
If you had a 3 carat round......

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Thanks for all the opinions about the settings. Currently I am working with James Allen. They are checking out two of my diamond certs for this "trade up". I know Kristy D got her 3+ from them and thus far they have been awesome. We are in the beginning phase of this process so hopefully it is going to work out. My local B&M is still in the running, but I feel like their prices are inflated and I want an H&A diamond if I do decide on a round, which they don''t seem too excited about finding.
DQ! I''m so glad you mentioned a cushion. I think that would be INCREDIBLE in a stone of that size. Have you checked out On their "bling bling" page there are several antique and very blingy stones in your size range. Granted, the color on most of them is lower, but IMO that only enhances the romance of an antique ring!

Check out this 4carat HVS1 cushion:
And this 3.26 L VS OEC cut:

How about this 3.59 L VS2 OEC cut:
DQ, I think I get your drift...and I am in TOTAL agreement.

Ell, you have posted some AMAZING stuff. I like some of the halo''s with the thinner bands, more delicate and elegant. I LOVE that look, but when I got my ring I went for the tapered bags so I would always love it...

Marvel, your ring is STUNNING. Congrats, more photos please
Ooooooh, be still my heart! KD: those antique honkers from Silverstone take my breath away!!!!!!

What is your finger length? Do you have long fingers? If not, the halo will probably be out of place. A 3 c can stand all on it''s own.

I''m a tapered baquette fan - prolly b/c that''s what I have for my 3c.
A stone this size is commanding all by itself or with simple diamond band.

I do like those shared prongs split shank - sure is purdy. But, I think it looks VERY dressy for every day.
I think only you know what is right for you. Many people would say they could never "carry" anything larger than a 1.0 carat and others would use them as accent diamonds for a monster center. My sister is a person who wears glitter and sequins almost everyday for her casual attire and I am a jeans and tee-shirt sort of gal. She would look "strange" in jeans and a tee and I would look nuts in a sequined sweater. You have to wear what is you.

I personally know many women who can and do pull of 3+ carat diamonds with many accent diamonds and it "works" for them. We all know a woman who only wears high-heels on a daily basis and it just seems to "fit" them.

I think the key is comfort level and confidence to pull it off.

You can wear a brown paper bag if you do it with the right attitude! Look at some of these movie stars. :)

This is what makes us all so unique and individual. Only you know your own level of comfort. Enjoy.
Date: 5/22/2006 10:58:01 PM
Author: widget
I agree with those who think a halo is too much for a beautiful big honker...

Here''s KristyDarling''s ring.....3.5 something cts center....I think it just can''t get any better than this!!!!!


ETA: DQ....I''m one of your newest devoted fans...ever since I saw your contribution to that ''other'' hysterical thread!
nope, it really can''t!!! I would set it like this as well.
Is this too over the top? I don''t know the carat size, but it sure is a beauty.
Marvel - that''s really pretty. I think I can pull off wearing a 3 carat as I have average to long fingers. I was looking at the "celebrity bling" thread. They are wearing way bigger than 3. I love b. Shield''s ring.
Just found this. I have never been a fan of Tacori, but this is pretty.

I know this looks like Brittney, but it would be very pretty with a cushion. OMG, I must stop obsessing.

i love those swoopy sides on the tacori
18.gif i was scrolling over the pics and came to the double band cushion, my thought was ''ew! that is so britney''
then i saw you said the same thing!
it is a pretty design.... but i just can''t get the brit stigma out of my head when i see it.
I know Belle, I feel the same exact way. That''s why I could never consider a split shank for myself. Too many Britney associations.
Otherwise they''re perfectly beautiful rings! (I worry about trendiness, though)

That Tacori is so pretty! Very different and feminine!
well here''s my cushion you gals think it''s too britney with the split crown?

Date: 5/23/2006 3:43:52 PM
Author: mrssalvo
well here's my cushion you gals think it's too britney with the split crown?

I LOVE this setting mrssalvo and in no way is it even close to Britney's. This is a classic ring!!!!!
that is faaaaar from britney mrss. i think it is beautiful!

kristy, why don''t you have your new ring in your avatar? that way i could get an easy fix!
whew...i was getting a little worried

I agree with belle. Kristy we need that yummy 3 stone in your avatar
No way is that Britney MrsSalvo, it''s beautiful!!
Mrssalvo -- believe me, I woulda said something long ago if I thought your Daniel K love was anything near Britney''s ring. Yours has a very different look and fact, it''s JUST barely split-shank, it is so subtle.
I saw that ring just this past weekend at a high-end jeweler at a local mall and was really struck by its beauty!

Change my avatar? You know, I thought about it but I like seeing my old solitaire there. I do miss it, it was very pretty. I''d like to keep it there as a kind of memento.
Date: 5/23/2006 4:06:33 PM
Author: KristyDarling
Change my avatar? You know, I thought about it but I like seeing my old solitaire there. I do miss it, it was very pretty. I''d like to keep it there as a kind of memento.
You know, I thought that myself. Your 3 stone is absolutely gorgeous, and I love the look of pears flanking a center round, but I was kind of glad you kept the solitaire in the avatar as I like it too! ( Plus it kinda makes it seem like you have another ring...
Date: 5/23/2006 8:58:44 AM
I missed out by going to bed at a reasonable hour last night. Now that I see the rounds with a three carat weight, it does look out of balance. I love the pear sides with KristyD''s honker round. It is beautiful, but I think I am getting away from pears for awhile. lol.
Widget, ya know what can I say? I had been holding my tongue or fingers as the case may be for almost a year. In 08/05, there was a 10-12 page discussion over the same absurd request by this person. All the while my ring is posted on her website. Actually she posted it here as well. I just couldn''t take it anymore. Here on PS, everybody is so nice to each other from what I have seen, and well, I just felt bad for Dreamer.
Diamondfan, look through my latest posts and you will see what is so funny!
Marvel, your oval is quite yummy! Do you all think if I went with a cushion or a square radiant with a halo that it wouldn''t look so ''over the top''?
Ell, I would love to see more pics of that ring. Who can resize those pics for her so that she may share them?
DQ, regarding the other''re BRILLIANT!!
Yep, I had to look, too! Perfect!
Marvel, your ring is beautiful!

mrss- love that split shank ring!

DQ, you aren''t trading in that gorgeous pear halp ring are you?
Yes, the pear out of my halo is going towards the upgrade. I am keeping the setting and putting a morganite or sapphire for a rhr.
Date: 5/24/2006 5:09:42 PM
Yes, the pear out of my halo is going towards the upgrade. I am keeping the setting and putting a morganite or sapphire for a rhr.
OH, that setting will make a great RHR!!! Now I have to go look up and see what morganite is!
Yes, your pear halo will look GREAT with a colored stone!

Have you narrowed down your upgrade choices?
Ana "inserted" a round in this LM setting for me. This is something I would consider if I do a large RB.

WOW, ANN!!!!!
Date: 5/24/2006 6:01:45 PM
Author: KristyDarling
WOW, ANN!!!!!
I know! I would tweak it a bit, though.
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