
If you give me your phone number, I''ll know where you live.

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Zaba is amazing...I love looking up old boyfriends on there.
It appears Zaba search can only be used in the US...not Canada or anywhere else?
Date: 1/25/2008 5:10:32 PM
Author: whatmeworry

Date: 1/25/2008 2:34:54 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Mara, if you have an unlisted number, it won''t come up. It''s only for people who are searchable by white pages, 411, etc. My work number doesn''t come up, but my home number does. Both are tied to my home address.
Guess who''s unlisted number popped up?
Mine too! And my parents. We''re ALL unlisted but mine and their''s popped up!
All I have is a cell phone....however... there are other sites like this section of google... is one...............
I guess my number won''t work seeing as it is a cell phone number. We have no land line, which is nice sometimes and a pain sometimes.

My question is this: Is google''s new "type in a number and get the address" feature really so different from being able to look a person''s address up in the phone book? I mean, you could still get map-quest directions with the phone book address. I can see where people who are unlisted would be VERY upset over the new feature (if it worked with their numbers), but otherwise, it doesn''t seem like it is much different than a regular directory.
Date: 1/26/2008 2:49:00 AM
Author: Mara
Zaba is amazing...I love looking up old boyfriends on there.
Funny you should mention this!

I have had aol since 1996 (when we didn''t know any better) and since I have had it so long and also because it''s free now, I still have it. I was checking emails for the screenname which I subscribe to online newsletters and what not, when I saw that my ex popped up on my "buddy list."

I had no idea he was even ON my buddy list! It''s been at least 6 years since I''ve even seen the name come up at all. It made me think for a, he''s still out there somewhere, doing his thing. It was kind of a strange moment...
The internet has made it very easy for people to track or locate other people. As mentioned above you can also be tracked by any internet traffic that you engage in. While this site has fairly good security - that would not by itself prevent someone from tracking people who use the site. While I am sure that the site could be hacked with enough effort it is far easier to just monitor and track the traffic, and origin IP addresses, to and from the site). There are ways for individuals communicating with the site to beat that too.... but most people don''t know how and don''t really want to know either.

Before the internet is was also a bit harder to track a persons address with a phone number. in that you physically had to make personal contacts to find most of it. Also with a name and a general location (do you own a house in Middleville - your full name, address, and all kinds of other information is on public records at the local courthouse or city office building). It is amazing what you can learn by spending a day at the local property tax office browsing the public records.

Banks and financial institutions are also great places to get information (and the bank owns your information - not you). Now most banks have rules on who they will share that information with - but If I make a plausible case to the bank that "you" owe me money then the bank can - and often will release your bank records to me.

I have needed to find someone three times in my life (for ligitimate reasons). It never took more than a couple days to do so - and that was pre-internet.

On the flip side of that; I once lived for a period of time where my mail and tax information went to a holding address, I had an agent on my checking account to pay my bills from my mailing address, I used an answering service for incomming calls and calling cards for outgoing calls, and I rented apartments with cash with no filled out paperwork on file (serious and very real death threat and stalking situation). I studied hard how to disappear and not be tracable... It was a lot harder than most people understand. I held a self employed commission only traveling sales job for the period too so that I minimized my patterns (but I had to get my mail periodically, I had to go to the office every week or so too); and with that I was still tracable - and endid up moving a fair amount. Bottom line, I figure this situation cost me about $50,000 over about 3 years - but I avoided a gunfight and survived it and consider it a huge success.

From a privacy situation: it is very difficult not to be findable if someone wants to find you. A person''s best bet for most threats is to live in a reasonably securable and defendable living situation.

Concerning the internet. By design the internet is not secure (but it is highly reliable) - and nothing can be done to make it truely secure. You can with reasonable efforts secure the data you are transmitting - but you cannot hide the fact that you are sending it from point A to point B. emails are totally open for anyone to read - so is the vast overwhelming majority of all intenet traffic.

Phone calls are more secure if you make them via wired telephone. Cellphones and moble hansets are not secure as the simple methods they use to scramble (if they do that) are easily undone (and there is no law in the US to prevent people from listening in on radio transmissions).

Your phone number. Listed is least secure. Unlisted is a bit more secure. Cellphones numbers are a bit more secure than listed phone numbers. Guess what: I have a 800 number voicemail system that I give out for some things. But, for most people - I give out my home phone number. Their is a ballanced risk/benifit in that.

Do have a nice day ya-all...

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