Thank you, @Patty. No symptoms from the second Covid shot so far except some weird tingling in my mouth and feeling tired. This time with the first shot, I had a bad headache by now, but nothing this time. Hoping I sail through this - fingers crossed!
@Daisys and Diamonds - you're chopping down Mrs B?? Oh nooooo! Laughing here.... She is beautiful, but those pods shoot and re-shoot ad infinitum, so I suspect my signature tree will be with you for a while yet! I don't know whether to be pleased or to apologize!
@GeorgieQ - you should see me taking photos - it would explain a lot! I get ok photos because I take dozens and DOZENS! I get one good one - and 30 terrible looking ones. I'm glad you think the ones I post are ok - I do try!![]()
Thank you, @nala!And just by the way - I LOVE the re-set of one of your previous e-ring settings! Looks fabulous with a colored stone! Your collection continues to go from strength to strength and your style is luscious!
Hi there, @oncrutchesrightnow! Firstly, tell me you're *off* crutches right now! Has that situation resolved? I hope so! Thank you for your kind words - and a hundred yaya is absolutely right!
@Dandi - hallo, gorgeous woman! Thank you for sharing my happiness in these events and their memorial jewelry pieces. I wish you and I could raise a glass together and toast the future! Be assured, tho - I am doing that in my heart across the miles. Much love to you! ox
Awww - @Daisys and Diamonds! How lovely of you! I will have to hope my namesake springs up again - but this time in a more appropriate place! I'd love to see photos when she blooms, if you're able! I love a good flowering Australian native! (Given that *I'm* a flowering Australian native! More or less, anyway...)
@bling_dream19 - hallo, dear girl!<3 I hope all is well with you and all your family, particularly your mom! Triple dipping the wedding ring was inspired (Amy's idea, not mine) and you can *totally* tell it was done. The ring in general is soooo much whiter - I absolutely love it! Of all the pieces I received, I have to say, that one is my favorite. It has such lovely memories and was, of course, given to me by my favorite person in all the world.
(Not that I'm giving back the other pieces, tho!!)
@munchee - I. HEAR. YOU. - re the list of things to buy being endless! Restraint is everything in putting together a collection, I think, but it never gets easier - saying "NO" to yourself when you see pieces you both want, and can afford. I'm all about it being 'the very best' - by which I mean - the very best - for ME. It has to be what *I* want - and for that, one has to know oneself pretty well. It took a long time for me to work out what I wanted, but I'm there now, I think. I still have to resist the regular deviation, tho! And thank you for your kind words about my photos - I do try!![]()