
just got WF pics of diamond! what do you think!?

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that was very clever!
love that last shot, too cute!!!

damn, foiled again on the K plan....well hopefully this fall when i am actually ready to get a pendant there will be more K''s for us to choose from Jelly!!
Date: 5/7/2006 10:23:57 AM
Author: Lorelei
Welcome to PS

Do you mean the pictures of each diamond on the WF sites or the ones the posters take themselves? Fancy shapes can perform differently to rounds, especially step cuts such as Asschers etc, rounds in some circumstances can display more fire ( coloured light) and brilliance than fancy shapes and it could be this you are noticing that the diamond shapes photograph differently. Various shapes are a different kettle of fish and need to be evaluated accordingly. The WF ACA diamonds and ES are the top of the range cut diamonds and the pictures do show the great symmetry etc and arrow patterning of the diamonds, these are an important part of what makes these diamonds so beautiful, but fancies will photograph differently and may not perform the same as rounds in real life. Speaking of which these diamonds will look different in real life too, fancies can be just as beautiful but the optical performance can be not the same as rounds. A picture is a guide and doesn''t tell the whole story, but are of great help to the buyer. As to whether different cameras are used I couldn''t say, I would doubt it, there might be various techniques for different shapes used such as lighting etc. Maybe someone else might be able to tell you more. Just bear in mind that any well cut diamond will be beautiful regardless of it''s shape, but fancy cuts can perform in another way. I am only speculating here at what you might be seeing, maybe someone else can offer a better explanation
thanks for the reply lorelei. i mean the first picture that sunkist posted from was all pretty and profesional looking, and then i see other pictures that they take they don''t have the same background as the they take them all in house or no? i''m in the market (i''m doing the shopping for my husband who''s doing the buying) for an anniversary diamond and i''m trying to scope out which company on PS offers the best service while still being trustworthy. never did it this way before so i''m out to ask lots of questions.
Date: 5/7/2006 5:46:54 PM
Author: luvmyhubby
Date: 5/7/2006 10:23:57 AM

Author: Lorelei

Welcome to PS

Do you mean the pictures of each diamond on the WF sites or the ones the posters take themselves? Fancy shapes can perform differently to rounds, especially step cuts such as Asschers etc, rounds in some circumstances can display more fire ( coloured light) and brilliance than fancy shapes and it could be this you are noticing that the diamond shapes photograph differently. Various shapes are a different kettle of fish and need to be evaluated accordingly. The WF ACA diamonds and ES are the top of the range cut diamonds and the pictures do show the great symmetry etc and arrow patterning of the diamonds, these are an important part of what makes these diamonds so beautiful, but fancies will photograph differently and may not perform the same as rounds in real life. Speaking of which these diamonds will look different in real life too, fancies can be just as beautiful but the optical performance can be not the same as rounds. A picture is a guide and doesn''t tell the whole story, but are of great help to the buyer. As to whether different cameras are used I couldn''t say, I would doubt it, there might be various techniques for different shapes used such as lighting etc. Maybe someone else might be able to tell you more. Just bear in mind that any well cut diamond will be beautiful regardless of it''s shape, but fancy cuts can perform in another way. I am only speculating here at what you might be seeing, maybe someone else can offer a better explanation

thanks for the reply lorelei. i mean the first picture that sunkist posted from was all pretty and profesional looking, and then i see other pictures that they take they don''t have the same background as the they take them all in house or no? i''m in the market (i''m doing the shopping for my husband who''s doing the buying) for an anniversary diamond and i''m trying to scope out which company on PS offers the best service while still being trustworthy. never did it this way before so i''m out to ask lots of questions.

Luvmyhubby, The very first picture on page1 of this thread is the professional photo from WF at 40x magnification. They take these photos of all diamonds they sell. They only other photographs I''ve ever seen by WF are of their jewelry and these are all done with an all white or all black background. It''s a guess , but I''m sure they do all these in house in their studio. As for the color showing in the stones, this only happens if the light hits the camera lense it''s special way. Not sure if this helped!
Date: 5/7/2006 3:50:22 PM
Author: belle the k on the keyboard pics sunkist!

that was very clever!

Heehee! You like that, huh? Ya, I thought it was pretty clever too
Very clever indeed, love this stone Sunkist. It''s on fire and is breathtaking!!! Yumm, Yummm, Yummy!!!!
Date: 5/7/2006 8:07:19 PM
Author: kaleigh
Very clever indeed, love this stone Sunkist. It''s on fire and is breathtaking!!! Yumm, Yummm, Yummy!!!!

Thank you Kaleigh! I''m loving this stone too. I can see how some people would be averse to having a K color stone; I mean there''s so much color - tons of rainbows!!
haha, but I''m really understanding the "warmness" of this stone. It''s not an "Icy White Diamond" (that thread is the funniest!!). It''s warm, and inviting, and calming, and friendly. Belle I liked your comparison to textured walls! It just has more character and personality and personality to me.

For my own comparison I took the following shots. And RedShoes, this is for you too! These are shots of my K stone next to a diamond earing I found while taking a walk the other day. I know picking stuff up off the ground is gross
, but come on, this was a diamond!! Who knows if it''s really real... It does have some huge, ugly black inclusions in it though. So does that mean it''s real? Who would make a CZ with inclusions in it??? I don''t know the size, color, or clarity of it, but it''s obviously bigger, whiter in color, and majorly low in clarity.









Great pics! You FOUND a diamond?!?!?!
Darn, why doesn''t that ever happen to me? You should get it appraised to see what the color, etc. is.

You can really see the difference in that close-up shot as to how much better your K is cut.
Sunkist- I just read about how when you first opened the box, you were a bit disappointed because the stone seemed yellow. I felt the same way when I first saw my K (also a K/VS2) but in time the warmth of the K really grew on me. Almost like the warmth made it more mine. I think K’s can be really lovely and great as long as that extra tint does not bother you. I am so glad you have found the stone that speaks to you. Your photography is simply amazing, your shots are stunning, and very nicely composed. Congrats again I cannot wait to see this sparkler set!
I finally thought of the color it reminds me of...champagne! I am thinking of some ideas for a a pendant with a K center and a halo of very white melee for contrast! I''m thinking that highlighting the color would be very nice.
Date: 5/7/2006 9:38:14 PM
Author: lizz
Great pics! You FOUND a diamond?!?!?!
Darn, why doesn''t that ever happen to me? You should get it appraised to see what the color, etc. is.

You can really see the difference in that close-up shot as to how much better your K is cut.

Ya, haha, I found a diamond! Every PSer''s dream! I''d really be interested in knowing if it''s real, and it''s grading, etc. but it''s not worth it to me, it''s not a pretty stone. Unless the appraisal is free, I''m not going to spend any money on this thing though. Actually I found another stone a few years ago too in a dorm room I moved into, and I''ve been interested in seeing if it''s real or not. It scratched glass! Does that mean anything? Maybe I could get them both done at the same time
Sunkist you could take both stones into any local jeweler and ask them to test them with their diamond tester. I am sure they would be happy to do it for you and it would only take a few seconds for each.
Date: 5/7/2006 10:01:09 PM
Author: diamondseeker2006
I finally thought of the color it reminds me of...champagne! I am thinking of some ideas for a a pendant with a K center and a halo of very white melee for contrast! I''m thinking that highlighting the color would be very nice.

Diamond, ya in some of these shots it''s does look champagney, huh? But definitely looking at it by itself and in person, I wouldn''t say it''s champagney. But I say go for a K in some sort of a project. If you get a good one, it can be a beautiful stone.
Date: 5/7/2006 10:08:22 PM
Author: Matatora
Sunkist you could take both stones into any local jeweler and ask them to test them with their diamond tester. I am sure they would be happy to do it for you and it would only take a few seconds for each.

Oh really? Cool, maybe I will!
Date: 5/7/2006 9:50:45 PM
Author: Matatora
Sunkist- I just read about how when you first opened the box, you were a bit disappointed because the stone seemed yellow. I felt the same way when I first saw my K (also a K/VS2) but in time the warmth of the K really grew on me. Almost like the warmth made it more mine. I think K’s can be really lovely and great as long as that extra tint does not bother you. I am so glad you have found the stone that speaks to you. Your photography is simply amazing, your shots are stunning, and very nicely composed. Congrats again I cannot wait to see this sparkler set!

Thank you, Matatora, and I''ve got new pics coming up in a bit... About the first impression of your K, ya, and Jelly says she felt the same way too. After getting to know these K stones though, I cannot imagine someone not falling in love with them. They''re different, and I like that.
Alright, I had so many more ideas for pictures, I just HAD to take more. That and it is very addictive, we all know that
So here it goes.






These are her angel shots

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