
Is this lady coo-coo? (Long)

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CheifNeal...we call that the butthead fee!

Gee--I would think that if *** needed to tell you something so badly, he wouldn''t need an intermediary. If you get the weirded out feeling about people you should heed it--as soon as possible, which might mean after tuition is paid. Those kind of people always want youto join their "reality" so I would expect more to follow. There are lots of houses in TX to clean.

I am always amazed at people who think the higher power is talking to them about specific daily matters. I once had an opportunity to give a guy some money for a favor and after handing him the $20 bill, he said *** told me you were going to give me $20. And here I was totally ignorant of it---I might have done it wrong!

Good luck on your engagement and marraige!!
Date: 8/3/2007 2:01:42 PM
Author: luckystar112
Date: 8/3/2007 1:43:50 PM

Author: rainbowtrout

And STOP talking about your personal life.

lol...TOTALLY. Apparently it's getting me in trouble on here too. I don't think I'm a huge negative Nancy. (although I can be negative) We've had many positive discussions about my relationship too, about my BF switching careers, about how amazing Italy was, about how he is my best friend, about how we met, about the first time we said I love you, about how we plan to raise our kids....

It's not like I just sat there and bitched about my BF to her all day. She told me that she wanted to move to NC because she doesn't want to adopt and raise a child down here, and that she hates TX, but God is telling her she has to stay for a few more years. I told her that I don't want to raise my kids in TX either, and I hate it too, and I can't wait to move either. God is making her stay, but according to her the devil is making ME stay. The whole thing is just so ridiculous.

No, I totally didn't mean it was unwise for you to talk to her before you knew she was psycho. It's just that I've gotten burned from telling friends personal things---and then they think they can judge you based on what you say on your worst days. Clearly THIS woman can be trusted with ZERO personal information. Just a matter of self-protection from her toxicity.
Oh rainbow....I hope you don''t think my post was sarcastic! I was agreeing with you 100%!!!
I definitely will NOT be talking about my personal life anymore. I''ve learned my lesson.
<--this smiley is kind of ironic though, don''t you think? lol
Ok, this may be waaaaaay out of nowhere, but I''ve been reading a lot about the Manson Family lately and I''ve got to tell you this sounds exactly like the way the Family was. It really feels to me like she''s trying to pull you into a cult because she is still living in a cult mentality. She has no control over her life, things are the way they''re fated to be, she has to take orders from somebody sounds like she''s never had control over her own life, and she expects you to realize this "truth" and ask her for more of her "wisdom". If your nuts-o-meter is going off, I say find a way to beg off. She may be harmless, but she thinks that she''s going to have some power over you if she is talking to you like this.

Bottom line: be careful!
Date: 8/3/2007 3:50:55 PM
Author: princesss
Ok, this may be waaaaaay out of nowhere, but I''ve been reading a lot about the Manson Family lately and I''ve got to tell you this sounds exactly like the way the Family was. It really feels to me like she''s trying to pull you into a cult because she is still living in a cult mentality. She has no control over her life, things are the way they''re fated to be, she has to take orders from somebody sounds like she''s never had control over her own life, and she expects you to realize this ''truth'' and ask her for more of her ''wisdom''. If your nuts-o-meter is going off, I say find a way to beg off. She may be harmless, but she thinks that she''s going to have some power over you if she is talking to you like this.

Bottom line: be careful!


You know what''s funny? She told me that she wouldn''t bring it up again, but on my drive home I should ask the "higher power" if the words she told me were true, and allow him to come into my heart and reveal those words to me. She said if I did that, that I''d be in a "vexation period" where suddenly I''d keep getting little signs from above....little puzzle pieces that will all end up fitting together with the same message: Go back home to Maine. She said it might be a song on the radio that describes BF and I''s relationship to a T, or a random stranger may approach me and tell me I look like a Mainer, and gradually I''ll start becoming less attracted to my BF, and suddenly it will all be crystal clear! LOL! She said that it will feel like a string is wrapped around my waist and I''ll feel like I''m being tugged in a certain direction...that I''ll wake up in the middle of the night with a strong urge to change my life. These will all be "higher power''s" way of confirming that he really did talk to her.

But hmmm....if I want to rely soley on coincidences, THE MANSON FAMILY is a good place to start!!! lol!
(I''m not going to be popular on this post

I wanted to clarify my opinion. I don''t know if she is coo coo or not, she may very well be. But again, I don''t think her action, (inappropriately giving unsolicited advice) is grounds for thinking the person is "crazy" coo coo, nut job, and all the other names this women has been called. Your initial posting has nothing that if you stayed with him she said it would be due to the devil etc, just that you would have a boring life if you stayed with him. Through volunteer work and my current job (and also living in the south) I have talked with some extremely religious people, people who say they talk to God Initially my reaction was "this person''s nuts!" But I realize that they may view the world differently from me. Working in the mental health field I personally think that some of the terms used in prior postings, let''s say are unhelpful.

Not to say you shouldn''t protect yourself from other people (crazy or not). But your reaction to her, (and I could be WAY off base) makes me think the question isn''t, is she crazy? but is she crazy so I can ignore her advice because it is crazy as well?

You sat with her for 2 hours letting her discuss your personal life. Now that was out of line for her, from an employer''s standpoint, because as she hired you you may have felt uncomfortable leaving or ending the discussion. Whether you ever work for her again this is probably a good learning experience in the future to be aware of when people step over the line, so the situation doesn''t get to that point.
This woman is clearly nuts. Don''t let her make you question anything!

My mother-in-law believes the angel of death visited her the night before 9-11. She''s always telling us these ridiculous things. I''m just thinking, "Too bad the angel of death didn''t visit somebody less nuts who would have done something with this prescience . . . could have avoided a lot of senseless suffering!"

I agree with Happy Anniversary . . . do you think unspecified higher power would choose a former drug addict as its means of contacting you instead of contacting you directly?

Honestly, I''d avoid this woman if possible. Not because you should feel bad about wearing your e-ring, but because she is clearly a little nuts AND obviously feels she can butt into your life. Too much hassle. I don''t think visiting Crazy Land even for a second is a good idea. I prefer to see my MIL only in public.
To me, the coo coo part isn''t so much the advice as the God talking part. What is that saying, if you talk to God you are religious, if God talks to you, you''re insane?

I think the distinction is whether or not this woman is actually having auditory hallucinations or is just very suggestible. If she IS having auditory hallucinations, this is a VERY alarming mental symptom and could indicate a dangerous individual.
I respect your opinion.

I don''t think her advice is crazy (well, I do because I don''t agree with ALL, but not because I think it''s coming from an insane person, although she is insane...if that makes sense. lol) I have all along in this thread admitted that I''m not mushy-gushy about my life and my relationship, and I may come off as negative. So I know I triggered it somehow. But I don''t think it is ALL my fault...I think some people read me wrong sometimes. People who really *know* me, know how happy I am. I''m a happy pessimistic, if that''s even possible. She found a weakness in me somewhere, and got to know me, and knew I wouldn''t tell her to shut up.

The two hour conversation was not only about BF and I, there was a lot that built up to it. She discussed her prophetic gift, and told me stories of people who didn''t take her advise. Then she got into my boyfriend and I, and I just listened. Then she started getting into how she could tell I thought she was nuts by the way I was looking at her, which is why I was supposed to ask higher power to reveal himself to me. She kept telling me that she pitied me, because I wasn''t ''walking with ***" yet, but that he wants me to follow him...blah blah blah. And she said that she can tell I''m just going to dismiss her claims, and that if I want to block out what she has said, the devil will help me to do that....there was a lot of stuff she said, I can''t even remember half of it because she speaks a mile a minute (almost like she''s ON cocaine) and she switching back and forth between BF and I, and higher power, and her struggles in life. I''m not sure if you''re implying that I''m making up the devil part to get the reaction I want, but it doesn''t really matter what I say at this point, because some people are going to agree with me, while other''s are going to get all Freud on me and think that I''m trying to convince myself of something that just isn''t true. To each his own I guess. Sane or not sane, I don''t agree with her advice.
And I wanted to add-- if her goal was to get me to question my relationship, it didn't work (which I think is a pretty darn good sign right there!) but it did make me question MYSELF and why she would even say that to me. She was trying to penetrate my subconscious somehow, thinking that there were some deep dark secret feelings there...and there aren't. So....I dunno.
Dear Lucky,
You are taking all this much too seriously. In fact this women resembles so many evangelical christians where I live , which is in the church capital of the midwest. (Wheaton Il.) It is more important that you earn your tuition and you can certainy put up with a few more weeks of a person you must have liked at some point. You are just young and please, learn to say, thanks for the advise, but I don''t want to talk about it anymore. Don''t stand anywhere for two hours listening to something you clearly disagree with. Learn to make your excuses. This is a good learning experience. Stand your ground. If she continues, then you can leave. You spooked yourself. You will face situations like this throughout you life. Deal with it now. I don''t believe the woman is crazy(as in Mental) She is what I refer to as over zealous. Some people have to believe they have gifts from God. It gives her comfort, you discomfort.
ps I am not a religious person and find some beliefs more than strange, but sometimes I find I ike the people who have beliefs I don''t share. Enjoy your life.
Thanks, Annette.
OK. My spider sense is tingling and I don''t even know this woman. I don''t think she''s coo-coo, I think she is bored and lonely.

I would cut your losses and move on, I''m sure you''ll be able to get another job that doesn''t put you in this position. Its quite clear to me that this woman is picking out any negative comments you have made and blowing them out of proportion. She is claiming that it is a ''higher power'' and she is only passing on the advice but to me she is clearly trying to manipulate you by focusing on the vulnerable issues. I''m guessing you are miles from home, missing your family and friends and therefore when you speak to this woman she focuses on the ''negative'' aspects of your relationship with your partner and how he''s taken you away etc etc. I have read a lot about cults and how they recruit and its all about building a relationship with someone and gaining their trust and getting them to believe that what you are saying is true - its about control.

I would be very resentful if someone ''advised'' me to leave my partner, bad enough if its a family or friend who knows me and my DH but this is a business relationship which you have and whether or not you tell her anything, it should remain professional and that means no advice from the ''higher powers''.

Listen to what your gut is telling you......
Thank you Smitcompton, part of me knows that this is how some of *them* are...and in that case makes me want to just get over it and move on. But she definitely spooked me...and she is a little too over the top for me. I just don''t know if I can handle it anymore.

Po10472--we share the same exact opinion. I do think that she is certainly assuming a whole lot about the way I feel with the very small amount of information she has about my life. I also think that she is blowing it out of proportion and feeding off of comments that I may have made. That''s why I feel partly responsible. But I can see through her, and I think I''m a pretty smart girl. She''s never even MET my boyfriend before....blows me away. He could be Jesus himself. lol.
I will just tell a story and let you figure it out ;)

About 20+ years ago my best friend''s sister was going through major infertility problems. For seven years they did not conceive. Someone from her church told her that she would in fact conceive and would eventually come to have boy/girl twins. Shortly after she DID conceive and kept having children expecting to have boy/girl twins. Finally after having her fifth boy in her mid 40''s she decided she was done, but she felt like she had betrayed "her higher power" for not holding out to fulfill this prophecy given her by this woman who claimed to be in the know.

life is what you make it. Not all spoken prophecies are a) fulfilled or b) given from a valid source.
Date: 8/3/2007 5:57:46 PM
Author: Cehrabehra
life is what you make it.
That is the "highest truth" one can ever get. If you are uncertain, you will attract uncertainty. However, if you are certain and have faith in your relationship, then I''m not worried about you, lucky, no matter what other people say.
My closest friend at work is pretty religious but not zealous or anything. She attends studies and things not just on Sundays. There's this weird guy at work, about ten years older than us, who is completely fixated on her. It's really weird. He's constantly emailing her with transparent excuses and trying to talk to her/get information about her/spend time with her. Anyway, two years ago she got engaged to her highschool sweetheart, and weird guy told her that her fiance wasn't religious enough (wasn't raised that way but is supportive of her and attends all the meetings she does) and that higher power didn't want them to get married.
Some people allow their beliefs to trump politeness. I mean, higher power gave them the permission to, see? Whether that's crazy, well, that's touchy, because then it sounds like you're calling all belief insanity, and adopting a world-view and rhetoric shared by your community lessens the oddness of your choices.

Anyway, I would be disturbed by someone who claims to hear voices or receive messages directly from a higher power, while your ability to also do so is denied. I would be disturbed by someone who feels comfortable telling a relative stranger what to do concerning major life decisions. And I would question anyone who blames your inability to accept the message of higher power on the doppleganger of said higher power. The older trick in the book isn't, "The devil made me do it!" It's, "The devil made you do it! Prove I'm wrong!"

P.S. My friend has been married a year and the weird guy still switches who is signed up to do what duty so he'll be placed with her, still talks about her constantly to everyone all over school, still emails her all the time asking inane questions. I don't think his beliefs made him this way; I think he used his beliefs as an excuse to act on his inappropriate feelings.
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