I wasn’t sure what was causing them, but now I’m worried it’s my grandmothers Diamond.
Pretty sure that's not it. I would continue to explore other explanations.
Although GIA says it can happen below SI1, I think.
I wasn’t sure what was causing them, but now I’m worried it’s my grandmothers Diamond.
When my aunt was younger she got a gift from a family friend. A gold pendant. She started wearing it and didn’t take it off before going to bed. That night she went to sleep and woke up underneath the bed. When she woke up she started screaming because she couldn’t move and couldn’t get out. There was no physical way she could have gotten underneath without someone lifting the frame and her sliding in. The same thing kept happening night after night. It didn’t occur to her that it was the pendant. I’m not sure of the exact details but they eventually figured out it was the pendant and that the lady that gave it to her was into satanic rituals and they had absolutely no idea.
Not sure if this is true but it sure did freak me out as a child.
*My Truth* I was casually asked by a friend if I would be interested in picking from a variety of different religious type necklaces. My choice was the ankh necklace. Nothing seemed strange besides the offer itself. I don't believe my friend is the one who "cursed" this item, but a pretty rough biker who hasn't had a decent day in a long time it seemed. The only reason I believe it was cursed has to do with my first time sleep walking; while lucid dreaming.. I can remember myself literally throwing myself in circles to the ground. I went head first into a wall. All this led up to finally clutching and ripping the necklace as I threw myself again to the ground like a falling "helicopter petal" style (You know the falling seeds that resemble a heli spinning to the ground)? I remember distinctly these three events. Nothing of a dream. More awake and I guess "possessed" in a sense. Eventually I allowed my mind to push it off as a chance happening. A couple months go by and the same rough individual and I were again together at the trap. (GRAPHIC CONTENT) It was dusk and the guy happened to be walking towards the trailer door as I began to release the water in my syringe as to clean it of my blood. So in essence I sprayed him with a stream of my watery blood. It definitely made contact with his jeans. He was aware of what happened immediately and left in a fury. That same night my second occurrence of sleep walking/ attempting to injure myself happened. No jewelry this time, but I was and still am worried he somehow can conjure some sort of curse. Today I am clean from drugs and do not believe this was a manic episode or any mental health type of issue. I have not slept walk ever before that I am aware of, and have not to this day . No one has ever mentioned I sleep walk ever in my life. I am an extremely active dreamer/thinker. Any thoughts or insightful knowledge is extremely appreciated.
I have never felt any vibes associated with jewelry, good or bad.
However, I too had a weird museum experience, like @dk168.
In 2010, DH and I went to Denver to see an important King Tutankhamun exhibit.
While I was peering into a case containing an ushabti, it started to vibrate and sway. I looked away, rubbed my eyes, laughed a little and looked at it again. It continued to move, as if to mock me!
I talked to her, and I said "Oh stop it, you are not really moving." But she didn't stop. It was really weird. This went on for several minutes.
Was I tired and hungry and overwhelmed by all the awesome Egyptian pieces? Probably. But that ushabti and I had a moment.
Incredibly, I was able to find a photo of her online.
This one freaks me out
I was about to buy a Victorian piece and now I’m a little creeped out. :/