Hello, thank you for this wonderful forum and the advice I received regarding my upgrade exchange, about a month ago. I received my JA True Hearts ring today, 1.33 ct (size 6.25 ring) and I am sooooo happy with it. I have a question regarding the inscription. The JA rep said the diamond is inscribed with the AGS number, however it doesn't state this on the paperwork. I ordered a 30x loupe and myself nor my fiancé can see anywhere on the girdle that there is an inscription. Does AGS always put this on a diamond? If it is inscribed, would it state this on the paperwork? It's important to me to verify, in case I ever decide to have the ring serviced locally. I know the # can be very hard to read unless under a microscope, so it may just be our eyes. If not, is it a good idea to take it in somewhere to have it inscribed with some type of detail to make it identifiable to myself for future work? Thank you & I enjoy reading all the posts here!