
KristyDarling''s 3-stone by Leon Mege

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Date: 4/30/2006 10:48:45 AM
Author: KristyDarling
. But one thing he said bugged me: ''This thing is so huge it''s almost gaudy! Jesus!'' I know it''s gaudy. I know it''s flashy. It definitely is. But I LOVE looking at it and thinking that it looks like a portal to another dimension or another is that fiery and brilliant and bright and sparkly. That feeling of purse aesthetic enjoyment brings me so much joy! So, I let the comment slide and it only bothered me for those few seconds. Aren''t you proud of me?
Very proud of you!
I know it is difficult sometimes not to let these sort of comments get to you ( they used to bug me) but you did very well! The thing I always wonder is if we were wearing tiny tiny diamonds, I bet these folk wouldn''t keep grabbing our hands and keep saying " look look that thing is so tiny it is almost invisible!" would they???? So why consider the larger diamonds fair game? Ugh! You carry on wearing it and enjoying it and well done for wearing it out and letting these comments slide off you! Maybe he considered it to be a back handed compliment, but still.....
Date: 4/30/2006 10:48:45 AM
Author: Kristy Darling
Diamond fan, thanks for the thoughtful words.
I know I should wear it with pride and enjoyment, and a lot of the time I do. But take last night, for instance, when we went out to dinner with that other couple. The guy kept picking up my hand and turning it in the light and making all sorts of comments about it...mostly positive. But one thing he said bugged me: ''This thing is so huge it''s almost gaudy! Jesus!'' I know it''s gaudy. I know it''s flashy. It definitely is. But I LOVE looking at it and thinking that it looks like a portal to another dimension or another is that fiery and brilliant and bright and sparkly. That feeling of purse aesthetic enjoyment brings me so much joy! So, I let the comment slide and it only bothered me for those few seconds. Aren''t you proud of me?
I dont think your ring is gaudy, and I said in your picking side stones that you might want to be concerned. But now seeing it finished I would not say that is gaudy, it suits your hand, I think it would need to be twice as big as it is now before it hits gaudy.
If it makes you happy wear it 24/7 every where you go. Dont worry about what others think, it is your ring and if you and your hubby are satisfied that is what counts.
Perhaps the other husband was worried that his wife was going to want something as delicious as your ring.
Kristydarling your ring is GORGEOUS!!!!!!! Stunning!!!! Life is precious and oft times too short. Enjoy it.
you so hit the nail on the head with that last line mata...i think guys are conditioned to always be sure their wives don't get expensive ideas from other women, hahaa well they can TRY anyway!! women have their own ideas as we all know.

i know sometimes when i show greg some of the large rings on here he is always like 'oh see that looks fake' or 'that doesn't look right, its too big'....i am just like 'WHATEVER buddy, keep thinking maybe somehow that will save you one day from making the next big jump'. so go figure. my poor man. also for greg i know he looks at things and envisions other things HE wants in place. like he always talks about how my e-ring was a harley softtail springer motorcycle...haha i said that the e-ring was a much safer purchase!

i think that part of with this big diamond nervousness comes a little sensitivity...because i know it's easy to take things personally aka the gaudy comment when in reality to alot of people YES a ring like yours on a hand like yours is gaudy. but who cares!! i was a little hesitant on how it might turn out too because your fingers are so tiny but it looks amazing! i am sure i will get a few gaudy comments myself on my new stone too but i just intend to be like 'yeah isn't it GREAT?'....i think that kind of flippant response will throw more people off than stammering a reply or trying to assure them it's not so or whatever. even if i have a little bit of large diamond nervousness, trust me no one but you PS'ers and my darling hubby will ever know.

last nite we were playing scrabble and greg was looking over at my hand and said 'it will be interesting to see what this new stone looks like because your stone looks really big to me right now'. i just smiled. i'm interested to see it too.
I think all of your rings are just beautiful. The only gaudy thing I have seen on here is the ones the little cat that discovered diamonique tried to pass off! You have a beautiful ring and should be very proud to show that baby off! Congrats.
Kristy, I agree with Mara. When you show up with a new sparkler, other wives might start getting ideas. Many husband''s are not thrilled at the have started a trend they wish would go away.

Again, not to play armchair analyst (but I do have a masters in counseling psych for what it''s worth...) Often, people see something in us that is a trait they dislike in themself. Or, they are secretly envious for what ever reason, and try to throw off that sense (and convince themselves at the same time) that NO WAY, THEY DO NOT NEED OR WANT THAT. My sister is A MASTER at this techinique. If she thinks she cannot have something (whatever IT is, and whatever the reason why she can''t...) she then gets super critical and super judgemental..."Oh, it''s nice I guess, if you LIKE that sort of thing" (well, duh, or I would not have bought it!)..." Me, I do not need anything that big to feel good..." TRANSLATION: My hubby would NEVER get that for me so I am going to pee all over you and it, since I know I cannot have it, but BOY do I want one too, and if it were offered to me I would sell my mom to get it!!!" (you have to read between the lines with her, I speak fluent "sisterbabble" at this point!) Then, you turn around, and she has the VERY THING she poo poohed...and I know she worked her poor hubby over the coals til he gave in. She also acts like she never said anything negative to begin you hallucinated the whole things! BOTTOM LINE: for EVERYTHING in life that you want or do or have, there will always be the naysayer or partypooper in the bunch. DO NOT give them your power or let them diminsh you. Sometimes ignoring them is best, or sometimes, joking helps..."Hey, Joe! It IS gaudy, but I love it. I am channeling my inner gaudy girl right now!" If you make light, sometimes, it stops the other person dead in their tracks. You are not backpeddling, apopolgizing or justifying it to anyone. Then change the subject..."How about this weather!" and move along. Do not let THEIR issues (whatever they may be) become YOURS.
Date: 4/30/2006 1:33:38 PM
Author: Mara
you so hit the nail on the head with that last line mata...i think guys are conditioned to always be sure their wives don''t get expensive ideas from other women, hahaa well they can TRY anyway!! women have their own ideas as we all know.

i know sometimes when i show greg some of the large rings on here he is always like ''oh see that looks fake'' or ''that doesn''t look right, its too big''....i am just like ''WHATEVER buddy, keep thinking maybe somehow that will save you one day from making the next big jump''. so go figure. my poor man. also for greg i know he looks at things and envisions other things HE wants in place. like he always talks about how my e-ring was a harley softtail springer motorcycle...haha i said that the e-ring was a much safer purchase!

i think that part of with this big diamond nervousness comes a little sensitivity...because i know it''s easy to take things personally aka the gaudy comment when in reality to alot of people YES a ring like yours on a hand like yours is gaudy. but who cares!! i was a little hesitant on how it might turn out too because your fingers are so tiny but it looks amazing! i am sure i will get a few gaudy comments myself on my new stone too but i just intend to be like ''yeah isn''t it GREAT?''....i think that kind of flippant response will throw more people off than stammering a reply or trying to assure them it''s not so or whatever. even if i have a little bit of large diamond nervousness, trust me no one but you PS''ers and my darling hubby will ever know.

last nite we were playing scrabble and greg was looking over at my hand and said ''it will be interesting to see what this new stone looks like because your stone looks really big to me right now''. i just smiled. i''m interested to see it too.
Another reason why I think that the low profile settings are a nice option when you have a larger stone because it just tones everything down. I do know a woman who has a round large stone and she has it in a typical Tiffany knock-off type head that is plopped on top of the shank and that puppy is elevated like waaaaaaaaaaaay high into the air and I have to say, it looks pretty gaudy (or tacky or something!). You all know I''m ALL for the large rock and massive bling power, but hers was ridiculous merely because of the way it was presented. Like, lady, we already can SEE that your stone is HUGE, no need to be having it suspended in the air like that!!! Hey, someone could get hurt!
KristyDarling, your ring is NOTHING like that. It is totally classy, elegant, AND understated -- yes I did say understated!!! Anyone that would make a negative comment about your ring is coming from a jealous and threatened place, that has nothing to do with you. Hey, there will ALWAYS be someone with a bigger rock. Hell, one would THINK my 3.29 would stand out, but at many of the events and locales my dh and I frequent, my stone looks so dwarfed compared to the size of the honkers I''ve been around. People just need to stop projecting their hang-ups onto others!
Is it sunny there yet?? more pics??
Date: 4/30/2006 4:32:29 PM
Author: mrssalvo
Is it sunny there yet?? more pics??
I second that - we need sunny outdoor pics!
As always, I love reading everyone''s replies.
Yes, I do think the guy we went to dinner with last night was worried that his fiance''s stone would look puny next to mine, hence the semi-put-down of my ring. But, I reminded them that I have a good 11 years on her and she has pleeeenty of time to "earn" (hehe) a big rock.


And yes, I do have sunny pictures.
I literally took like 100 shots (many came out blurry) but they''re WAY better than the ones I had posted on page 1. For now though, I must nap. We took the kids on a picnic and then to the playground and we''re pretty sweaty and tired right now. As soon as I can, though, I will post the new pics!
Stunning ring, Kristy!! I loved it before and love it even more now! I absolutely adore your stone and how massive it looks on your hand. Congrats!!!! Can''t wait for more pics!
More pics?? I perked right up!! Can''t wait!!!
Date: 4/30/2006 10:08:08 PM
Author: kaleigh
More pics?? I perked right up!! Can''t wait!!!

me too
WELL? PS look in who''s who for a post about you...:)
Thanks guys! I''m blushing. It''s getting late so I''ll just post my sunny shots now and start pondering my Who''s Who thread soon! [DiamondFan, I''m flattered that you started it! Hopefully my story won''t bore anyone too much Honestly it''s not all that interesting!]

OK, I''ll start off by saying that I took these pics AFTER spending the whole day outdoors with my kids, and I forgot to clean my ring before snapping away. DUH! There''s probably all sorts of schmutz like sunscreen, sweat, kids'' snot, etc. all over it so please pardon the grime. And it wasn''t until later that I discovered the little prong fuzz sticking out. Yuck! Sorry.

I''ll warn you now that there are MANY photos coming. Yes, I''m crazed. I hope you don''t get too sick of me or this ring. Here is the TOILET SHOT. Classy, huh?
I had put my ring on top of my toilet tank before I stepped into the shower and I loved how the sunlight was hitting it.

Hand shot.

closer up

The toilet shot is funny, but you get a nice reflection there :).
Hand shot profile.

A nice view of a pear.

The hand shot profile is wonderful. I like how it shows how the stones are set lower.
I love how you can see blue sky reflected in this one.

Nice lint.

Sill shot with some visible arrows.

Here you can see the warmth of the H color stones.

I love this one because you can see how gracefully the pinched shank tapers out.

Yummy KD...keep ''em coming!!!!
WOW!!! I am floored!!!
Last one!!! I liked the shadows in this one.

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