I just wanted to say I may be a bit late (I'm heading up from San Diego and have to drop my hubby off for a dive trip on the way up) but I am still coming. I am so excited to meet all of you, hear about your wedding plans or recent weddings! I've been swamped with work lately and unable to post, but I wanted to make sure you know I'll be there
So, of everyone who is definitely going tomorrow, how many of you have met before? Also, Faerievert doesn''t seem to be around these days, I wonder if she''ll actually make it?
I have met QTKiki and Chargergrrrl. None of the six of us knew each other when we met in March but yet we still stayed at the restaurant for almost 3 hours. I''m looking forwrd to expanding the circle!
I''ve met selflove and chargergrrl from the 1st gtg. We just lost track of time that day and it totally didn''t feel like 3 hrs. hehehe. It''s going to be fun tomorrow.
I''m really looking forward to meeting you guys. My SoCal friends are all either long married, or not even dating, so I''m having trouble venting my current wedding obsession!
I''m thinking of going over to Castle for Brides in HB afterwards and seeing how much they will charge to order the dress I''m in love with. I found it online for a decent price, but I like the idea of getting it through a shop so it''s more convenient to handle any alterations.
it''s not fair! I wanted to go to this get-together! and I could have gone too, but for some reason I haven''t been able to access these forums for about 2 weeks. I tried again together, and poof, everything is fine, ya''ll have been going along without me
so sorry for the no-show, but without being able to access the forums, I couldn''t get the details- UGH!
Oh Faerievert I''m so sorry you couldn''t get on PS! That''s horrible! And I''m sorry you missed the get together. That really stinks. Are you leaving soon for the wedding? Will you be coming back to CA anytime?
yup the wedding is this weekend. I''m in louisville for it now. my hair trial and bridal photo shoot are this afternoon... but my mom got stuck in chicago when she was flying in and hasn''t gotten here with my gown yet!!!
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