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Date: 1/9/2009 12:11:53 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 1/9/2009 12:09:56 PM
Author: Gypsy
Ebree... the possible loss of two, and possibly more (if SG''s friends are going to follow her suit) of our members.

Ringster was already on the way out. SG had one foot out the door (as announced on ATW). As for Pandora...she needs to think twice about leaving because I want to see pics of that kid! I can GUARANTEE that I will not copy her kid!!!
I completely agree with what NF, TGal, and risingsun have said.
Date: 1/9/2009 11:56:35 AM
Author: coatimundi
Date: 1/9/2009 11:29:48 AM

Author: surfgirl

ETA: Namaste''s post about ego is what I have pondered about for a while now. For quite some time I planned on taking down my threads, but I didn''t pull the plug and I wondered why. I realized that it was about ego and enjoying what people wrote about my ering. I know that, it''s not like I''m not that self aware that I don''t get that. But I also have certain credo and if I was going to copy someone''s unique piece, which I would not, I certainly would not post it at the same place as the original. But it all brings up another interesting point, which is the overwhelming cry here that somehow the copier''s feelings seem more important than the person who who was copied. I would ask why that is? Is it because nobody here ever wants to be denied something simply because they ''want'' it? Is ''wanting'' enough to do something anyway, if you know it will upset the other person? Just something to consider as it''s really, to me, at the bottom of all of this discussion. Where do you draw the line in your own personal ethics?

haha! Well I''m not talking about the ''ego'' of posting a new ring, because I think with most, folks are just bursting with excitement. I''m talking about the EGO of telling another that they cannot make a ring that you(collective) didn''t DESIGN. Especially when they are a STRANGER to you. THAT kind of ego.

Yes, exactly..

and in a sense no one really CAN duplicate your ring for several reasons:

1) it will not mean the same thing to the person who supposedly duplicated it as it does to you. Different relationship, different story, etc. An engagement ring is sentimental AND it''s a symbol. Someone else having the same ring as you should not diminish the sentimentality and meaning that yours has for you ONE BIT.

2) SurferGirl, LOOK AT YOUR CENTER STONE - it''s GORGEOUS and it''s the star of your setting!! Diamonds have their own personalities, especially yours - you couldn''t duplicate that if you tried

Date: 1/9/2009 11:29:48 AM
Author: surfgirl
but please do not think for one minute that I regret that the person who copied my ring exactly now knows how upset this has made me, because I do not regret that. And if there was a way to tell her myself, I would have done so, and if she had known beforehand, the very personal reasons as to why this would upset me so much, I don''t think she would have done it. That said, if you are going to do something like that, then you should be prepared to not assume you will have a parade of smiley emoticons rained back on you from the person you deliberately copied.

And this, to me, is extremely disheartening. It seems a very vindictive thing to say.
I''m not even sure how to respond...
Date: 1/9/2009 11:48:57 AM
Author: Ellen

...and any time one buys an antique piece, he/she should be aware that the piece may not be completely unique. One never knows how many could exist.Yep. I said that in the very beginning. (should I quote myself?)

I dare ya!

I did, and it felt...hollow.
Date: 1/9/2009 11:29:48 AM
Author: surfgirl
I promised myself I would not post about this again and I will not after this post. But the way people interpret things to re construct something else sometimes doesn't jive with what is really at hand, and since I read NF's and RS's posts I just want to clarify something. In the end, the only thing I wish is that I could have slipped away more quietly, but please do not think for one minute that I regret that the person who copied my ring exactly now knows how upset this has made me, because I do not regret that. And if there was a way to tell her myself, I would have done so, and if she had known beforehand, the very personal reasons as to why this would upset me so much, I don't think she would have done it. That said, if you are going to do something like that, then you should be prepared to not assume you will have a parade of smiley emoticons rained back on you from the person you deliberately copied. She will never truly know what her actions have meant to me, but I think if my feelings were of interest, I would have been asked permission first, and if I said no, then a back up plan would have been in place (and for the record I would have said no to copying exactly, but I would have offered to shop with/for her so she could find her own unique piece, not a copy of my unique piece).

My friends are very dear friends, to me. And they are my friends in real life, not only online. And if speaking their minds, and speaking from their hearts about something controversial is a 'disservice' to them and to me, then I/we are perhaps not in the right place anymore.

ETA: Namaste's post about ego is what I have pondered about for a while now. For quite some time I planned on taking down my threads, but I didn't pull the plug and I wondered why. I realized that it was about ego and enjoying what people wrote about my ering. I know that, it's not like I'm not that self aware that I don't get that. But I also have certain credo and if I was going to copy someone's unique piece, which I would not, I certainly would not post it at the same place as the original. But it all brings up another interesting point, which is the overwhelming cry here that somehow the copier's feelings seem more important than the person who who was copied. I would ask why that is? Is it because nobody here ever wants to be denied something simply because they 'want' it? Is 'wanting' enough to do something anyway, if you know it will upset the other person? Just something to consider as it's really, to me, at the bottom of all of this discussion. Where do you draw the line in your own personal ethics?
When I saw that you posted I was happy to read your point of view. As I said before I understand what having something unique means, and I also know what it feels like to have come on PS only to find something very similar.
But who are we to think that someone else doesn't deserve to love their ring as much as we do? The only other word I can think of to replace the one I am saying out loud right now, is inconsiderate.
I have disagreed with you on my things throughout my time on PS, but even I would not have expected this. I am so saddened that Parrot has hud to curb her enthusiasm over her engagement and the ring that symbolizes it, just to stroke your feelings. I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but your words towards Parrot were worse. I truly hope that you look back someday and understand the effect you have had on her.
Deco: The question you asked is already kind of baring itself out as we type. I just saw a thread over on SMTR asking NF and LaurenthePartier whether it would be okay to contact a vendor to show designs/pictures of their rings. I suppose I can see the need to be courteous, but where does it stop?
Date: 1/9/2009 11:29:48 AM
Author: surfgirl

My friends are very dear friends, to me. And they are my friends in real life, not only online. And if speaking their minds, and speaking from their hearts about something controversial is a ''disservice'' to them and to me, then I/we are perhaps not in the right place anymore.

I''ll be sad if that''s true, because I''ve valued your input and your insight over the years you''ve been here, and I''d hate to see the community lose such a vibrant member.

But relationships do change, and it has seemed over the last several months that you aren''t enjoying this community as you once did. It can be hard to acknowledge that maybe something isn''t working for you anymore, even when it was once a great fit. I applaud that you have the self-awareness to consider that.

I understand about having dear friends, and I understand the inclination AND their rights to proffer their opinions. I''ve certainly exercised my right to express my opinion during my consumer days, and that expression was often more impassioned when the topic at hand affected Mara or anyone else I hold in high regard. I don''t find controversy in the fact that they spoke their minds; for me, it''s where and how it was done. Had their comments been offered outside of PT''s thread, they may not have been perceived as they were.

I can understand why you would feel justified in withholding support or congratulations to one that hurt your feelings by replicating, but I do not feel that justifies anyone taking it upon himself to be taking a hurtful approach either. I feel it would have been better for those who felt the replication wasn''t ok to have withheld opinions in that thread and instead voiced them in a general thread such as Harriet posted. Done as it was, it resembled a personal attack on PT, and I don''t believe that is ok. I realize you feel hurt, but I don''t feel it was PT''s intent to hurt you. I do feel there was intent (not yours) to make her feel badly, and I feel that is not ok either.

I''m sorry you feel so upset about the replication; I have to admit it still doesn''t make sense to me especially when you''ve been fine with others making reproductions of antique pieces when they couldn''t procure the original. Did you think that somehow the owners of those antique pieces felt less passionate about their pieces than you do about yours? Would that make it ok?

I confess that I do not understand how you can feel the meaning of your ring has been somehow compromised just because there is now another ring that resembles it. As Erica noted, that design is not especially unique to the era and there are likely already other pieces in existence that resemble it....and likely even some that look exactly like it.

The elements which make that ring special to you haven''t been (and cannot be) replicated. It has survived at least 50 years of history (if it was a 50s repro), and possibly more than 100 years if it was an original from the era. Yours is the very piece you laid eyes on and almost let slip away. Yours is *the* very ring that represents your journey to find the right symbol for your union. It''s not one "like" that ring; it IS that ring. Those things cannot be replicated. Your ring still is unique.

I''m sorry for your feelings, but I am disappointed for how you feel. You are among the most level, thoughtful posters on Pricescope to me, and your level of consciousness for how others feel has always impressed me. Your feeling on this just feels so out of sync with the kind and direct person I''ve come to know through your postings. I am disappointed that it makes you somehow feel better PT has been told of your distress because I personally don''t think it accomplishes anything. It doesn''t change the fact that at least one other ring (and very probably more than one other) like yours is now in existence it only makes someone else feel bad, and that doesn''t seem to be in keeping with the thoughtful person I''ve considered you to be.

I hope you can come to see that the meaning in your ring comes from how it touches your heart, what it has symbolized of your union, and your unique journey to find it. To me, those things are what make your ring unique....not the arrangement of fairly common jewelry elements.

I hope you can come to terms with this and find peace.
Date: 1/9/2009 12:31:18 AM
Author: AGBF

Well then get out your duelling pistols. We are on opposite sides of this one, Miss Skippy, and there is no getting around it. I say that we were not doing anything wrong by laughing today. If you want to do something about my saying so, you can meet me a High Noon.

The Sharpshooter
LOL Deb, I agreed that we were just having fun. I loved the link to that you posted to Harriet/Todd! hehe
But we can meet at High noon still if you like for cookies
Date: 1/9/2009 6:43:09 AM
Author: neatfreak
Surfgirl Thanks so much for coming back and posting. It''s much appreciated to get things cleared up.

And just something to note, I think a HUGE part of all this drama surrounding this is NOT that SG was upset, but that PT''s celebration thread was completely crashed and her happiness tainted by someone posting that SG was really upset with PT.

For what it''s worth, I don''t think this would have caused nearly the drama it did or have everyone so incensed if there had been no thread crashing.

Seems to be a situation of ''treat others the way you wish to be treated''. Before crashing someone else''s celebration thread we should all think about how it would make us feel if it were OUR engagement thread.

Exactly Neatfreak: And I must add: Shame on you Pandora!!!!! How would you feel if someone crashed YOUR engagement thread with your tsavorite ring?
Date: 1/9/2009 12:19:50 PM
Author: coatimundi

Date: 1/9/2009 11:48:57 AM
Author: Ellen

...and any time one buys an antique piece, he/she should be aware that the piece may not be completely unique. One never knows how many could exist.Yep. I said that in the very beginning. (should I quote myself?)

I dare ya!

I did, and it felt...hollow.
Date: 1/9/2009 12:16:47 PM
Author: Namaste

Date: 1/9/2009 11:56:35 AM
Author: coatimundi

Date: 1/9/2009 11:29:48 AM

Author: surfgirl

ETA: Namaste''s post about ego is what I have pondered about for a while now. For quite some time I planned on taking down my threads, but I didn''t pull the plug and I wondered why. I realized that it was about ego and enjoying what people wrote about my ering. I know that, it''s not like I''m not that self aware that I don''t get that. But I also have certain credo and if I was going to copy someone''s unique piece, which I would not, I certainly would not post it at the same place as the original. But it all brings up another interesting point, which is the overwhelming cry here that somehow the copier''s feelings seem more important than the person who who was copied. I would ask why that is? Is it because nobody here ever wants to be denied something simply because they ''want'' it? Is ''wanting'' enough to do something anyway, if you know it will upset the other person? Just something to consider as it''s really, to me, at the bottom of all of this discussion. Where do you draw the line in your own personal ethics?

haha! Well I''m not talking about the ''ego'' of posting a new ring, because I think with most, folks are just bursting with excitement. I''m talking about the EGO of telling another that they cannot make a ring that you(collective) didn''t DESIGN. Especially when they are a STRANGER to you. THAT kind of ego.

Yes, exactly..

and in a sense no one really CAN duplicate your ring for several reasons:

1) it will not mean the same thing to the person who supposedly duplicated it as it does to you. Different relationship, different story, etc. An engagement ring is sentimental AND it''s a symbol. Someone else having the same ring as you should not diminish the sentimentality and meaning that yours has for you ONE BIT.

2) SurferGirl, LOOK AT YOUR CENTER STONE - it''s GORGEOUS and it''s the star of your setting!! Diamonds have their own personalities, especially yours - you couldn''t duplicate that if you tried

Date: 1/9/2009 11:29:48 AM
Author: surfgirl
but please do not think for one minute that I regret that the person who copied my ring exactly now knows how upset this has made me, because I do not regret that. And if there was a way to tell her myself, I would have done so, and if she had known beforehand, the very personal reasons as to why this would upset me so much, I don''t think she would have done it. That said, if you are going to do something like that, then you should be prepared to not assume you will have a parade of smiley emoticons rained back on you from the person you deliberately copied.

And this, to me, is extremely disheartening. It seems a very vindictive thing to say.
I''m not even sure how to respond...
Lost for words too.
Date: 1/9/2009 11:38:17 AM
Author: coatimundi
Date: 1/9/2009 11:29:48 AM

Author: surfgirl

but please do not think for one minute that I regret that the person who copied my ring exactly now knows how upset this has made me, because I do not regret that. And if there was a way to tell her myself, I would have done so, and if she had known beforehand, the very personal reasons as to why this would upset me so much, I don''t think she would have done it. That said, if you are going to do something like that, then you should be prepared to not assume you will have a parade of smiley emoticons rained back on you from the person you deliberately copied. She will never truly know what her actions have meant to me, but I think if my feelings were of interest, I would have been asked permission first, and if I said no, then a back up plan would have been in place (and for the record I would have said no to copying exactly, but I would have offered to shop with/for her so she could find her own unique piece, not a copy of my unique piece).


Well, she certainly knows now, SG. See above post about ego.

...and any time one buys an antique piece, he/she should be aware that the piece may not be completely unique. One never knows how many could exist.

That is true Coati!! And why, just why is it NOT OK for PT to copy SG''s ring?? They do not know each other!!! They will never know each other!!! This is the Internet. I can''t believe how ridiculous this all is. YES, this is about ego and time to put the big girl panties on. My daughter is also in her mid-30''s like SG. If she was acting like this, I would tell her to "get over it" this isn''t real life, this is the Internet, she will never see this person in her life time. Sorry, I just had to say this.

1/9/2009 12:11:53 PM
Author: TravelingGal

SG had one foot out the door (as announced on ATW).

T-Gal, you have to provide me with a link. I was unaware of this. I haven''t been spending enough time on Around The World since the US November, 2008 elections. It is from Around The World that I know surfgirl.

Date: 1/9/2009 11:52:37 AM
Author: thing2of2
Yes, I definitely feel like I am missing something as well. surfgirl, you''re about as no nonsense as they come. I realize I don''t know your very personal reasons for being so upset, so I can only speculate, but I''m still left''s just a ring. A symbolic ring, but still just a ring.

You have always been a voice of reason here on PS and this seems very out of character for you. Obviously I only know you from your posts here, but it seems very strange that you''re so affected by a stranger having a similar ring to yours. Because the rings do look very different, regardless of what the intended effect was.

ETA that even if the rings did look exactly alike I still would never have seen this coming.

100% agree. I honestly don''t see the big issue. If SG designed the ring herself I would completely understand, but she didn''t so why isn''t it ok for PT to get a copy made. I''m sure that in posts past, SG has advised people to replicate a Tiffany ring-I don''t see why it''s ok to copy one type of ring but not another, be it antique or otherwise.
I do not know to whom Namaste is speaking, surfgirl or coatimundi. I got lost among all the quotations. I would like to understand the intent of her remarks, what she found disheartening.

Sorry to be confusing AGBF!

I found Surfgirls statement to be disheartening..

Date: 1/9/2009 11:29:48 AM
Author: surfgirl
but please do not think for one minute that I regret that the person who copied my ring exactly now knows how upset this has made me, because I do not regret that. And if there was a way to tell her myself, I would have done so, and if she had known beforehand, the very personal reasons as to why this would upset me so much, I don''t think she would have done it. That said, if you are going to do something like that, then you should be prepared to not assume you will have a parade of smiley emoticons rained back on you from the person you deliberately copied.
Date: 1/9/2009 12:53:19 PM
Author: AGBF

1/9/2009 12:11:53 PM
Author: TravelingGal

SG had one foot out the door (as announced on ATW).

T-Gal, you have to provide me with a link. I was unaware of this. I haven''t been spending enough time on Around The World since the US November, 2008 elections. It is from Around The World that I know surfgirl.

She just said ATW tainted PS for her and she wasn''t supporting PS in terms of referring people here. Just do a search on all her posts. It was on Ringster''s disappointment with Pricescope thread.
Date: 1/9/2009 1:04:30 PM
Author: Namaste
Sorry to be confusing AGBF!

I found Surfgirls statement to be disheartening..

Date: 1/9/2009 11:29:48 AM
Author: surfgirl
but please do not think for one minute that I regret that the person who copied my ring exactly now knows how upset this has made me, because I do not regret that. And if there was a way to tell her myself, I would have done so, and if she had known beforehand, the very personal reasons as to why this would upset me so much, I don''t think she would have done it. That said, if you are going to do something like that, then you should be prepared to not assume you will have a parade of smiley emoticons rained back on you from the person you deliberately copied.
The key sentence is:

and if she had known beforehand, the very personal reasons as to why this would upset me so much, I don''t think she would have done it.

So is this what we are missing???
Date: 1/9/2009 12:45:22 PM
Author: Linda W
Date: 1/9/2009 11:38:17 AM

Author: coatimundi

Date: 1/9/2009 11:29:48 AM

Author: surfgirl

but please do not think for one minute that I regret that the person who copied my ring exactly now knows how upset this has made me, because I do not regret that. And if there was a way to tell her myself, I would have done so, and if she had known beforehand, the very personal reasons as to why this would upset me so much, I don''t think she would have done it. That said, if you are going to do something like that, then you should be prepared to not assume you will have a parade of smiley emoticons rained back on you from the person you deliberately copied. She will never truly know what her actions have meant to me, but I think if my feelings were of interest, I would have been asked permission first, and if I said no, then a back up plan would have been in place (and for the record I would have said no to copying exactly, but I would have offered to shop with/for her so she could find her own unique piece, not a copy of my unique piece).


Well, she certainly knows now, SG. See above post about ego.

...and any time one buys an antique piece, he/she should be aware that the piece may not be completely unique. One never knows how many could exist.

That is true Coati!! And why, just why is it NOT OK for PT to copy SG''s ring?? They do not know each other!!! They will never know each other!!! This is the Internet. I can''t believe how ridiculous this all is. YES, this is about ego and time to put the big girl panties on. My daughter is also in her mid-30''s like SG. If she was acting like this, I would tell her to ''get over it'' this isn''t real life, this is the Internet, she will never see this person in her life time. Sorry, I just had to say this.

Oh I made a mistake, SG is 40 or so!!, which makes it even worse.
Date: 1/9/2009 1:11:17 PM
Author: Kaleigh
Date: 1/9/2009 1:04:30 PM

Author: Namaste

Sorry to be confusing AGBF!

I found Surfgirls statement to be disheartening..

Date: 1/9/2009 11:29:48 AM

Author: surfgirl

but please do not think for one minute that I regret that the person who copied my ring exactly now knows how upset this has made me, because I do not regret that. And if there was a way to tell her myself, I would have done so, and if she had known beforehand, the very personal reasons as to why this would upset me so much, I don''t think she would have done it. That said, if you are going to do something like that, then you should be prepared to not assume you will have a parade of smiley emoticons rained back on you from the person you deliberately copied.
The key sentence is:

and if she had known beforehand, the very personal reasons as to why this would upset me so much, I don''t think she would have done it.

So is this what we are missing???

Apparently, but I can''t even begin to think of any reason a stranger could give me that would prevent me from getting the ring of my dreams. Seriously, no matter what they said to me, I doubt it would keep me from getting a ring I love made.

1/9/2009 11:29:48 AM
Author: surfgirl

I just want to clarify something. In the end, the only thing I wish is that I could have slipped away more quietly, but please do not think for one minute that I regret that the person who copied my ring exactly now knows how upset this has made me, because I do not regret that. And if there was a way to tell her myself, I would have done so, and if she had known beforehand, the very personal reasons as to why this would upset me so much, I don't think she would have done it.


My friends are very dear friends, to me. And they are my friends in real life, not only online. And if speaking their minds, and speaking from their hearts about something controversial is a 'disservice' to them and to me, then I/we are perhaps not in the right place anymore.

I have a lot of empathy for your first statement, surfgirl. I see nothing wrong in wishing that you had had a private way in which to communicate with someone before she copied your ring, given how you feel about it. It might not have been the kindest act to share your displeasure with her after the fact, even privately, but I can understand your having done so while upset. I have done worse things.

What I do have trouble with is your defending others who did what you did not do, publicly lashed out at the young woman who admired your ring enough to copy it and who posted about it in happiness and the expectation that others would know that she was acknowledging her admiration for you as she announced her joyful news. I found those actions unspeakably cruel. President Bush always defends his friends, no matter what they do. It is not a characteristic that I admire, however. I believe in putting principles above personalities and if my friends behave cruelly, I believe in calling my friends on their actions. I think you should call your friends on their actions.

Date: 1/9/2009 1:11:17 PM
Author: Kaleigh

Date: 1/9/2009 1:04:30 PM
Author: Namaste
Sorry to be confusing AGBF!

I found Surfgirls statement to be disheartening..

Date: 1/9/2009 11:29:48 AM
Author: surfgirl
but please do not think for one minute that I regret that the person who copied my ring exactly now knows how upset this has made me, because I do not regret that. And if there was a way to tell her myself, I would have done so, and if she had known beforehand, the very personal reasons as to why this would upset me so much, I don''t think she would have done it. That said, if you are going to do something like that, then you should be prepared to not assume you will have a parade of smiley emoticons rained back on you from the person you deliberately copied.
The key sentence is:

and if she had known beforehand, the very personal reasons as to why this would upset me so much, I don''t think she would have done it.

So is this what we are missing???
All speculation at this point ladies...SG has said she is going to say no more on the matter, so we still don''t know.

But I do wonder about the if someone says no, are you still going to do it question.

I kind of find it ironic that the person who started this debate has a ring that is very much an imitation (whether she feels it is original or not...I do, in fact, see another ring when I see hers). As Alj said, if we were talking about ELEMENTS of a ring, we''d be talking about an copy of the Pokey special. Tsavorite. Claw prongs. Diamonds on split shank. Minus the shape of the stone, I don''t see many other different ELEMENTS. But the rings are obviously not the same, and both are beautiful in their own right. Could that ring, then be described as an "exact" copy? No, because the stone is different and the vendor who created the rings are different.

Which then makes me wonder if Pokey had said, no, please don''t copy my idea...would Pandora have continued? And why should she have to give up her dream ring because someone said no? It was obvious that she loved the Pokey special when she saw it, and I even recall her wanting to make sure the prongs were indeed very claw, a la Leon.

Just going on memory here, so I could be wrong.
Date: 1/9/2009 1:11:17 PM
Author: Kaleigh

Date: 1/9/2009 1:04:30 PM
Author: Namaste
Sorry to be confusing AGBF!

I found Surfgirls statement to be disheartening..

Date: 1/9/2009 11:29:48 AM
Author: surfgirl
but please do not think for one minute that I regret that the person who copied my ring exactly now knows how upset this has made me, because I do not regret that. And if there was a way to tell her myself, I would have done so, and if she had known beforehand, the very personal reasons as to why this would upset me so much, I don''t think she would have done it. That said, if you are going to do something like that, then you should be prepared to not assume you will have a parade of smiley emoticons rained back on you from the person you deliberately copied.
The key sentence is:

and if she had known beforehand, the very personal reasons as to why this would upset me so much, I don''t think she would have done it.

So is this what we are missing???
That passage above is extremely disappointing. I wanted to just move on and let this go when it looked like SG''s friends just spoke without her knowledge in the heat of the moment. But the truth is, that statement above (from SG''s second post) is just incredibly self-centered. I cannot think of any possible reason one uncopyrighted ring could be so special that NO ONE else should have one like it. I do not believe PT needed to ask permission whatsoever. It is a simple 5 stone ring...let''s get real here. Leon even makes them. No one can control another''s feelings. I think it is fine if someone has a little twinge of disappointment over their ring being copied. Heck, I wonder how Princess Diana felt after millions of women, including myself, got smaller copies of her sapphire and diamond e-ring??? I imagine that was a special ring to her at the time! (Later, not so much.)

We have people on this forum right now facing brain surgery and possible heart surgery. We have people who are losing good jobs because of the economy. We''ve had a member lose precious twin boys. This makes me disgusted that we are here discussing someone being angry over a stupid inanimate object being reproduced!!!
Date: 1/9/2009 1:26:11 PM
Author: diamondseeker2006

That passage above is extremely disappointing. I wanted to just move on and let this go when it looked like SG''s friends just spoke without her knowledge in the heat of the moment. But the truth is, that statement above (from SG''s second post) is just incredibly self-centered. I cannot think of any possible reason one uncopyrighted ring could be so special that NO ONE else should have one like it. I do not believe PT needed to ask permission whatsoever. It is a simple 5 stone ring...let''s get real here. Leon even makes them. No one can control another''s feelings. I think it is fine if someone has a little twinge of disappointment over their ring being copied. Heck, I wonder how Princess Diana felt after millions of women, including myself, got smaller copies of her sapphire and diamond e-ring??? I imagine that was a special ring to her at the time! (Later, not so much.)

We have people on this forum right now facing brain surgery and possible heart surgery. We have people who are losing good jobs because of the economy. We''ve had a member lose precious twin boys. This makes me disgusted that we are here discussing someone being angry over a stupid inanimate object being reproduced!!!
Well said.
Date: 1/9/2009 1:26:11 PM
Author: diamondseeker2006

That passage above is extremely disappointing. I wanted to just move on and let this go when it looked like SG''s friends just spoke without her knowledge in the heat of the moment. But the truth is, that statement above (from SG''s second post) is just incredibly self-centered. I cannot think of any possible reason one uncopyrighted ring could be so special that NO ONE else should have one like it. I do not believe PT needed to ask permission whatsoever. It is a simple 5 stone ring...let''s get real here. Leon even makes them. No one can control another''s feelings. I think it is fine if someone has a little twinge of disappointment over their ring being copied. Heck, I wonder how Princess Diana felt after millions of women, including myself, got smaller copies of her sapphire and diamond e-ring??? I imagine that was a special ring to her at the time! (Later, not so much.)

We have people on this forum right now facing brain surgery and possible heart surgery. We have people who are losing good jobs because of the economy. We''ve had a member lose precious twin boys. This makes me disgusted that we are here discussing someone being angry over a stupid inanimate object being reproduced!!!
Well, yeah, in the scheme of things. But, uh...we''re still a diamond and jewelry forum, aren''t we?
Date: 1/9/2009 1:26:11 PM
Author: diamondseeker2006
Date: 1/9/2009 1:11:17 PM

Author: Kaleigh

Date: 1/9/2009 1:04:30 PM

Author: Namaste

Sorry to be confusing AGBF!

I found Surfgirls statement to be disheartening..

Date: 1/9/2009 11:29:48 AM

Author: surfgirl

but please do not think for one minute that I regret that the person who copied my ring exactly now knows how upset this has made me, because I do not regret that. And if there was a way to tell her myself, I would have done so, and if she had known beforehand, the very personal reasons as to why this would upset me so much, I don''t think she would have done it. That said, if you are going to do something like that, then you should be prepared to not assume you will have a parade of smiley emoticons rained back on you from the person you deliberately copied.
The key sentence is:

and if she had known beforehand, the very personal reasons as to why this would upset me so much, I don''t think she would have done it.

So is this what we are missing???

That passage above is extremely disappointing. I wanted to just move on and let this go when it looked like SG''s friends just spoke without her knowledge in the heat of the moment. But the truth is, that statement above (from SG''s second post) is just incredibly self-centered. I cannot think of any possible reason one uncopyrighted ring could be so special that NO ONE else should have one like it. I do not believe PT needed to ask permission whatsoever. It is a simple 5 stone ring...let''s get real here. Leon even makes them. No one can control another''s feelings. I think it is fine if someone has a little twinge of disappointment over their ring being copied. Heck, I wonder how Princess Diana felt after millions of women, including myself, got smaller copies of her sapphire and diamond e-ring??? I imagine that was a special ring to her at the time! (Later, not so much.)

We have people on this forum right now facing brain surgery and possible heart surgery. We have people who are losing good jobs because of the economy. We''ve had a member lose precious twin boys. This makes me disgusted that we are here discussing someone being angry over a stupid inanimate object being reproduced!!!

I love you Diamondseeker
Date: 1/9/2009 12:06:04 PM
Author: EBree

This I just don''t understand. What did telling PT on a public forum accomplish? It seems it didn''t make you feel much better and now, she''s afraid to post photos of a ring she made a) not out of malice and b) free and clear, as the design wasn''t an original. She might think of this every time she looks at her beloved engagement ring- was that the intent? As she doesn''t see you everyday, and probably won''t EVER run into you at any point, I can understand thinking it wouldn''t bother you. A gigantic fuss has been made, and what did any of it actually accomplish?

This is brilliant and exactly on par. It''s like the age old question: If everyone in the world were to blow each other up, who''s left to see who won??

I think the ''friend''s'' owe PT an apology to possibly restablish a little respect for themselves. Malice just does not jive.

1/9/2009 1:26:11 PM
Author: diamondseeker2006

We have people on this forum right now facing brain surgery and possible heart surgery. We have people who are losing good jobs because of the economy. We''ve had a member lose precious twin boys.

And we have members who have lost loved ones, too. You have such a good heart. You are a treasure and the conscience of Pricescope. I should say one of the consciences of Pricescope; I shouldn''t shortchange the other good members. (Who can doubt Skippy''s goodness, for example?) Thank God (and I am not taking His name in vain) for members like you, diamondseeker :-).

Thing2of2 and Allison captured my thoughts/feelings/puzzlement best.

As Allison said,

Your feeling on this just feels so out of sync with the kind and direct person I've come to know through your postings. I am disappointed that it makes you somehow feel better PT has been told of your distress because I personally don't think it accomplishes anything.

I don't see how PT's beautiful ring takes away from SG's stunning, unique center stone -- one reason to HAVE an old cut stone! -- in its lovely, unusual-now-but-of-the-era setting.

And so I am left speculating that SG is so emotional because of Mr Surfgirl's life-threatening illness or an impending/accomplished divorce -- both of which I certainly hope are NOT true and are instead the product of my over-active imagination.

Even if the above were true, it wouldn't stop me from getting a copy of her ring made if I absolutely "had" to have it. I'd probably only forgo the homage because I like to think that my taste and items are highly unique too.
boy what a mess...

First off SG hugs!! it has been a rough couple days.

The truth of the matter is that legally you couldn''t stop her from copying it.
Morally I don''t see much of a case either on this one.
The design is likely public domain and if it isn''t it is not you who has an infringement case.

I hope you will feel better about this soon and put it in the past.
What is done is done and cant be undone.
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