
Jessica Simpon...fat?

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Date: 1/31/2009 10:59:01 AM
Author: phoenixgirl
I think most people with larger chests usually have larger bottoms, etc. so she was probably keeping herself unnaturally thin before and just isn''t able/willing to at the moment. She may be technically ''overweight'' according to the BMI chart, but I bet she''s around where her body wants to be.

I doubt she is any where near overweight even according to the BMI chart. I bet she was underweight before and now is in a healthy range!
In all honesty, I stopped being a fan of her''s a bit ago, but I still pity her for this whole thing. I stopped being a fan because I feel she made the choice to play up a lack of intelligence. Further, while she has an amazing voice, she no longer just sings. She hits a dozen notes in every word so you can''t even understand her. She needs to go back to singing like she''s in church and wants everyone to understand exactly what she is singing.

But, I digress.

I pity her for this whole thing. I was actually impressed at how articulate Ashlee''s blog response was.

One thing I keep mentioning to those around me is that Jess is pretty short. I believe she is only about 5''2." (Still beats me by inches!) She is also very busty. With a short, busty build it literally takes 5 pounds to change your clothing size. I have weighed 110 and genuinely looked overweight because all you could see was my chest and matching hips on a short build. I get that she was probably trying to accentuate her waist so people would be drawn to her narrowest point. Unfortunately, her stylist failed her big time. A poster here even remarked that she is probably now "overweight." I would stake my life on her BMI still only being 23. She made a poor clothing choice and has a naturally unforgiving build. 5 pounds shows a lot, 10 pounds would draw criticism even in ''real life.''

No, I do not think she is fat.
She is far from fat-I think that she looks stunning and I would love a figure like hers.
I agree with those who said that a balance is the most important thing - it would be great if we could find a way to, on the one hand, stop worshiping those celebrities who are unnaturally thin and perfect-looking because they obsessively diet and exercise, and on the other hand, stop promoting a culture of acceptance for obesity.

I think we need to emphasize a health lifestyle above all else, because studies have shown that even for those who are slightly overweight according to BMI (like 5-15 lbs, not 50 lbs), but still lead a healthy lifestyle and have healthy cardiovascular systems, live, if anything, longer and healthier lives than those who are slim but don''t take good care of themselves.

If we could find a way to emphasize health and healthy lifestyle habits over a particular size or number, I think that would be the ideal, both reducing obesity-related illnesses and also reducing stress, especially for women.
Date: 1/31/2009 12:36:23 PM
Author: Munchkin
I pity her for this whole thing. I was actually impressed at how articulate Ashlee''s blog response was.

One thing I keep mentioning to those around me is that Jess is pretty short. I believe she is only about 5''2.'' (Still beats me by inches!) She is also very busty. With a short, busty build it literally takes 5 pounds to change your clothing size. I have weighed 110 and genuinely looked overweight because all you could see was my chest and matching hips on a short build. I get that she was probably trying to accentuate her waist so people would be drawn to her narrowest point. Unfortunately, her stylist failed her big time. A poster here even remarked that she is probably now ''overweight.'' I would stake my life on her BMI still only being 23. She made a poor clothing choice and has a naturally unforgiving build. 5 pounds shows a lot, 10 pounds would draw criticism even in ''real life.''

No, I do not think she is fat.

Ditto to ALL of this, Munchkin is spot on. I''m 5''2", and no matter what I do, I will always look "fat". It is the downside to being short without a super fast metabolism.
I would hate if somebody felt they could talk about my weight publicly like this.
I cannot understand how celebrities manage to be photographed every day; never mind being critiqued for their look.

I suppose it is true; fame has a price.
She does look like if she has gained a few lbs over the holidays; but many people do gain weight over the holidays. In my opinion, I think she looks good and healthy compares to many of the Hollywood entertainers.

However, her odd testes of clothes choice does bother me a little bit. High waist pants with wide belt does not look flattering with her figure.
Her outfit is a big No No for me.
She is certainly not fat--it''s crazy talk and it sells mags

I wonder what Jess thinks of it?! I can''t exactly pity her, she has obviously used her body as a selling point (it''s not like she oozes talent in other domains) NO way she would have had a fraction of the success if she were not ''a body'' and unfortunately, once ''a body'' always ''a body'' . The sad thing is that we objectify women enough to create careers out of boobs and midriff.
In the twisted world that is hollywood i often wonder if someone like Jessica simpson, with a waning career, doesn''t purposefully gain weight (to get publicity-albeit negative) but with the opportunity to then loose it in time for some record or product release.
Okay, that''s a bit ''out there'' --but i am a cynic
Certainly a bad choice of clothes, but everyone says the camera adds 10 lbs. Wonder what she REALLY looks like in person. Probably GORGEOUS!
I would kill to be her size. I am an obese girl who would be outcast in LA or any other image conscious place on earth.

It''s such a shame that people are conditioned to believe that a US size 0 is healthy and attractive.

I am a UK size 26 on bottom and anywhere from a 20=26 on top.

I might as well kill myself now!

Yeah, she gained some weight and wore a not-so-flattering outfit. She''s still super hot!! I think she''s beautiful.
Date: 1/31/2009 9:43:14 AM
Author: steph72276
She can''t be more than like a size 6-8. The average woman this day is about a 12-14, right? So I''m sure a lot of women wish they were ''fat'' like her. I agree I would much rather look like her than Nicole Richie any day. It is sad, sad that she gets ridiculed like that...sends a very bad message to our young girls.
Does anyone know how tall she is? Because I wear a 6-8 but look much slimmer than her. She looks more like a 10-12 to me (which is fine). However, I am 5''9", so a size 6 woman my height looks much slimmer than a woman who''s 5'' who wears a 6.
Date: 1/31/2009 4:34:40 PM
Author: Tuckins1
Yeah, she gained some weight and wore a not-so-flattering outfit. She''s still super hot!! I think she''s beautiful.
Big ditto. I think she looks great. Not loving those pants though. Guessing they don''t look well on most women.
Date: 1/31/2009 2:53:44 AM
Author: rockzilla
I''d rather look like this....

TRUE THAT ROCKZILLA!!! Me too! Down with the candy apple heads!
Jessica is very blessed up top, so that belt thingy is not doing a thing for her. I''m sort of looking forward to the high-waisted pants coming back in style (as long as I can find a pair that fits at the waist and the hips) I am sick of seeing everyone''s muffin top over the low, low hip jeans.

And tights! I can barely find tights anymore that aren''t low rise, and trust me, there is nothing comfortable about trying to pull them up a bit higher so one doesn''t reveal any overhang under a sweater dress. Ugh, talk about feeling like you''re being cut in half.
Date: 1/31/2009 4:39:17 PM
Author: vespergirl
Date: 1/31/2009 9:43:14 AM

Author: steph72276

She can''t be more than like a size 6-8. The average woman this day is about a 12-14, right? So I''m sure a lot of women wish they were ''fat'' like her. I agree I would much rather look like her than Nicole Richie any day. It is sad, sad that she gets ridiculed like that...sends a very bad message to our young girls.

Does anyone know how tall she is? Because I wear a 6-8 but look much slimmer than her. She looks more like a 10-12 to me (which is fine). However, I am 5''9'', so a size 6 woman my height looks much slimmer than a woman who''s 5'' who wears a 6.

She''s 5''3" I believe.
Date: 1/31/2009 6:02:06 PM
Author: neatfreak

Date: 1/31/2009 4:39:17 PM
Author: vespergirl

Date: 1/31/2009 9:43:14 AM

Author: steph72276

She can't be more than like a size 6-8. The average woman this day is about a 12-14, right? So I'm sure a lot of women wish they were 'fat' like her. I agree I would much rather look like her than Nicole Richie any day. It is sad, sad that she gets ridiculed like that...sends a very bad message to our young girls.

Does anyone know how tall she is? Because I wear a 6-8 but look much slimmer than her. She looks more like a 10-12 to me (which is fine). However, I am 5'9', so a size 6 woman my height looks much slimmer than a woman who's 5' who wears a 6.

She's 5'3' I believe.
That would make sense. It's true, really super thin models wear size 6-8 because they are so incredibly tall. To achieve the same scale, a 5'3" person would wear a 0 or smaller. I also wonder what is considered "healthy?" It depends on the person's genetic history, bad cholesterol level, lifestyle, build and etc. Just because you're a 6 doesn't mean you're healthy and being size 14 doesn't mean you're unhealthy. There are so many factors like smoking, muscle to fat ratio and etc.

I know for myself, since I am so short, I actually am unhealthy and bloated at around size 4-6. My build can't handle it. American sizes are not what they used to be. Sizes are a lot bigger and for a small frame, I do feel more tired and generally unhealthier when I am wearing a size the average American would consider small.

I think Jessica is lovely and certainly not fat. But at her height and curviness, I totally agree that maybe her natural optimal size might be around 0-2. (Maybe not on top because she's curvy!) Women fluctuate in weight a lot, so maybe that was a PMS type photo? I don't think anyone should be skeletal, but a smaller size doesn't automatically mean fanatic dieting and working out day and night either.
I have lots of very very thin friends and they eat a TON, too!
The media is crazy, she is not fat...she is a beautiful woman!
Maybe she''s pregnant?
OK, she had a bad choice of outfits. Maybe she gained a few pounds [as we all have!]. They should leave her alone. She looks fine.
Awful outfit, and yes, she''s not as toned as she once was - but in no way is that girl fat.
I think it''s a combination of a few extra pounds (not many though) and an incredibly bad choice of clothing. She is probably bang on in her healthy weight range. If you think she''s fat, you need therapy, I swear there is no wonder there are so many kids with eating problems, they get crap like this shoved in their faces daily. It''s appalling.!
Date: 1/31/2009 8:26:41 PM
Author: DiamanteBlu
OK, she had a bad choice of outfits. Maybe she gained a few pounds [as we all have!]. They should leave her alone. She looks fine.
This is my happens...we all have our ups & downs...maybe she''s been stressed, or for a few weeks, just didn''t feel like going to the happens!
Just add it to the long list as to why most of the world hates us.
Half the world is starving, and this is our national news.
It could be a publicity stunt. You know how the celebs pack on a few pounds and they are photo''d being "fat" and then they miraculously lose the weight and are on all the mags with their "weight loss secret". I think her career is in a bit of a slump now, and the only info about her is who she is dating. All her movies flopped, and I have not heard a song of hers on the radio in years. Trust me, it will happen. Look at Brittany Spears. She just "lost weight" and she is all over the place. I guess in Hollywood, if you gain and then lose 5 lbs, it is big news.......
I don''t know if she''s fat, people say the camera adds weight. Honestly, I don''t think she looks great although that could just be the unflattering outfit that she''s wearing. I''m as sick of the media and too thin woman as the next person. It sends out a horrible message to young men and women, leads to medical problems, and unrealistic expectations in relationships. But carrying too much weight is a problem too. It leads to heart disease, diabetes, and a big one for several couples, fertility issues.

We need a good inbetween and the media to focus on healthy eating and exercise. I hate to think about the pressure that medical services are going through with people too thin or too fat.
Date: 1/31/2009 2:49:54 PM
Author: Jas12
She is certainly not fat--it''s crazy talk and it sells mags

I wonder what Jess thinks of it?! I can''t exactly pity her, she has obviously used her body as a selling point (it''s not like she oozes talent in other domains) NO way she would have had a fraction of the success if she were not ''a body'' and unfortunately, once ''a body'' always ''a body'' . The sad thing is that we objectify women enough to create careers out of boobs and midriff.
In the twisted world that is hollywood i often wonder if someone like Jessica simpson, with a waning career, doesn''t purposefully gain weight (to get publicity-albeit negative) but with the opportunity to then loose it in time for some record or product release.
Okay, that''s a bit ''out there'' --but i am a cynic
Yup. A big ditto to this. He unflattering outfit was not a mistake. It was intentional. It''s what we call marketing. I think we have the new face of Slim Fast or some such product.
Also, I wanted to add that some publications "stretch" photos of celebrities to make them look "fat" when they are not. (And I do not think she looks fat!) I can't remember which publicist quit because she felt too dirty to keep resorting to such tricks to generate headlines. The camera can make anyone look bigger or smaller depending on lighting, angles, posture and the moment -- someone could be inhaling and singers have powerful diaphragm muscles so your chest and waist naturally enlarge and then *snap* a photo is taken.
Rockzilla- Rachel Zoe & Nicole look like bobble head, chihuahua big eyed freaks! lol no thanks
Date: 2/1/2009 5:01:03 PM
Author: Miranda

Date: 1/31/2009 2:49:54 PM
Author: Jas12
She is certainly not fat--it''s crazy talk and it sells mags

I wonder what Jess thinks of it?! I can''t exactly pity her, she has obviously used her body as a selling point (it''s not like she oozes talent in other domains) NO way she would have had a fraction of the success if she were not ''a body'' and unfortunately, once ''a body'' always ''a body'' . The sad thing is that we objectify women enough to create careers out of boobs and midriff.
In the twisted world that is hollywood i often wonder if someone like Jessica simpson, with a waning career, doesn''t purposefully gain weight (to get publicity-albeit negative) but with the opportunity to then loose it in time for some record or product release.
Okay, that''s a bit ''out there'' --but i am a cynic
Yup. A big ditto to this. He unflattering outfit was not a mistake. It was intentional. It''s what we call marketing. I think we have the new face of Slim Fast or some such product.

No way! Really? I know nothing about marketing and Hollywood. Would they really do that? Do I sound a little naive here? I''m just a mid-west farm girl - what do I know?
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