
Ladies, do you get emotional after a disappointing haircut?

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Mia I am so sorry you are dissapointed. That sucks.

I hate getting my hair cut. I wish DH would train as a hairdresser - really. I hate going. Hate hate hate.

I went last month - I forced myself after 6 months and I still regret going. I had to cut it MYSELF again when I got home. I don''t know why they cannot cut my hair but I am getting to the point where I might never go back, I have tried all hairdressers from the top to backstreet salons and they all suck.

So big hug from me - I feel your pain.
I''m so sorry Mia - I COMPLETELY understand how you feel, and I''ve SO been there before. While I''ve only ever gotten one truly disastrous haircut (think layers, but only two sets - a top layer and a bottom layer, with the top layer about 3 inches shorter than the bottom one...yes, it looked horrible
), but I feel you on wanting to much from it and having it come out only so-so - this has happened to me more times than I can tell you...
I used to get really upset over hair cuts when I was younger, but now I''m pretty good at explaining what the problem is if I''m not 100% happy so it can be fixed
OMG YES!!! Esp when you spend over 5 hours in the salon!!! Seriously drives me nuts. Dont worry though... usually after a couple of days I feel better... hope you feel the same!

Ugh! So now I am PISSED! Well I took some pics to show you the cut. I was just getting used to it and thinking at least it's not a BAD cut. I never thought it was a bad cut, just a "meh" cut. Not what I had envisioned... Below is a pic. See how boring and not-stylish it is? Also the bangs are probably going to need to be trimmed again in another week! But that's not what I am pissed about! I have orange streaks on my roots!!!!!!! It looks like she didn't leave the bleach in long enough! UGH! I am defintely not going back to her again! Luckily it's not that noticeable if I part it the right way....

and the back. She did cut it in a sort of a-line way. It''s hard to tell but the front/sides of my hair is a little longer. I like the brown peeking out, but it doesn''t look even. Also my hair is a bit clumpy... not sure what''s doing that. This pic was taken first thing in the morning, but it looks like my hair is windblown.

Oh but one silver lining.... she did sell me some "dry shampoo" or "spray powder" and that stuff works and is awesome! I have oily hair so I have to wash it every day. My poor hair gets so damaged! But this spray stuff actually bought me another day before I had to wash!
I used to get that way all the time. But I kind of got over it. I have very unmanegable hair. Its hard to find a good stylist and often times I look worse than when I went in. So I just roll with it.

I''m more affected when they mess up my eyebrows for some reason.
Nope..sorry , can't say I do. It's only hair!!
I'm just thankful that I still have some (alot of friends lost all theirs to cancer treatments), and that I have no grey yet!
mia~I don''t know what your hair looked like before, but I think it''s pretty darn cute! I also have dry shampoo. It''s amazing!!! Love that stuff!
Thanks Burk.... well it pretty much looked like this before! Except she did change the back a little. My complaint is not so much that she messed up my hair. It's not really anything she did (besides my orange roots!). But I guess I am just let down that it wasn't great. It's a very plain and simple style and I really wanted something a little more exciting. I think most of my problem is just that I got my hopes up and now I feel so let down.

ETA- OMG! I saw dry shampoo at the drugstore when I was in my teens once. I have always wanted to try it, but it just didn't make sense that it would actually work as well as I would need it to work. But it totally does!
I totally understand! Been there. I hate paying a ton for a hair cut and no one even being able to tell I got one!! Maybe next time (besides not turning your hair orange) you could do some layers in the front or something. Or go shorter with the bangs to mix it up?
Yep, I''m definitely going to pick out some pictures that I like (which I did originally, but she said my hair is too layered in the front to do what I wanted) and I''ll be more prepared to demand change! Oh and luckily she''s not my regular color girl, I go to an awesome stylist who only does color. My roots weren''t that long to begin with, so there is very little orange, so it should be okay for a while.

Your daughter is gorgeous by the way! Love seeing her pic!
I''m sorry you''re not happy with your hair. That really sucks and I''ve totally been there as well. I once got a totally awful haircut (first time I got it cut after moving here to MN) and to make matters worse it was done right before I was supposed to go out with Mr.L on our date night. I was bawling in the car and even called up my dad and sobbed to him. I hate trying to find a new stylist - I swear I having an easier time picking a doctor than I do a stylist.
Thanks! We think she''s pretty special, but are obviously quite biased!

Please post pics when you get your next cut! I''m contemplating a new style right now!
Oh yes. I am very attached to my hair and have very specific ideas about what it should look like. That''s probably why I procrastinate forever and end up only having it cut 1-2x per year
Hasn''t everyone hated at least one haircut in their life? Yep, many tears. Lots of frustration. Which is why I cut my own hair. And it looks pretty stellar today, as a matter of fact.

No. I''m not at all modest.
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