@Mreader I put quotes around it because he graduated in December, 2024, plus he’s 31 (!). He is a part of CUAD.
The US doesn’t need to charge him. But they can deport when you conspire with terrorists.
Due process.
I don't care how heinous someone's beliefs or actions are - if they are in the US legally, they are entitled to due process. I want to see real evidence - not internet memes. Not claims on social media. Not claims by politicians. Real evidence, and judged guilty through the proper impartial legal proceeding. If the evidence is there, that shouldn't be difficult. Anything else is essentially vigilante justice.
If you're OK with him not being shown due process, prepare to not receive it either when you are accused by someone of something, because that is what WILL happen if we let this stand.
We HAVE to separate our feelings about who someone is, what they believe, or what they've done from the Constitutional rights that they hold, or else we have become what we hate.
@Slickk, so far you haven't produced anything that indicates that he committed illegal acts. I'm not saying he has or he hasn't, but I haven't seen evidence of such, and none of us sitting here opinionating is equivalent to an impartial court trial. Our government can't detain or deport or otherwise legally punish someone for believing in something - to do so is both unconstitutional and Orwellian. He and others are allowed to desire to "bring down western civilization" all they wish - what is illegal is certain actions around that belief. Other actions around it are legal and allowed by our Constitution - he can fundraise, he can organize legal protests, he can help like-minded people to run for office, etc. Those of us who disagree with him can choose not to contribute, not to vote for like-minded candidates, to counter-protest, to speak against his beliefs, etc. He can even say utterly vile things, and people can speak out just as loudly against those vile things. That is our legal system, and it protects US to adhere to it. You're misunderstanding support for the legal protections of due process for ALL - not just those we agree with - for support for him and his beliefs. It's not the same.
I don't want to live in a country where the government has become "thought police."
@Mreader I put quotes around it because he graduated in December, 2024, plus he’s 31 (!). He is a part of CUAD.
The US doesn’t need to charge him. But they can deport when you conspire with terrorists.
Again, our freedoms and rights are being violated under the guise of removing a potential terrorist. Government cannot arrest people who are dissidents or disagree with the administration, at least that was one of our founding principles.
The alternative, which seems inevitable at this point, is for each side to damage the other side and kill as many as they can.
Yes, I’m a dreamer. The thought of people living together on the land.
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a genocide for a genocide. It's not a good plan and has never ever in the history of humankind stopped people from hating each other to the point of mutual extinction.
Santayana was wrong when he said "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" for we've seen and are seeing proof that those who remember the past are determined to repeat it.
I wasn't there.....but based on reputable sources, the demonstrations went beyond allowable freedom of speech.
Peaceful protests would not prevent students from going to class- or harrass specific groups.
What’s the end solution?
Does antisemitism exist? Absolutely…it’s horrible.
Does every person who doesn’t express sufficient horror at the horrors we’ve experienced antisememitic?
I hope not.
But by deciding that anyone who takes a moderate stance to be antisemitic…..it dulls the argument.
Thank you David, for saying this. It also dulls the wish to be better, to do better, not be labeled that. It gets to the point it dulls the shock of being labeled that. Full acceptance , no, but dulled shock and disgust - yes.