
Jade ladies, can you tell me about Grandma's necklace?


Apr 17, 2002
Hi, Jade lovers! I wonder if you can tell me anything about my grandmother's jade necklace.

I believe it's from the 1930s, though it could be anywhere from the 20s to the 60s, or earlier if she bought it used (she collected antique jewelry, especially Victorian). She loved to travel and I know she visited Hong Kong in the 1960s, perhaps more than once. I don't know if this is from her youth in the 30s, her trips abroad later on, or an antiquing expedition, but I suspect she probably bought it new. It has a carved plaque clasp/centerpiece that looks more transparent and shinier than the beads, which are graduated. Some of the beads are really matte looking, and some are more highly polished. They show some white fluorescence in the lighter parts, but the clasp doesn't fluoresce at all. Does that mean the beads are dyed and the clasp isn't? (I couldn't get a really good photo of the fluorescence, but I'm showing my best effort.) The beads are opaque when I hold them up to the window; the clasp is translucent. The clasp is set in silver, marked STERLING, that I think was once gilt (the gilding has long ago worn off), with tiny seed pearls strung on a wire around them. I don't know what the gold-colored spacers are made of. Grandma gave me the necklace in the 1970s.

I'm also showing photos of a pair of earrings my dad brought me from a trip to China in the 1990s. I think he bought them in Beijing.

Can you tell me anything about the age, quality, etc. of these family pieces? I know basically nothing about jade. I'm very sentimental about these pieces, and I won't love them less if they're not considered "good"--I'm just really curious to know more.

Not an expert but have an interest. The plaque (not the beads) and the earrings look translucent and of nice color and potentially high quality.

I'm suspicious that a gift bought in China fairly recently would be treated. If the earrings are untreated, they are something special, imo. Same for the carved plaque.
Thanks, @LilAlex. Are there easy tests for dyed jade? I wonder if it's worth the trouble and expense of having them appraised.

I think I assumed that because the clasp was set in silver and my grandparents, like most people, didn't have a lot of extra money in the 1930s--and what extra they did have went to supporting their family members who were struggling during the Depression--the necklace couldn't have been especially valuable. My grandmother treated this necklace more like costume jewelry than like her "good" jewelry. But I guess jade has risen dramatically in value?
I am definitely not an expert but if fluoresces, I would definitely suspect treatment. The coloring is very nice so either dyed, or if natural, SUPER costly. Same goes for the earrings unless purchased inside a reputable store accompanied by a certificate from reputable lab certified as Grade A jade (untreated)

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