he were to propose, then he'd be okay with going ahead with purchasing a stone. Needless to say, I was elated by this! and now I feel much more comfortable putting more effort into my research. He was actually relieved that I was so willing to take over looking for the ring, especialy since he finally realizes how picky I am.

So this is all great news, and I love that we both understand where we each stand, and found a nice timeline that works for both of us. And now I know what I will be doing during my study breaks :naughty:

That's so awesome, SweetPea! :appl: I'm so happy you're officially on the hunt now!

I don't want to sound pushy, but you forgot GOG on your contact list for OEC's ;)) He found amazing contenders for myself, all within and under budget, and he found needles in haystacks for LJL, and I don't regret urging her to contact him! Heck, even Stari, a newbie member, got to pick up on LJL's other option for a ridiculous price. I'll always recommend him as a contact for OEC's because it's not exactly "known" that they provide such services, and HECK, do they provide the service!

And I really hope you get your dream proposal on your trip in April! That sounds so amazing. Have you guys thought of where in Europe you'll be going to?
sweetpea&babycorn|1347036181|3263778 said:
Thanks for the support everyone! I took that, plus the advice that I should talk to my SO, and we worked things out beautifully. I was so nervous too, but we both heard each other out.

I told him how much I loved hearing him talk about our future, because it's exactly how I envision our future together too. I also explained to him how that also caused some anxiety. We both shared each other's timeline, and I gave him the reasons why I wanted us to be engaged by May, married in 2014, etc. He said he understood, and said that he had no insecurities about wanting to spend the rest of his life with me, but wanted to be able to enjoy our time together without thinking too much into the future. He said that at this point in our relationship, we would be engaged before May :bigsmile: and what he was really waiting for was how he felt by the end of year about getting a ring. So I also talked to him about the process of getting a ring and how it would take longer than a few months to find based on what I wanted. I said that if we looked now, then we could stay under budget and find what I was looking for. He agreed with this, and said if I found the perfect diamond between now and whenever he were to propose, then he'd be okay with going ahead with purchasing a stone. Needless to say, I was elated by this! and now I feel much more comfortable putting more effort into my research. He was actually relieved that I was so willing to take over looking for the ring, especialy since he finally realizes how picky I am.

So this is all great news, and I love that we both understand where we each stand, and found a nice timeline that works for both of us. And now I know what I will be doing during my study breaks :naughty:

yay sweetpea!!! sorry I wasn't around to offer encouragement earlier but I am so glad to hear that you and SO are on the same boat now as far as ring searching and he is more than okay with handing the reigns over to you. remind us again what you are looking for!!! :mrgreen:
Sounds so good! I second madelise, add GOG to the list!
Thanks for the positive words guys! I couldn't have done it without everyone's insight!

Madelise: we're not sure where want to go yet! He prefers to visit an English speaking country so we can really immerse in the culture, and I'd really like to go somewhere with amazing architecture, and good food never hurts too. A European proposal would be so amazing and romantic, but I wouldn't mind a simple one too. I'm a little embarrassed to admit that we've been perusing LivingSocial and Groupon for good destination deals. Do you have any suggestions? Neither of us have ever been to Europe

Pandabee: You are so sweet! I'm looking for an OEC, something on the larger side, 1.7-2.0ct, color M or above, eye-clean clarity, and then putting it in a simple solitaire. I perused Danhov's website and found two settings I love, but on their website they say these settings fit up to a 1.50ct stone, so that's something I should look into. I think I want to find the stone first and then work on the setting.

Also, I did end up contacting GoG this afternoon per everyone's advice. I saw the stone Stari ended up purchasing, and contacted GoG about it. Unfortunately, I was a day late and the stone sold. So since I already had communication, I figured I should see what they have and it certainly wouldn't hurt to do so. So right now I've been in touch with GoG and OWD. Adam has a couple good options, and I'm waiting to hear back about a very promising stone. I think if I can't find anything through them, I will contact JbEG. Did I miss anyone? I thought about Leon Mege, but the prices seem a little steeper and I think most people who purchase from LM end up getting a setting made by them too, which is not in my budget.
Oh no, don't contact so many vendors. OECs aren't like MRBs, where there are thousands for each set of specs. There's a limited amount out there, and all those vendors have the same access to the same exact stones. So, for say, within your listed specs, there are exactly 20 stones that fit the bill. Vendor A will go and call in the top 3 contenders from the specs alone, sight unseen. Vendor B calls in to see if there are any, and there are only the remaining 17.. but the remaining 17 are the "less than"s of the group. You'll then think Vendor B has crappy access or crappy stones when truly they all have the same exact access.

That's why I am so glad Gypsy told me about that, then I asked Jon at GOG to be frank with me if he had a problem with me talking to other vendors, and he basically repeated the same thing Gypsy told me. It's not fair for the vendors to be fighting over each other to get you contenders that one vendor can get for you, anyway. Choose your vendor based on the information they can provide you, and what you prefer in a vendor. Then stick with that one vendor. If the vendor thoroughly disappoints, THEN move onto the next vendor or two.

From a few others that I talk to off PS, and my own experience, I can say that all the vendors' prices are about the same after whatever "discounts" they apply. It might vary by a teeny amount or so. I literally compared the price of the SAME exact stone with a few vendors that did not have the stone in house. The belief that one particular vendor might be extra expensive because "they need to pay off _____" or whatever is BS, because clearly, from Stari's stone, you can tell the price was amazing for something in that spec set.

and no, I'm so sorry, I have no Europe recommendations 8) I haven't really traveled. I was hoping to just imagine the fun through you ;)) But I know there are a LOT of travelers here on PS and I'm sure Hangout can help you with plenty of rec's!!!
sweetpea&babycorn|1347078790|3264146 said:
I'm looking for an OEC, something on the larger side, 1.7-2.0ct, color M or above, eye-clean clarity, and then putting it in a simple solitaire.

LOL!! :lol: Are you LJL? I totally had this conversation with her a few months ago! :wink2:
madelise|1347086781|3264163 said:
sweetpea&babycorn|1347078790|3264146 said:
I'm looking for an OEC, something on the larger side, 1.7-2.0ct, color M or above, eye-clean clarity, and then putting it in a simple solitaire.

LOL!! :lol: Are you LJL? I totally had this conversation with her a few months ago! :wink2:

Hahaha I thought the same exact thing when I first read it!! Well if you go with GOG at least he knows what he's looking for now!!! Solitaire sounds like a wonderful settin for a large yummy OEC like what you're looking for!
pandabee|1347103776|3264193 said:
madelise|1347086781|3264163 said:
sweetpea&babycorn|1347078790|3264146 said:
I'm looking for an OEC, something on the larger side, 1.7-2.0ct, color M or above, eye-clean clarity, and then putting it in a simple solitaire.

LOL!! :lol: Are you LJL? I totally had this conversation with her a few months ago! :wink2:

Hahaha I thought the same exact thing when I first read it!! Well if you go with GOG at least he knows what he's looking for now!!! Solitaire sounds like a wonderful settin for a large yummy OEC like what you're looking for!

Hahaha no I'm not but I can see how we are similar in what we were looking for! I PS stalked her and it looks like she found a beautiful stone! Funnily I'm waiting to hear back on a stone from OWD with similar stats to LJL's OEC! I'm happy she was able to find her stone, it gives me faith I'll find mine too :D

So should I just stick with OWD and GOG? OWD is already looking into a few for me and I havent heard back from GOG yet.

Madelise I'll def let you know where we're going when we decide. My vacation time is set in stone because I'm following an academic calendar and SO just needs to confirm his and not miss teaching any of his classes. We also haven't travelled a lot, but I'll definitely check out the Hangout! How is everything going with your ring? I haven't done a good job keeping up with its status but it's going to be freaking beautiful!
sweetpea&babycorn|1347112733|3264257 said:
pandabee|1347103776|3264193 said:
madelise|1347086781|3264163 said:
sweetpea&babycorn|1347078790|3264146 said:
I'm looking for an OEC, something on the larger side, 1.7-2.0ct, color M or above, eye-clean clarity, and then putting it in a simple solitaire.

LOL!! :lol: Are you LJL? I totally had this conversation with her a few months ago! :wink2:

Hahaha I thought the same exact thing when I first read it!! Well if you go with GOG at least he knows what he's looking for now!!! Solitaire sounds like a wonderful settin for a large yummy OEC like what you're looking for!

Hahaha no I'm not but I can see how we are similar in what we were looking for! I PS stalked her and it looks like she found a beautiful stone! Funnily I'm waiting to hear back on a stone from OWD with similar stats to LJL's OEC! I'm happy she was able to find her stone, it gives me faith I'll find mine too :D

So should I just stick with OWD and GOG? OWD is already looking into a few for me and I havent heard back from GOG yet.

Madelise I'll def let you know where we're going when we decide. My vacation time is set in stone because I'm following an academic calendar and SO just needs to confirm his and not miss teaching any of his classes. We also haven't travelled a lot, but I'll definitely check out the Hangout! How is everything going with your ring? I haven't done a good job keeping up with its status but it's going to be freaking beautiful!

Contact Jon directly, not just that general "info" email address. If you want his email, I can share it via email through my Diamond Bistro ad "WTB 10mm setting". I don't know if I'm allowed to share it here, where lurkers might spam him (???)

And yes, don't work with too many vendors all at the same time b/c they'll be fighting each other for access of the same stones, and you might get overwhelmed with different responses. I think I contacted 5+ at first! I got so confuzzled lol. Thank God Gyspsy set me straight because I was totally going to cry from the stress, and the accusatory comments of contacting multiple vendors from a specific vendor

If they can't supply you with what you want, THEN move on to another vendor or 2.

And thank you :) I am actually 2-3 weeks behind on details, and am no longer asking for updates on my ring O:) It's all in SO's hands now!
Hi, SP, I actually just spoke to Jon through FB to ask permission to pass along his personal email to you, since it's not his @goodoldgold email. I kinda jumped the gun in offering, so I had to double check with him :P

He actually *just* made a new video with a stone in that spec range! I can't copy and paste the link since I'm using a proxy server to go online, so look up his youtube channel, and look for his "More Old European Cuts & ASET's" video that he just posted today. That 1.80 K VS2 looks pretty promising for an authentic OEC.
I prefer the technology that GOG can provide over OWD in my personal opinion....
audball|1347134152|3264372 said:
I prefer the technology that GOG can provide over OWD in my personal opinion....

madelise|1347138274|3264413 said:
audball|1347134152|3264372 said:
I prefer the technology that GOG can provide over OWD in my personal opinion....
:confused: I thought you agreed with this?
madelise|1347131334|3264366 said:
Hi, SP, I actually just spoke to Jon through FB to ask permission to pass along his personal email to you, since it's not his @goodoldgold email. I kinda jumped the gun in offering, so I had to double check with him :P

He actually *just* made a new video with a stone in that spec range! I can't copy and paste the link since I'm using a proxy server to go online, so look up his youtube channel, and look for his "More Old European Cuts & ASET's" video that he just posted today. That 1.80 K VS2 looks pretty promising for an authentic OEC.

Wow, Madelise, thanks for your help!! I'll be sure to check out that video tonight. I'll find you on DB and get his email from you. I'm excited to see how this new stone looks!

Audball, what do you mean by technology? Are you talking about all the diamond analysis that GoG uses?
sweetpea&babycorn|1347229173|3264869 said:
Audball, what do you mean by technology? Are you talking about all the diamond analysis that GoG uses?
I'm more of a "see what your eyes tell you" but I do think those cool analysis GoG uses are neat! I love watching Jon's videos, except they get me into trouble for wanting what is beyond my means.

Madelise: I did watch the video you mentioned, and I love that 1.80K VS2 but it's out of my price range. I'm looking for something around $8,000 give or take a few hundred. Also, I couldn't find you on DB! :(
sweetpea&babycorn|1347286064|3265173 said:
I'm more of a "see what your eyes tell you" but I do think those cool analysis GoG uses are neat! I love watching Jon's videos, except they get me into trouble for wanting what is beyond my means.

Madelise: I did watch the video you mentioned, and I love that 1.80K VS2 but it's out of my price range. I'm looking for something around $8,000 give or take a few hundred. Also, I couldn't find you on DB! :(
Well if that's the case, JbEG may be the best vendor for you because that is very much their mantra as well. A lot of pieces they get, too, are on consignment and are more negotiable than others IMO. They're really nice people. Send them an email and let them know what you're looking for and your budget.
sweetpea&babycorn|1347229173|3264869 said:
madelise|1347131334|3264366 said:
Hi, SP, I actually just spoke to Jon through FB to ask permission to pass along his personal email to you, since it's not his @goodoldgold email. I kinda jumped the gun in offering, so I had to double check with him :P

He actually *just* made a new video with a stone in that spec range! I can't copy and paste the link since I'm using a proxy server to go online, so look up his youtube channel, and look for his "More Old European Cuts & ASET's" video that he just posted today. That 1.80 K VS2 looks pretty promising for an authentic OEC.

Wow, Madelise, thanks for your help!! I'll be sure to check out that video tonight. I'll find you on DB and get his email from you. I'm excited to see how this new stone looks!

Audball, what do you mean by technology? Are you talking about all the diamond analysis that GoG uses?

Oh, no! I just realized my ad expired and it costs $$ to post new ads now :( I'm sorry.
I have no idea how to contact people now. :confused: Audball? You're good at this, lol.

And yes, GOG's diamond analysis is awesome, and those videos he shoots in all the different types of lighting is very helpful. It provides a lot more information that just a spinning diamond on a mirror.

and yes, contact JbEG if you're more of an eyes>science type of gal. They will let you borrow their eyes ;)) Grace was SO fabulous to me.