
Is there something that you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?

As the daughter and sister of pilots and niece of two pilot uncles, I hate flying. Two xanax prior and a cocktail, I'm asleep when the plane lands.. But take-off, oh Lord.

Girl, I feel this. And if people who have loved ones who are pilots hate flying that validates my fear! 100%.
Most accidents occur on take off and landing so yeah both are terrifying for sure (for me)
I keep my dreams small these days. I'm taking up watercolour painting. II do not have a single artistic bone in my body. I will just fiddle with it this year. Just waiting on supplies.

Oh that is a really nice hobby and I hope you get to enjoy it soon. No artistic talent is necessary believe me. I used to love painting in water color and oil painting too. We took lessons when we were younger at the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens. It was a wonderful experience. I wonder if you can take lessons just to get you started
I would like to see the Northern Lights as well. Every once in a while they are somewhat visible here, but I always miss them. The only reason I haven't is that most of my travelling halted with COVID and then issues with my travelling partners have kept them at home.
On a more practical note, I really want to renovate one bathroom and my kitchen. What's holding me back is because it's a PIA and so inconvenient.

Oh my goodness me too. I am dying to renovate our primary bedroom's bathroom. My bathroom actually because Greg and I have separate bathrooms. Key to a successful marriage IOO LOL. Anyway it's beige and I HATE beige. It should be outlawed as a color lol. I want white with navy accents. I have beige the everywhere. Beige cabinets. Beige marble and beige walls. YUCK. I've hated it since we moved here full time and have been wanting to renovate. Greg is fully on board but I cannot live through a renovation so we would have to move back to NYC temporarily and I don't feel like doing that now. I wish I could wave a magic wand and have it all done for me :)
I want to go to the ripe age of 64 I have been looking into some classes for investments and finances.....

Never too late!!!! Go for it. You will never be as young as you are today

Visit where my ancestors are from, County Antrim, Ireland

That is a lovely trip to make and I hope you realize this dream sooner than later

Yes, winning the lottery.
Why have I never done it?

I never play. :mrgreen:

Ha me too. I always say this. But never play. Seems like such a waste of money but yes we have to play it to have a chance at winning...

I have long wanted to see Nantucket, but it just hasn't ever been convenient. At this point I probably won't bother. I prefer to save the money for more-needed home repairs.

OMG I LOVE Nantucket and while you are there check out Martha's vineyard. And Provincetown too. If you have time. Nantucket is such a lovely place. Relentlessly quaint. And they preserved a lot of natural beauty on that island. Go. So worth it.
Those wanting to see the northern lights, definitely do it! I grew up in a northern area in Canada and could see them literally in my back yard every winter. I was very lucky being surrounded by nature every day I lived there.