
I'm freaking out re. FI's kidney stone surgery tomorrow

I'm not even a t.v. doctor (nrarf nrarf nrarf) but I would say: you had a shock and now that you know he is going to be just peachy you don't want to spend even one more second thinking that the man you love is sick or in harms way.
Now until you start putting drain cleaner in his chicken soup I'm not going to be concerned about you!
So how's the patient doing? Hopefully feeling better!

I don't think you're unempathetic at all! I think you're just very good at handling yourself in a crisis - you have a cool head in emergency situations that many many people would envy!
I haven't read the responces'll be okay. FIL and BIL have them all the time (2 to 3 times a year). Really sucks ;( They've both undergone surgery several times and while is not fun, and very painful, all was okay. They're issue is genetics combined with a diet high in meats.

eta: he would be a big baby. They are VERY VERY painful. I've known women who have had them and said they'd rather go thru childbirth again then have another stone.
Just seeing this now - sending prayer for a full recovery! Sorry hear the mix up in surgery, pretty stressfull! Hopefully they got it into a situation where it will all just go away. Keep us posted =)
Thanks for all the responses. I think this is just another learning experience for me, and reinforcement of what I've already been suspecting was going on with me (in a good way.)

The patient is doing well! He's still having some pain, but so far it's nothing we weren't expecting from the information the doctor and nurses gave us. He has quite an appetite and is not happy about sticking to sort of a bland diet for now and no caffeinated beverages, but is dealing. I went to a fashion show tonight and was able to have some girl time away from home for a couple of hours, which of course rejuvenated me, and I think it was good for him, too, except that his Yankees lost. :((

SparklyBlonde: I hope you didn't think I was being mean about him being a big baby. It wasn't a sentiment I would share with him or even imply, it's just one of those "oh...MEN" things, yanno? I know you weren't chastizing me--I just had to get that out there. I have heard from several people over the years who have gone through this that is just horribly painful, and that is actually the reason I encouraged him to get to a doctor quickly and try to get referred to a urologist at the same time--when he described his symptoms and where the pain was, it sounded just like what people have related to me about kidney stones in the past.

ETA: SparklyBlonde, also I noticed your relatives' causes listed were genetics and diets high in meat. I know that there are several types of stones. The doctor did not ask us to bring in a sample but did give us a strainer. FI has been a vegetarian for 31 years, since he was 6 years old. Do you know which kind of stones your relatives typically have? Very curious as our next step will be trying to figure out triggers/preventative measures. Thanks!

It was nice, as always, to have the option to come here and have a little pity party moment for myself. Thank you all for indulging me, and thank you also for your encouraging words and support. :wavey:
I'm so glad to hear he's doing well, Monnie! That's great news.
Ahh, sorry you and FI had to go through all this monnie, kidney stones are rotten old things! Urology is my specialty and as winter has just ended here, and people typically aren't drinking as much water in the cold months, it's 'stone season' for us! We do heaps of ureteric stone extractions, particularly at this time of year, and I really do feel for our patients - stones are painful, but pretty easily treated for the most part. I'm glad your FIs stone was low enough to laser endoscopically! Sometimes if they're really big and lodged high in the kidney, patients have to have a general anaesthetic, lie flat on their tummy and have the stone extracted percutaneously through the skin on their back instead. Sounds yuck but again it's reasonably straightforward, but more invasive than the other route of course. Hope the fragments pass and this is the last you guys will have to worry about the nasty little blighters! Good luck, and don't enjoy massaging out them stones too much! :Up_to_something: :bigsmile:
Update: The patient went in for an x-ray yesterday (I had thought it would be next Monday) and it turns out that the doctor did NOT hit the stone at all, so it's still in his kidney and they have to do the procedure again next week. The stent is doing its job and since it's already in place that means the next procedure won't be AS bad as the first. Needless to say, we are not too happy, but hopeful for a better outcome the second time around. Thanks again for the well wishes.
Oh, I'm so sorry Monarch. Sending lots of dust your (and your dh's) way for the next procedure!!
Thanks, Missy. Things could be worse and we will get through this, I just feel bad for the poor guy and we're in the middle of lots of activity (isn't that always the way it goes!) so not a lot of time for rest.

DandiAndi: thanks for the encouragement. It does seem that he has a relatively simple case as far as this sort of thing goes, so we're thankful for that. He is really good about staying hydrated having been an athlete in high school, college, and beyond as well as working out regularly so at least we don't have to be too concerned about that aspect. We just came out of a very hot and humid summer here and were both drinking lots and lots of water so I suspect he is either prone to these or it's something to do with his diet. Again, he doesn't consume animal protein and hasn't since age 6, so that can be ruled out. I guess until a sample is requested from him and tested we won't know exactly how to prevent this from happening again. If you have any further thoughts on this I'd be happy to hear them. Thanks!
Oh monnie, what a pill!! So sorry you guys have to go through the process again! Your FI sounds like he's in pretty great shape, so there's probably not much more he can do, short of avoiding food with lots of oxalate in them (spinach, salt etc), but then again I guess it's worth weighing up whether or not it's worth giving up foods he loves or needs, to reduce the incidence of stones that may or may not reform... versus enjoying his diet as is! I'm sure his urologist has/will advise you on the matter, but like you said, he may just be proned to these little blighters.

The stones are usually sent to pathology to determine their origin, ie. they could comprise of uric acid, so maybe need to limit fish etc, in the diet, or they could be oxalate or calcium, or a combination of both. That's the best way to determine what dietary changes are needed, if any.

We did three stone extractions at work this afternoon, so I'm feeling very on-topic :bigsmile: I'll keep thinking of you guys, and hope the next procedure spells the end of all this for you two!! Keep smiling hun!
Thanks again, DandiAndi! (And everyone else ,of course!) He had the second procedure yesterday and the stone was successfully removed. The doctor showed it to me, rattling around in its little vial, and (haha) it looked rather vile. :devil: It was about 4mm and will be sent off to be analyzed. FI will also go back in for a follow-up in about a month but prior to that will submit another urine sample and follow his current diet so they can figure out what type of stone it was and the cause, as well as give us recommendations to prevent if that applies.

Elections are over (FI was very involved), this issue seems to be on the wane, so now we can move forward with our house-hunt, god willing. Thanks again for the support, PSr's! :wavey:
Yay for a successful stone "eviction"! Hope he is up and feeling normal again very quickly.
monnie, glad to hear the stone was removed and hope the patient recovers quickly. btw congrats on your engagement!
Monnie, i just saw this thread now but im glad your FI is doing better. Wishing him a speedy recovery.
Monnie~ I'm so glad for you and S. I'm sure that drawn out process wasn't easy on either of you!! Hope he's feeling better and your days are a bit calmer now.
Rae~|1288921916| said:
Yay for a successful stone "eviction"! Hope he is up and feeling normal again very quickly.

Many thanks, Rae!
Mara|1288924499| said:
monnie, glad to hear the stone was removed and hope the patient recovers quickly. btw congrats on your engagement!

Thanks Mara for the well wishes and for the congrats, I truly appreciate it. You've known me a long time here on PS and your words mean a lot. :wavey: Hope you and yours are well, also.
Blackpaw|1288924857| said:
Monnie, i just saw this thread now but im glad your FI is doing better. Wishing him a speedy recovery.

Thanks so much, Blackpaw! He is still in a lot of pain but up and around as much as possible and hoping to get back into the swing of things including work tomorrow or Monday. Thank you.
:appl: :appl: :appl:
somethingshiny|1288927483| said:
Monnie~ I'm so glad for you and S. I'm sure that drawn out process wasn't easy on either of you!! Hope he's feeling better and your days are a bit calmer now.

SS, thank you very much for your continued support. There were some harried moments during this "ordeal" that I needed assistance through and you were very helpful. I really appreciate that and won't soon forget it. Many thanks, and much love to you and yours.
Yssie|1288929417| said:

Thank you, Yssie!!!! You are a wonderful cheerleader! :wavey:
monarch64|1288911823| said:
Thanks again, DandiAndi! (And everyone else ,of course!) He had the second procedure yesterday and the stone was successfully removed. The doctor showed it to me, rattling around in its little vial, and (haha) it looked rather vile. :devil: It was about 4mm and will be sent off to be analyzed. FI will also go back in for a follow-up in about a month but prior to that will submit another urine sample and follow his current diet so they can figure out what type of stone it was and the cause, as well as give us recommendations to prevent if that applies.

Elections are over (FI was very involved), this issue seems to be on the wane, so now we can move forward with our house-hunt, god willing. Thanks again for the support, PSr's! :wavey:

Yay!! Glad it's over with and he's ok!
B.E.G.|1288931106| said:
monarch64|1288911823| said:
Thanks again, DandiAndi! (And everyone else ,of course!) He had the second procedure yesterday and the stone was successfully removed. The doctor showed it to me, rattling around in its little vial, and (haha) it looked rather vile. :devil: It was about 4mm and will be sent off to be analyzed. FI will also go back in for a follow-up in about a month but prior to that will submit another urine sample and follow his current diet so they can figure out what type of stone it was and the cause, as well as give us recommendations to prevent if that applies.

Elections are over (FI was very involved), this issue seems to be on the wane, so now we can move forward with our house-hunt, god willing. Thanks again for the support, PSr's! :wavey:

Yay!! Glad it's over with and he's ok!

Thanks so much, B.E.G.--That little 4mm number made me kind of think about whether I could get it polished and cut and set into something pretty? Just kidding!!! Thanks again. :wavey:
monarch64|1288931345| said:
B.E.G.|1288931106| said:
monarch64|1288911823| said:
Thanks again, DandiAndi! (And everyone else ,of course!) He had the second procedure yesterday and the stone was successfully removed. The doctor showed it to me, rattling around in its little vial, and (haha) it looked rather vile. :devil: It was about 4mm and will be sent off to be analyzed. FI will also go back in for a follow-up in about a month but prior to that will submit another urine sample and follow his current diet so they can figure out what type of stone it was and the cause, as well as give us recommendations to prevent if that applies.

Elections are over (FI was very involved), this issue seems to be on the wane, so now we can move forward with our house-hunt, god willing. Thanks again for the support, PSr's! :wavey:

Yay!! Glad it's over with and he's ok!

Thanks so much, B.E.G.--That little 4mm number made me kind of think about whether I could get it polished and cut and set into something pretty? Just kidding!!! Thanks again. :wavey:

LOL. Tell him to get another so you can make them into earrings.... :P Studs or leverbacks, Monnie? :lol:
Studs, I think?!?! LOL
M64...glad to hear the good news... :appl:
Dancing Fire|1288937381| said:
M64...glad to hear the good news... :appl:
Thank you, DF! It means a lot to hear you utter those sentiments, we really appreciate your kind words!

He will have to squeeze another one out for :devil:

Glad he is on the mend Monnie, now go make some jello.
YAY!!! SO glad to hear the great news! :appl: