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Date: 1/7/2009 1:55:51 PM
Author: Allison D.
Date: 1/7/2009 9:43:03 AM

Author: Pandora II

Date: 1/7/2009 4:18:22 AM

Author: rainwood

I can see both sides of this issue. I understand someone admiring a ring and wanting one like it. I can also understand someone buying an antique ring (one that many people on PS have admired and said they''ve never seen one like it) being dismayed that someone copied it. Yes, posting photographs on PS make it easy for someone to copy a particular piece, but most women post their engagement rings in a cloud of excitement and don''t stop to think that they''ve given someone a roadmap to do so. So I understand both PT''s excitement and SG''s dismay, and condemn neither.

And if posting a photo of a ring is considered by most to be an a-okay to copy it, then SG''s decision to have her SMTR thread removed is exactly what she should do if she doesn''t want it copied further.

Totally agree.

Since the OP in the other thread specifically made a point of apologising for copying the ring (other than proportions in every tiny detail) which actively sought a response (IMHO) - an apology doesn''t mean that by default the other should be all happy about it and I think the original''s owner has a right to feel that well actually they''re not too thrilled and for that feeling to be expressed. Otherwise it is taking it as read that they are fine with the situation.

Engagement rings are very sentimental and feelings arise that wouldn''t over more mundane items. Sometimes when you are emotionally involved in something it is easier not to enter into a discussion at that time. Hence why I posted.

I think if the OP had just posted her ring without all the hoo haa about who''s it was copied from etc then it would have been less hurtful and upsetting to the original''s owner.

This is the last I will say on this.

I just think it''s a little sad that people who own unique/custom/antique pieces may well think twice about posting them in detail in future.

I have to say I arduously disagree.

When PT *THANKED* SG for the inspiration and and said ''I''m sorry for being a copycat'', I read that as merely an acknowledgement of the common-courtesy variety. Not for even one New York minute did I believe PT actually even thought SG would actually BE truly upset; if she had, I''m sure she wouldn''t have posted the ring at all.

As far as ''copying every tiny detail'' (which you''ve expressly pointed out twice now), I''d like to know how you can ascertain that from the SINGLE VIEW photo she posted?? For all we know, she could have dragon heads engraved on the sides of the shank! (I don''t really believe this, but you get my drift just the same.)

I emphatically disagree that her dismay had to be expressed at all. First, it''s DONE - there''s nothing to condone or not. It doesn''t matter to me if she condones it or not, to be honest. Second, if the root issue is not wanting replicas of her ring made, that''s easily accomplished by asking admin to remove the *photos* of her rings from the various threads. I personally it was over the top to remove entire threads over it, but that''s just my opinion.

Third....and this is the one that has me seething on this......if she couldn''t contain her urge to express her disappointment to the community, there were far more mature and less hurtful ways to do so. It should have come from HER, not from someone else. Also, she could have started her own thread in Hangout sharing her disappointment that her ring had been copied.

I know, Pandora, that you meant well and meant to support your friend, and I have great respect for you on PS as a whole, but the post made in PT''s thread smacked of the same clique-ishness that I recall in high school. ''Sally''s VERY devastated about it, and I just thought you all should know''. Hey, if Sally''s that disturbed and she''s an adult, she should be able to express her own disappointment and to do it in the appropriate venue.

I find it completely ironic how many people have posted into PT''s thread asking her to come back and post more pictures......does anyone seriously think she will do that NOW? Of course not - can you imagine the potential backlash then? ''SG took the time to remove all pictures of her ring, and now PT is completely defeating that by posting 68 views of her ring with its exact same every little detail! It''s like another slap in the face to SG''.

Frankly, I don''t blame that gal for not posting another single capital letter. I hope she does come back, but I would fully understand why she might choose not to.

I will agree it was an appropriate decision for SG to ask for her photos to be removed; that is absolutely her prerogative if she is that bothered. I don''t think that action was out of line, but I think the way this whole thing was handled is petty and haughty.

I cannot relate to being devastated over someone having the same ring design, and I hope I never will understand it. I understanding about wanting a ring that is different from the standard and perhaps expresses the wearer''s personality; that was part of my reason for going custom. I just don''t see how that need translates into hoarding something and thinking that it will somehow be less special if anyone else wears a similar ring. Is it not special enough to know that you own the original? I guess not.

You are right about one thing, though....engagement rings are very sentimental pieces. It''s too bad that very thought wasn''t foremost in your mind at the time you posted in PT''s thread about her engagement ring; maybe you would have rethought the choice to pee in her proverbial Cheerios and to take away her enjoyment of her ring. I wonder why weren''t her feelings just as important?

I don''t think it''s a even a little sad if this causes the scant handful of folks who do take offense to refrain from posting their photos going forward. The vibe of Pricescope is to share and enjoy each other''s pieces, and if those who aren''t comfortable with that vibe choose not to post photos, that''s probably best for all involved. At least no one else''s feelings will be hurt.

You just said everything I wanted to say Alj. I feel so awful for PT. I remember when I posted pics of my e-ring and I was so excited-it would have upset me so much to have had such negativity about my ring. I think that it should have come from SG if she was upset, not through someone else.
Date: 1/8/2009 6:40:25 PM
Author: Harriet
Date: 1/8/2009 6:37:59 PM

Author: TravelingGal

Yah, Harriet''s not easily offended. But keep trying, someday we''ll get her good!!
TG, haven''t you seen my get offended? I go for the jugular.

Harriet is hard core like a true stoner--YOU better watch out TGal!

Date: 1/8/2009 6:33:22 PM
Author: AGBF

If You Enjoyed Harriett

Some of you apparently enjoyed Harriett''s version of, ''Kumbaya''. (Thanks so much, Ellen.) I thought you might want to know a little more about her.

Who knew Harriet was so famous! Thanks for posting that, Deb! Very funny!!!
Date: 1/8/2009 6:53:49 PM
Author: coatimundi

Date: 1/8/2009 6:40:25 PM
Author: Harriet

Date: 1/8/2009 6:37:59 PM

Author: TravelingGal

Yah, Harriet''s not easily offended. But keep trying, someday we''ll get her good!!
TG, haven''t you seen my get offended? I go for the jugular.

Harriet is hard core like a true stoner--YOU better watch out TGal!

Hey look. I know my place. She''s got enough Leon Claw Prongs to tear out my esophagus.
To answer the original question, I have a Tiffany ring along with countless others-knowing that there are many the same doesn''t take away from my ring as my ring is mine and was given to me by D. I wouldn''t care if the dog in the street copied my ring. I''d be sincerely flattered even if I had designed it myself.
Date: 1/8/2009 6:56:09 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Date: 1/8/2009 6:53:49 PM

Author: coatimundi

Date: 1/8/2009 6:40:25 PM

Author: Harriet

Date: 1/8/2009 6:37:59 PM

Author: TravelingGal

Yah, Harriet''s not easily offended. But keep trying, someday we''ll get her good!!
TG, haven''t you seen my get offended? I go for the jugular.

Harriet is hard core like a true stoner--YOU better watch out TGal!


Hey look. I know my place. She''s got enough Leon Claw Prongs to tear out my esophagus.

hahahaha! And enough stones to throw.

Hey stoner--will you throw some my way? I''ve got my catcher''s mitt at the ready.
Date: 1/8/2009 6:49:49 PM
Author: AGBF

I, also, had no ill intentions. Not to imply that copying the ring would be ill-intentioned! In fact, I had never seen the ring before! The only reason I copied the photo was because I knew someone was about to erase it! I''m obstinate that way. I don''t like being wiretapped and I don''t like being censored and if I think materials are going to be made secret, I want to read them! There was absolutely no good reason that I needed a photo of SurfGirl''s ring...but the fact that it was soon going to be impossible to obtain made me think I had better grab it while I could.... And look! You might have needed it!

Seriously, this is like bloody OPEC! Decrease production to increase demand!
Date: 1/8/2009 6:56:09 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 1/8/2009 6:53:49 PM
Author: coatimundi

Date: 1/8/2009 6:40:25 PM
Author: Harriet

Date: 1/8/2009 6:37:59 PM

Author: TravelingGal

Yah, Harriet''s not easily offended. But keep trying, someday we''ll get her good!!
TG, haven''t you seen my get offended? I go for the jugular.

Harriet is hard core like a true stoner--YOU better watch out TGal!

Hey look. I know my place. She''s got enough Leon Claw Prongs to tear out my esophagus.
Calm down now ladies. There will be no fighting or I will force everyone to sing kumbaya with the blinged out drag queen.

Wow, I just read through this thing. I thought things were slowing down when I read it last night it subject had changed to alcohol :-0.

I will not get into specifics because I know that is not the point. But reading all this brought some questions into my mind.

If you find out your ring was imitated, and you had a negative reaction to that, what would you hope to accomplish by letting your feelings be known to that person in the thread where they are celebrating their new ring and engagement?

I mean the ring is done, made, and if it was custom, it is not returnable. It is not reasonable to think after spending that much money that the person is going to rush out and reset it. So the only thing you are going to get is your feelings off your chest at the expense of the other person''s during one of the biggest milestones in their lives. It goes back to the phrase ''treat other''s as you would want to be treated.''
Ringster, I respect that you took the time to voice your opinion, and I know you come at it from a different angle.

I agree with TGal; the way PT was treated shouldn''t have occurred regardless of which forum she posted on. It''s not as though she posted in Hangout (which is debate-laden) or AWT. She posted a thread to share her joy at her ring, and that should be safe to do in either RT or SMTR.

How many people do you know who wear right-hand rings on their left hands? The single photo she posted appeared to be on her left hand. Also, she said “we” went to SS, which I infer to mean with her SO. Of course I don’t know it as fact, but the ring appearing on her left hand makes me feel reasonably confident. Honestly, though, I wouldn’t have felt it was any more justified to make her feel terrible even if it had been a RHR.

I disagree with you heartily that her ring is an exact copy; the very fact that stones are different sizes makes it not an exact copy. There are also slight differences in the prongs on shape and placement.

For the sake of argument, though, even if the ring was an exact copy, it would not be SG who was injured. It would be the original designer, and only then if copyright term had not expired. Since SG doesn''t own the copyright, she doesn''t have the legal right to grant or deny permission for the ring to be copied either loosely or exactly. She may feel as the owner that it''s in poor form to do so, and she may have felt better she were extended the courtesy, but there''s no obligation for anyone to do so.

You are right - Parrot took the photos to SS, most likely because several posters here have recommended SS for months to make antique reproductions. In fact, SG herself made this very same recommendation herself less than two weeks ago to another PSer who said she wanted to reproduce the ring of *her* dreams which was no longer available. (Sound familiar?) So, is it only ok to reproduce rings as long as they aren''t hers?

From PT''s post, it appears she didn''t learn that Ari was closely familiar with that very ring until she spoke with him; if she had known, of course she wouldn''t have felt compelled to bring pictures initially, right? I''m sure she was delighted to learn of it, but I can''t say I believe she knew this going in. Further, even if she did, if Ari had a contractual obligation to SG not to make a similar ring, it would have been his responsibility to convey that to PT. Lastly, I can assure you that a skilled jeweler would be able to produce materially the same result even if he had only worked from the many photos. The elements of the ring are not so unique that they cannot be easily reproduced under skilled hands.

I understand that SG may feel her relationship with Ari should have come into play, but I respectfully disagree. Unless he made her ring (which he didn''t) and promised her that he would never make another like it (which he didn''t), I personally don''t believe he did wrong. Beyond that, considering that SG recommends others to him to reproduce designs, is it fair to think that Ari didn''t imagine she''d be bothered by it since she sends others with the same purpose to him?

I''m sorry you feel I''m not entitled to have a personal opinion, Ringster, but I disagree with that, too. My roots on Pricescope are long, and I am a member of this community as well as an ambassador. While I may not often share personal opinions, it doesn''t mean I don''t have them and it doesn''t mean I''m not allowed to express them when I think it''s suitable. I give GREAT thought about how appropriate it is for me to offer an opinion (even on generic discussions) every single day, and the fact that I haven''t offered even a handful in the year since I became "Allison" speaks to that.

You say that I should talk about how I felt? I did. I felt disenchanted, dismayed, outraged that a member of Pricescope who came to share her joy about her ring was made to feel uncomfortable.

Harriet started a general discussion that asked what people''s opinions were about imitations, and I contributed mine. That opinion did not say how anyone (including SG) should feel; in fact, I was clear that people cannot help the way they feel. That doesn''t mean others have to find those feels admirable or justifiable, and it seems many felt similarly. The discussion also asked "how should one react", so I offered an opinion on that too.

With due respect, SG has absolutely no problem being quite candid and pointed about her opinions and her right to share them, and she''s expressed her disappointment quite pointed in the AWT threads about how others feel. I presume she supports the rights of others to do likewise. My role with Whiteflash doesn''t preclude me from sharing reasonable and thought-out opinions along with other members of this community.

1/8/2009 6:59:50 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Seriously, this is like bloody OPEC! Decrease production to increase demand!

No, no, T-Gal! You have it backwards! That always happens with economics. Production was increased. It was production of the ring, not the photographs upon which all of this hinged, after all. When ring production increased, demand for photos increased too. I believe that that may be counter-intuitive. Where is Harriet? She advises me on complicated economic matters ;-). That is because she can do arithmetic and other things that one must when one is a tax attorney or does bankruptcies.

Date: 1/8/2009 7:08:12 PM
Author: AGBF

1/8/2009 6:59:50 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Seriously, this is like bloody OPEC! Decrease production to increase demand!

No, no, T-Gal! You have it backwards! That always happens with economics. Production was increased. It was production of the ring, not the photographs upon which all of this hinged, after all. When ring production increased, demand for photos increased too. I believe that that may be counter-intuitive. Where is Harriet? She advises me on complicated economic matters ;-). That is because she can do arithmetic and other things that one must when one is a tax attorney or does bankruptcies.

Please don't talk to me like this. I'm generally dumb and don't understand smart stuff.

And ETA, PSA of the day, if you want the photos, go look for them now. A cursory search (I finally decided to take a look to see if the thread was REALLY pulled) shows that the ring photos have been pulled even from other PS threads that were not started by SG.
Ringster Just to clarify, this WAS PT's engagement ring. In a thread right before her post she talks about the ring she was proposed to being the "forever" ring and that she now has it and has to get around to writing her rave review of Ari for it.

Just something to ponder.

1/8/2009 7:09:33 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Please don't talk to me like this. I'm generally dumb and don't understand smart stuff.

Skippy? Kaleigh? I think I have inadvertently offended T-gal. Would someone nice who knows me please come to my assistance here. I am over my head. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

Date: 1/8/2009 7:17:19 PM
Author: AGBF

1/8/2009 7:09:33 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Please don''t talk to me like this. I''m generally dumb and don''t understand smart stuff.

Skippy? Kaleigh? I think I have inadvertently offended T-gal. Would someone nice who knows me please come to my assistance here. I am over my head. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

If someone would copy my ring, I''d feel better. I need an ego stroke. *sniff*
Date: 1/8/2009 7:17:19 PM
Author: AGBF

1/8/2009 7:09:33 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Please don''t talk to me like this. I''m generally dumb and don''t understand smart stuff.

Skippy? Kaleigh? I think I have inadvertently offended T-gal. Would someone nice who knows me please come to my assistance here. I am over my head. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tgal offended? Nope, she''s got a thick skin. But hey, I am never going to talk on anyone''s behalf, LMAO!!! You are all alone!!!
Again, Allison Dewey is the voice of reason.
Date: 1/8/2009 6:51:36 PM
Author: 777_LDY

Date: 1/8/2009 6:40:25 PM
Author: Harriet

Date: 1/8/2009 6:37:59 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Yah, Harriet''s not easily offended. But keep trying, someday we''ll get her good!!
TG, haven''t you seen my get offended? I go for the jugular.
Ouch Harriet! I don''t think I will mess with either one of you. I think I will just stick to singing Kumbaya with the other Harriet. Wait, on second thought THAT sounds much more scary!
No, don''t go! I''m perfectly sweet until I get provoked.
I also have a better voice than the other Harriet. That doesn''t take much, though.
Date: 1/8/2009 7:20:56 PM
Author: Kaleigh

Date: 1/8/2009 7:17:19 PM
Author: AGBF

1/8/2009 7:09:33 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Please don''t talk to me like this. I''m generally dumb and don''t understand smart stuff.

Skippy? Kaleigh? I think I have inadvertently offended T-gal. Would someone nice who knows me please come to my assistance here. I am over my head. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tgal offended? Nope, she''s got a thick skin. But hey, I am never going to talk on anyone''s behalf, LMAO!!! You are all alone!!!
No chit cherlock! Sorry Deb.

I imagine there are quite a few of us with pictures of SG''s ring saved in our computers. I have a folder with rings and settings I either really like or often recommend to people interested in a certain kind of setting.
Date: 1/8/2009 7:42:24 PM
Author: diamondseeker2006
I imagine there are quite a few of us with pictures of SG''s ring saved in our computers. I have a folder with rings and settings I either really like or often recommend to people interested in a certain kind of setting.

I have a folder too...
Date: 1/8/2009 6:33:22 PM
Author: AGBF

If You Enjoyed Harriett

Some of you apparently enjoyed Harriett's version of, 'Kumbaya'. (Thanks so much, Ellen.) I thought you might want to know a little more about her.

hehe, thanks. eta: Deb, lol about pro bono client.

1/8/2009 7:34:03 PM
Author: Ellen

1/8/2009 7:20:56 PM
Author: Kaleigh

Date: 1/8/2009 7:17:19 PM
Author: AGBF

1/8/2009 7:09:33 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Please don''t talk to me like this. I''m generally dumb and don''t understand smart stuff.

Skippy? Kaleigh? I think I have inadvertently offended T-gal. Would someone nice who knows me please come to my assistance here. I am over my head. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tgal offended? Nope, she''s got a thick skin. But hey, I am never going to talk on anyone''s behalf, LMAO!!! You are all alone!!!

No chit cherlock! Sorry Deb.


Et tu, Ellen? I think I need an attorney. They get paid to stick their noses in where they''ve been warned not to stick them! I think there are a lot of gals here who are attorneys! I''m sure each one is dying for a pro bono client.

Date: 1/8/2009 6:19:03 PM
Author: Kaleigh
I want to hear from SG, maybe she''s not ready now. But eventually I want to hear her side of the story. Not from her friends, from the horses mouth. Yanno? Until then all we can do is specualte, and agree, it''s probably more with her anger at SS than anything else. But we won''t know that till SHE speaks up. I hope she does that when she is comfortable.

And Allison? She did nothing inappropriate, give me a break on that...
Ditto on both.
Date: 1/7/2009 7:20:05 PM
Author: Kaleigh
I did read some past posts. SG did recommend Ari at Singlestone to a a poster that was looking for a vintage ring. She also said in her post to the person seeking advice that if they don''t have what you are looking for they can make it for you. They do great work....
So it''s fine to do a reproduction of a ring, just so long as it isn''t hers??

I am not meaning to open a can of worms, just thought it was interesting....
This post was missed. Can I quote myself?? LOL. But to me it''s a good point.
Date: 1/8/2009 8:01:36 PM
Author: Kaleigh

Date: 1/7/2009 7:20:05 PM
Author: Kaleigh
I did read some past posts. SG did recommend Ari at Singlestone to a a poster that was looking for a vintage ring. She also said in her post to the person seeking advice that if they don''t have what you are looking for they can make it for you. They do great work....
So it''s fine to do a reproduction of a ring, just so long as it isn''t hers??

I am not meaning to open a can of worms, just thought it was interesting....
This post was missed. Can I quote myself?? LOL. But to me it''s a good point.
Nope. Sorry, yer outta here.

Date: 1/8/2009 7:08:12 PM
Author: AGBF

1/8/2009 6:59:50 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Seriously, this is like bloody OPEC! Decrease production to increase demand!

No, no, T-Gal! You have it backwards! That always happens with economics. Production was increased. It was production of the ring, not the photographs upon which all of this hinged, after all. When ring production increased, demand for photos increased too. I believe that that may be counter-intuitive. Where is Harriet? She advises me on complicated economic matters ;-). That is because she can do arithmetic and other things that one must when one is a tax attorney or does bankruptcies.

I'm too sick to think about elasticity right now. But, if T-Gal continues to bully you, I'll send my bug her way.
Date: 1/8/2009 8:03:10 PM
Author: Ellen

Date: 1/8/2009 8:01:36 PM
Author: Kaleigh

Date: 1/7/2009 7:20:05 PM
Author: Kaleigh
I did read some past posts. SG did recommend Ari at Singlestone to a a poster that was looking for a vintage ring. She also said in her post to the person seeking advice that if they don't have what you are looking for they can make it for you. They do great work....
So it's fine to do a reproduction of a ring, just so long as it isn't hers??

I am not meaning to open a can of worms, just thought it was interesting....
This post was missed. Can I quote myself?? LOL. But to me it's a good point.
Nope. Sorry, yer outta here.

Whaaa, Ok I am leaving PS!!!!!! And taking all my pics with me!!!!
Date: 1/8/2009 8:05:07 PM
Author: Kaleigh

Date: 1/8/2009 8:03:10 PM
Author: Ellen

Date: 1/8/2009 8:01:36 PM
Author: Kaleigh

Date: 1/7/2009 7:20:05 PM
Author: Kaleigh
I did read some past posts. SG did recommend Ari at Singlestone to a a poster that was looking for a vintage ring. She also said in her post to the person seeking advice that if they don''t have what you are looking for they can make it for you. They do great work....
So it''s fine to do a reproduction of a ring, just so long as it isn''t hers??

I am not meaning to open a can of worms, just thought it was interesting....
This post was missed. Can I quote myself?? LOL. But to me it''s a good point.
Nope. Sorry, yer outta here.

Whaaa, Ok I am leaving PS!!!!!!
So many jokes, so little time.....

Do stay, I kinda like ya.
Date: 1/8/2009 7:03:12 PM
Author: Allison D.

You are right - Parrot took the photos to SS, most likely because several posters here have recommended SS for months to make antique reproductions. In fact, SG herself made this very same recommendation herself less than two weeks ago to another PSer who said she wanted to reproduce the ring of *her* dreams which was no longer available. (Sound familiar?) So, is it only ok to reproduce rings as long as they aren''t hers?

From PT''s post, it appears she didn''t learn that Ari was closely familiar with that very ring until she spoke with him; if she had known, of course she wouldn''t have felt compelled to bring pictures initially, right? I''m sure she was delighted to learn of it, but I can''t say I believe she knew this going in. Further, even if she did, if Ari had a contractual obligation to SG not to make a similar ring, it would have been his responsibility to convey that to PT. Lastly, I can assure you that a skilled jeweler would be able to produce materially the same result even if he had only worked from the many photos. The elements of the ring are not so unique that they cannot be easily reproduced under skilled hands.

I understand that SG may feel her relationship with Ari should have come into play, but I respectfully disagree. Unless he made her ring (which he didn''t) and promised her that he would never make another like it (which he didn''t), I personally don''t believe he did wrong. Beyond that, considering that SG recommends others to him to reproduce designs, is it fair to think that Ari didn''t imagine she''d be bothered by it since she sends others with the same purpose to him?

Alj, you are le AWESOME.
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