
Is 1/3karat t.w diamond earring studs good enough size for 1 yr dating anniversary

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Date: 2/25/2009 12:33:07 PM
Author: jumbo1990
one more question. .33 or .40 ?
LOL. If you have the budget, I''d do the .40.
sorry i''m typing one handed holding my three month old- sprry for the mispells, i''d asked them anyways about change in metal if it really matters as i have asked the for quotes on their precast item in 14k and the''ve alwyas come back with a lower price,
So, I have no choice but to buy the read to go ones cause the others dont come that small right?
hmm, you can still call them and ask to find diamonds of the size you''re looking for to be made into earrings, but then it becomes pretty pricey and custom... so best chance for the best deal for quality diamond would be precast
Date: 2/25/2009 12:41:33 PM
Author: jumbo1990
So, I have no choice but to buy the read to go ones cause the others dont come that small right?
Well, ultimately it''s up to you, but everyone agrees that the Whiteflash ready-set-go earrings are a good price and high quality. I have .40ctw round earrings, which is sort of a sweet spot price-wise sitting just under the .50ctw. I believe WF is asking $415 for the 18K white gold princess cuts in .40ctw size. Sounds like a great deal to me, and very wearable long term.
isnt .40 like a weird size ....i mean i never seen to many places have it and how do the earrings come packaged?

Also, I just called whiteflash and they asked me if my gf has long hair or short hair and I said long and she wears it down but its not like her hair covers her ears if I was to get her earrings I'm sure she would put her hair behind her ears. They said to go with a .40 count or .50 so now I dont know what to do I was about to order the .33 but gosh now im stuck again.
Date: 2/25/2009 3:09:24 PM
Author: jumbo1990
isnt .40 like a weird size ....i mean i never seen to many places have it and how do the earrings come packaged?

Also, I just called whiteflash and they asked me if my gf has long hair or short hair and I said long and she wears it down but its not like her hair covers her ears if I was to get her earrings I''m sure she would put her hair behind her ears. They said to go with a .40 count or .50 so now I dont know what to do I was about to order the .33 but gosh now im stuck again.
Okay. .40 isn''t a common stock size seen in mall stores, but it''s not odd either. WF is of course going to want you to get larger studs - they are trying to make a sale. That said - get the size YOU want and can afford. If it makes you feel any better - I''m saving up for .25 ctw studs. Wee little small blingers. Size isn''t everything, especially with a budget and an idea already in mind.

The earrings will come in a nice box from WF.
Thanks, but I just need reassurance that a .33 will look good or not good on my gf that is 5''4 and 115lbs. She has long hair just like any other girl with long hair. Her ears are normal size not to big not to small. So yea. I mean if you guys feel that the 1/3 is to small than i guess ill go with the .40 i just dont want to be throwing out money getting something that is to small where no one will see.
Here are my itsy bitsy little princess studs. I don't know the total weight, and they're not the greatest diamonds since they are pre-Pricescope. But I can almost guarantee that they are LESS than .25tcw.

They're in my second hole in this pic, but I often wear them in my first. And I'm 5'8" with normal ears, I think, LOL.

ETA: Whiteflash *might* have ear shots of the requested size if you ask that they could send you.

ETAA: Didn't you see a pair of .30 at Jared? Was the size good to you in person? The WF ones should be that size, but brighter, LOL.

See it looks small behind the dang glass but when people try it on it doesnt look THAT small. Now, you are 5''8 and my gf is 5''4. So I guess the .33 would be okay hmm. Part of me just feels like spending my money and just getting her a bigger size but we only been going out for a year. I mean i guess its long for couples our age but its just that I have bought her a Tiffany''s necklace and bracelet for previous occassions which were around the 2-400 range but idk i just dont want it to be like im spoiling her.
at Jared I saw a 1/3 and its 18k certified for 399 cause it was certified but it is stated that its the same clarity and color as the one in whiteflash... and I would be able to upgrade it later on so now Im contemplating where to buy it *sighs* hah.
Date: 2/25/2009 3:43:09 PM
Author: jumbo1990
at Jared I saw a 1/3 and its 18k certified for 399 cause it was certified but it is stated that its the same clarity and color as the one in whiteflash... and I would be able to upgrade it later on so now Im contemplating where to buy it *sighs* hah.
I still think that cut wise you'll be getting better stones at WF.
When's the anniversary? There is a return period - you could get them, and then if less than thrilled go with the Jared ones. Ultimately it's what you're comfortable with.

ETA: Earrings always look larger on ears than in the cases, in my opinion.
Im not worried or picky about where to buy them, just need reassurance that 1/3 is the way to go.

Yea I figured that they did
I think it''s a totally respectable size.
When you say whiteflash would have better cut, would their''s be more sparklier =)?!
I second the ready set go studs for Whiteflash, the best deal around when you consider cost AND quality. They will look SO much better than the same size stud you get at Jareds and similar stores. If you can afford the 40 points do so but I wore 1/3 carat total weight earrings for many years and think they are a great size as well (shoulder length hair).

All that certified means is they come with a grading report. A stone can have a terrible cut, yellow and totally included yet be "certified", that is have a grading report. All the report does is confirm what the cut, clarity and color is.

I''ve worked with Whiteflash on 3 different projects (one being stud earrings) and they are the classiest outfit I''ve dealt with (highly professional, great packaging, trustworthy quality).
Taller people don''t have larger ear lobes, so height and weight really have very little to do with size of ear or noticeability of diamond earrings.

I''m 5''3" and believe me, diamonds don''t look any larger on my ears than they do on a friend who is 5''7".

You might be confusing people size with ring finger size. Even then, larger girls could have small fingers, petite girls could have larger fingers. Size of diamond is noticeable on tiny ring fingers. Ears just don''t vary much.
When I was in college I worked for a local jeweler and BOUGHT MYSELF a pair of .20 TW earrings...the owner talked me into them and I paid like $5 out of each pay on them...and got the "cost plus 10% employee pricing" Since they were so inexpensive at that price I wanted bigger ones but he "wouldn''t let me" saying my first diamonds should be the best quality. Well, that was in the early eighties and even though I have many diamonds now, he was right, they are the best quality! I still have them and I am saving them for my daughter when she is 16 (that''s when I will let her get her ears pierced!) Just one of those motherly advice stories for you...she will always cherish them so don''t worry about size, go for the quality...and 14K is better for what will probably be everyday wear! Oh to be young gain....ENJOY!!
lineyd-good for you! great jeweler advice.. I worked for a retail jewelry for a little awhile mid0college days.. (department store..not going to mention it) and might I add, worked on commission, and remembered when a customer came in... wanted to get the most expensive item for his wife.. talked him out of a very nice commission for myself,, because I couldn''t bring myself to sell the guy a piece of crappy certified piece of jewelry, but sold him another piece that was nicer quality (not certified) diamond piece of jewelry... here''s my ears.. (pre- pricescope princess cut) diamond quality horrible.. hubby bought at zales without my input.... he knows now lol
diamond .25 ctw and I''m 5''0"
Date: 2/25/2009 3:47:00 PM
Author: jumbo1990
Im not worried or picky about where to buy them, just need reassurance that 1/3 is the way to go.

Yea I figured that they did
Go with the 1/3!!!
You are absolutely right. You''ve only been dating a year, and 1/3 ctw is *totally* a respectable size. She will love them I''m *sure*. The WF price is great because you will definitely get high quality. Better than any mall store by far. BTW, smaller studs are totally in fashion right now too.
sorry I''ll try to attach later.. its giving me error... with an http 500 internal server error?
ahhh,, here it is.. sorry for the blurry shot.. I think my ears are normal size?

ok maybe that''s a .30? not sure now it''s been 5 years
but you get the pictures...
1/3 tcw is a beautiful size and so wearable for everyday situations. The Whiteflash Ready Set Go studs are lovely and will likely be more sparkly and dazzling than anything at the mall stores.

They''ll be a wonderful and cherished gift for years to come.
Thanks guys I will go with the 1/3carat size. I appreciate everything you all have done for me, you made me feel so welcomed and filled me with alot of insightful knowledge. I will deffinately stick around these forums. Thanks again to everyone who kindly put their input into helping me finally decide on a size.

Thanks guys and gals.
I just called and they told me they dont have the 1/3 in stock so it will tak 5-7 days. Now what does not in stock mean. Is it still going to be from them or am I going to get a lower quality diamond from elsewhere.
Is this time sensitive? I say if you can wait for the 1/3 ct. Be advised if you make it to two years, three years or possibly even more that she will expect diamonds of larger size! If you can''t wait, then get the .40s from WF or just go to Jared.
no our anniversary is second week of march.
Date: 2/25/2009 6:56:25 PM
Author: jumbo1990
I just called and they told me they dont have the 1/3 in stock so it will tak 5-7 days. Now what does not in stock mean. Is it still going to be from them or am I going to get a lower quality diamond from elsewhere.
If you''re talking about whiteflash then I assume it means they just have to assemble more pairs.
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