
Jerry Newman, Gemart Services: Hot Pink Mahenge Spinel Recut

Re: Jerry Newman, Gemart Services: Hot Pink Mahenge Spinel R

kgizo|1387987979|3580343 said:
That turned out great! I would've been intimated by that crack so good for you for seeing its potential.
Poor Jerry! I emailed him a couple times expressing how I was so worried about the stone falling apart (you can kind of see a few of the other inclusions in there that aren't associated with the main crack) and he totally kept his cool. But I didn't really see it as potential, I kind of went into it like I had no other choice. If I didn't recut it, it was destined to be a collection only stone and relegated to a box forever because the crack was so severe. I'm not rough on my rings, they are lucky if each gets worn once a month! But still the danger was enough that my jeweler didn't want to risk setting it because of the wear factor - and a stone with a chunk missing out of the bottom isn't terribly attractive. So I really went into it like I had no other choice if I wanted to wear it. I actually considered selling it a few times and letting someone else take on the risk, but I couldn't let go of the color.
Re: Jerry Newman, Gemart Services: Hot Pink Mahenge Spinel R

minousbijoux|1388203213|3581672 said:
Oh, and fwiw, your stone is a great example of the type of shadowing or half and half phenomenon that I don't mind because each side expresses such fantastic color - different but each as dramatic as the other.
Like the first pic below? :P

Bottom is catching the natural light from my bathroom windows, top is catching the incandescent bulbs in our bedroom.

It will not be going in this setting, the stone pavilion and setting's basket are not shaped complimentary to each other.


Re: Jerry Newman, Gemart Services: Hot Pink Mahenge Spinel R

Thank you everyone for your wonderful comments! I just had to share my experience with you guys because it was so great and I was so nervous about doing it to begin with. I know that some people have been considering recuts for themselves, and I had to give a testimonial to Jerry's work.

I can't wait to set this!!!! Gah!!!!!
Re: Jerry Newman, Gemart Services: Hot Pink Mahenge Spinel R

FrekeChild|1388221419|3581782 said:
minousbijoux|1388203213|3581672 said:
Oh, and fwiw, your stone is a great example of the type of shadowing or half and half phenomenon that I don't mind because each side expresses such fantastic color - different but each as dramatic as the other.
Like the first pic below? :P

Bottom is catching the natural light from my bathroom windows, top is catching the incandescent bulbs in our bedroom.

It will not be going in this setting, the stone pavilion and setting's basket are not shaped complimentary to each other.

Yes, exactly! :cheeky:
Re: Jerry Newman, Gemart Services: Hot Pink Mahenge Spinel R

Major yummy stone! :love: I live it! What a skilled cutter! It's gorgeous! Yum!i d love a stone like that!
Re: Jerry Newman, Gemart Services: Hot Pink Mahenge Spinel R

Wow, what beautiful color! What a great save of that stone. Jerry is amazing. So happy for you!
Re: Jerry Newman, Gemart Services: Hot Pink Mahenge Spinel R

Thanks everyone! I'm pretty partial to it!
Re: Jerry Newman, Gemart Services: Hot Pink Mahenge Spinel R

gorgeous. What great work (and customer service!) he does (and not to forget the gutsy move on your part!)

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