
Intermittent fasting

Erectile Dysfunction came up first for me.
Day 10. Getting used to eating in a narrower window of time. It’s interesting how one has to find the right window for them. My sweet spot seems to be 9 - 5, with 10 - 6, being ok. Training my body not to expect food all dang day has been a journey but it seems to be getting the hang of it.

Some realizations. I enjoy my food more than ever and eat more consciously. My cravings have gone down considerably. My mild, but persistent acne has all but disappeared, I’m not thinking about food all day like I used to . . . and my skin tight pants are looser! I don’t own a scale nor care to. How I feel and if my clothes fit are enough for me.

So far so good.
Some realizations. I enjoy my food more than ever and eat more consciously. My cravings have gone down considerably. My mild, but persistent acne has all but disappeared, I’m not thinking about food all day like I used to . . . and my skin tight pants are looser! I don’t own a scale nor care to. How I feel and if my clothes fit are enough for me.

So far so good.

I’ve reached the end of my belt buckle and need to punch new holes. I’ll be going off IF for a few days due to work travel but it’s easy enough to get back on since I’m following the most lenient plan.
I’m down 7.5 pounds in a week and a half
I hope for all doing this to be careful. No IF for me, I already wake up with my blood sugars in the 60's-70's. (I rarely take in a lot of carbs, though I do have my days.....)
Are you a diabetic Arcadian? How do you know your blood sugar levels?
Are you a diabetic Arcadian? How do you know your blood sugar levels?

No, hypoglycemic. I was tested in my teens and again in my 20's (more extensive tests)Then about 20 years ago or so, they checked for a tumor on my pancreas and checked my kidneys because the amount of insulin in my urine. They found absolutely nothing (and they keep checking!)

My docs all agree I have a very odd but still unnamed auto immune disease. They just have to figure out which one. I honestly believe its all related. They've been looking for answers for YEARS

So while I can't take the meds a diabetic does as I'm on the other end of the spectrum, I still check my blood sugar a few times a day. I never let myself get too hungry and eat 5-6 small meals. I keep food in my car (yep its that serious!) and in my handbag. I don't do simple sugars if I do crash because it puts me on such a bad roller coaster, so I do mixed carbs with protien. I[try to] keep pretty low carb most of the time because of this (which means, as much as I might want to, cake is usually NOT on the menu!!) I have my fun though, just have to keep it in check and very small.

Basically though my fasting is overnight. BS is already too low first A.M.

The good side of it all is I put on muscle EASILY and when I competed in fitness I was huge!! the bad is I also put on fat just as easy (booo hiss)
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Ahhh, I see! Sage advice from someone who knows blood sugar.

I too have suffered from hypo throughout my life, but less so after menopause. I was concerned about giving this a try as breakfast is pushed ahead quite a few hours. Monitoring myself carefully.

Thank you for sharing your concerns!
Intermittent fasting is actually something that Ive been doing my entire life.
I had no idea that there was a term for it but I've always been this way.

Even in elementary school I did this and unfortunately it wasnt understood and a cafeteria monitor would stand behind me making sure that I ate my whole plate which would often end up in me making a trip to the nurses office to lay down because id feel sick.

I tend to also eat like a bird when I am hungry, and will eat several small meals. I never eat one huge meal.

I've stayed slender my entire life and was even made fun of for not eating during school. People definetely thought that I was anorexic, and they would never hear me out or listen to me when I'd try to explain that, "I just listen to my body and am in tune to it and only eat when I am hungry and only eat foods that my body craves."

My parents dont have this way of eating and have stayed perplexxed by it my entire life but even more so when I got pregnant and had my daughter and stayed the same weight.

My daughter does the same as me by association but my beau eats three heavy meals a day. My daughter and I will sit with him at the table but may not be hungry when he eats or we'll eat a smaller portion.
I dont feel like constantly having material in my stomach to digest is healthy and it always makes me feel tired or heavy if I deviate from whats natural for me. (Sometimes I do this on Thanksgiving or Christmas but I always instantly regret it.)

Its actually a very satisfying way of living.
I know that its not for everyone but its always worked for me and I feel my best, most allert, and healthy with this style or method of eating (or not) if you will.
Begonia, congrats on your success!

I’ve been following a 17/7 schedule for most of the last three weeks. I’ve been eating breakfast and lunch with no snacking. I skip dinner.

I am been following Dr. Fung’s food recommendations from his book “The Obesity Code”. I’m keeping a diary so I’m aware of my calories and foods.

I was pretty hungry at times the first two weeks. I was used to eating 3 meals a day plus snacks so it was big change. This week I feel better.

I have had no issues with low blood sugar. I’m not worried about triggering any eating disorder.

I really like having a schedule; it is far less mentally challenging for me than other eating regiments or diets I've tried.

I feel very good and am down about 10 pounds.
My weight loss stalled a couple of months ago. I've been giving side-eye to LCHF discussions on Fung's FB group since I was raised believing that saturated fat was bad for our health. I finally decided to add some fat into my meals and started this week with bacon, bacon grease & butter. I've lost 2 lbs since Monday :eek2: I feel stronger and I'm having better workouts. I'm still coming to terms with the notion that eating fat won't kill me. Also, I'm reading this book which is quite eye-opening.

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I’m not counting calories or avoiding fat. I do make sure it’s not excessive though. Was surprisingly not hungry even though my IF time was lengthened to 13:11 the past 2 days. Will get back to the usual tomorrow.
I’ve lost 12.5 pounds in 2.5 weeks and while I love it (who doesn’t want to lose that much in that short of a time), I’m a little freaked out about it. I have a bunch to lose. I’m going to keep on keeping on though since it is working. I’m not hungry and feel good while fasting.
Begonia, congrats on your success!

I’ve been following a 17/7 schedule for most of the last three weeks. I’ve been eating breakfast and lunch with no snacking. I skip dinner.

I am been following Dr. Fung’s food recommendations from his book “The Obesity Code”. I’m keeping a diary so I’m aware of my calories and foods.

I was pretty hungry at times the first two weeks. I was used to eating 3 meals a day plus snacks so it was big change. This week I feel better.

I have had no issues with low blood sugar. I’m not worried about triggering any eating disorder.

I really like having a schedule; it is far less mentally challenging for me than other eating regiments or diets I've tried.

I feel very good and am down about 10 pounds.

This is exactly what I have been doing for more than a year. My weight has gone down by 12kg and I've never felt better.

I do cheat a little on weekends and have some dinner - got to have some social life but this is for me the most effective "diet" programme.
I think for me the best thing about IF is you're not looking at a creme brulee wondering when you'll ever have one again. For me that's been the key to keeping it up. I adore food so this way I don't feel tortured.

I can have my fried chicken/pho/creme brulee/ creme cake whenever so there is no pining.

I also find that I'm more focused on the nutritional value of food rather than on "good food or bad food".
Shhhhh, been eating some flan daily and still lost 1 lb this week.
I started LCHF (low carb high fat) eating last week as another step to good health and to help shed the last few to reach goal weight. I'm down 3 lbs so far with 6 left to shed. I don't know why it took me so long to realize that low fat was responsible for my stalled weight loss. I've been doing 18:6 as usual but I'm beginning a 36 hour fast tonight. It's really awesome to eat butter, bacon and cheese again.
I have been doing keto for awhile and started IF just over a week ago. I feel better and am not hungry like I thought I would be. Going to make this recipe because in keeping track it seems my fat consumption needs a boost. I have small custard cups to put it in so I can eat a small amount.
Sorry guys I'm going to quote kilos cuz I'm Aussie!

Last night I hit the 54kg barrier! I haven't been 54kg since my university days! It's kinda surreal and my sister is buying me cake today (we are having shaking wagyu beef and red rice for dinner) so it's not like I'm starving:lol:

I find the fasting really matches my lifestyle. Take today, I've been on the go all morning and it doesn't look like I'm going to be able to hit the chestnuts and hot milo I crave until 1pm.
@mellowyellowgirl Congratulations on breaking the 54kg barrier and Happy Birthday. Your dinner sounds delicious. Hope you have a great day.
@mellowyellowgirl Congratulations on breaking the 54kg barrier and Happy Birthday. Your dinner sounds delicious. Hope you have a great day.

Hehe thanks but it's not my birthday. My sister buys me cake once or twice a week cuz I love cream cake:lol-2:

See why I struggle with traditional dieting? :mrgreen2:
Ok so I have been inspired by you guys with your non calorie counting and fasting. I decided to modify my 5:2 a bit and see how I go. I have hit the weight I want (I now weigh as much as I did when I was 18! Go me!) and at this point anymore weightloss is just a bonus.

So I have taken to not eating until 12pm and then only eating dinner and dessert or lunch and dessert (yes I need dessert! Life is joyless without it for me). It's been going REALLY well! No weight gain at all and probably a 100g loss here and there. Not hungry or tired or bothered by anything. I do eat a mouthful of berries in the morning to ward off bad breath but other than that it's been great as I have no time in the morning to eat anyway.

My snacks during the day (after 12pm) include fruit, sautéed veg and milk. I am really loving this compared to the 500cal day of the 5:2. No calorie counting!!!

I am just sad my stomach has shrunk. I am a loser at buffets now. Probably the only thing I would change is to get my buffet abilities back but I don't think that is happening since it has obviously shrunk. I used to be able to eat entree, main and dessert x 4-5 rounds at a buffet. So sad. I love buffets.
That great mellow! I’ve never tried the 5:2 and am I’m glad you are finding it easy.
I’m having a hard time as I’m used to Snacking. All. Darn. Day. The nights are ok, but the mornings? Oh man. I get so damn hungry btwn 7 and 10, and then I eat at 10. That first meal...whoa!
Glad it’s going well!
Thought I would check in and see how everyone is doing with IF?

It’s been 2 months and my old pants fit again. My energy levels are good, and after 50+ years of eating throughout the day, I’m getting used to the 8 hour window - where BTW, I eat responsibly and well. No ED in sight. My lower back problems are much improved and I’m once again working out, so that was an unexpected and happy side effect :appl:.

How about the rest of you??
Totally braggy post!

So after 2 years (maybe 3 I've lost track) of fasting I've achieved and kept the body I'm happy with.

I cannot express how amazing this has been for my lifestyle. I'm a picky eater who loves yummy food. I'm also crazy busy during the day so this is perfect for me.

Me after a 7 course tasting menu tonight.

Totally braggy post!

So after 2 years (maybe 3 I've lost track) of fasting I've achieved and kept the body I'm happy with.

I cannot express how amazing this has been for my lifestyle. I'm a picky eater who loves yummy food. I'm also crazy busy during the day so this is perfect for me.

Me after a 7 course tasting menu tonight.


Looking goooood mellow! It's wonderful that you've found a WOE that works so well for you and is sustainable. It's obviously right for you if you're feeling good too, and I'm sure that you are.

I'm...maybe 18 months in? Still doing 16:8. I do get quite hungry in the am, but drink plain herbal tea and ride it out. Adding back some cheese and whole grain bread has been pretty nice. My weight has stabilized and my pants fit, so I'm happy. IF seems to help my acid reflux and pain levels of my back injury too. I can eat treats occasionally without too many consequences, as in Halloween candy, potato chips etc
Totally braggy post!

So after 2 years (maybe 3 I've lost track) of fasting I've achieved and kept the body I'm happy with.

I cannot express how amazing this has been for my lifestyle. I'm a picky eater who loves yummy food. I'm also crazy busy during the day so this is perfect for me.

Me after a 7 course tasting menu tonight.


You massive spunk! You've got the best legs!

I'm now doing 18:6, as my weight loss plateaued a bit on 16:8. I haven't noticed a huge difference yet, I'd like to drop the covid kilos before the really hot weather hits here. I've cut out rice, bread, pasta and sugar as well, hopefully that will help.
I just did 36/48 if you count sleep.
Lost 3.5 quick easy pounds.