Ok so I've been thinking about this alot recently mostly from some posts on here from a few that weren't happy with their ring and also that probably, the number 1 comment I get on my e-ring even before I reset it is "WoW your guy did good!!" as if he picked it out all by himself with NO input from me. I've also had many people ask me how he picked it out all by himself.
While I love him dearly, if he had proceeded with the first maul jewelers with his own choice...I would have ended up with a horribly cut, rectangular shaped princess.
(but luckily, he kind of felt conned and told me about it and asked for my input)
Also, I know that we PSers are way different from others out there. So my question is...in the non-PS world, do you think the majority out there actually get input from the girl? Or no? And why?
Yeah I'm the inquisitive one here.
Also, I know that we PSers are way different from others out there. So my question is...in the non-PS world, do you think the majority out there actually get input from the girl? Or no? And why?