
Interesting article about coke (the pop)

Coke (and other pop) is so bad for you. I wish my DH would stop drinking it. He was raised in a family where everyone drinks Coke like water. You have it at every meal.

Whenever I want a carbonated drink, I have seltzer water like La Croix. Much better for you since it contains no sugar or artificial sweeteners.
May I ask, is 'seltzer' in the U.S. basically carbonated water? Like soda water or sparkling mineral water? I've never known was seltzer actually is (I always until now assumed it was just a generic term for fizzy drinks like soda water and/or ginger ale, tonic water etc...)
Ginger ale is considered soda (or as pop, as some say). Seltzer is carbonated water. You can buy it plain or in flavors. I prefer flavors because plain just doesn't taste good, in my opinion. Some brands make super sweet seltzer, which I don't like.

I'm not actually sure what tonic water is. I associate it with alcohol, meaning it's something mostly used for mixed drinks. I could be wrong though.
Caffeine is a mood altering drug with many negative side effects. Some people don't realize that. Like another poster said nothing in moderation is likely to kill you. However, I see people consume an alarming amount of caffeine. Aspartame scares me. I MUCH rather drink regular soda than diet. There was a time where I drank several cans of pepsi a day. I got sick of the cost and it kind of scared me that I was addicted to I quit cold turkey. I picked up the habit again a few years later when I was pregnant because my stomach felt horrible and sugar tasted extra amazing. Now I only drink soda a few times a month. Honestly I lost the taste but like how it feels (if that makes sense).
Tacori E-ring|1315592276|3013733 said:
Caffeine is a mood altering drug with many negative side effects. Some people don't realize that. Like another poster said nothing in moderation is likely to kill you. However, I see people consume an alarming amount of caffeine. Aspartame scares me. I MUCH rather drink regular soda than diet. There was a time where I drank several cans of pepsi a day. I got sick of the cost and it kind of scared me that I was addicted to I quit cold turkey. I picked up the habit again a few years later when I was pregnant because my stomach felt horrible and sugar tasted extra amazing. Now I only drink soda a few times a month. Honestly I lost the taste but like how it feels (if that makes sense).

I'm with you on this. They say x% of aspartame isn't harmful in % amounts. Alright, I get that. But what about if you have diet pop, then crystal light, and then low fat foods or anything else that contains it. Have they REALLY checked out how much the average person is consuming and the affects on the body with it? Or are they saying the amount in that particular product doesn't have an adverse side affects, not the cumulative amount that the average person consumes on, lets say, an annual basis and then the affects over their life time. The average Joe isn't going to have any clue that he's only supposed to have % a week of products containing x% of the products in order to not have any negative side affects. For me, I just choose the none route to be on the safe side. I want to be around for my kids and I'm not going to gamble my health and the health of my kids on what they *think* is okay when it's fairly new product and Lord knows they've had to recall tons of stuff that they thought was safe at first only to find out that lead is poison. Before they had lead pipes to bring us our drinking water and they now know that is very unhealthy and unsafe to do.