
*****.****.***.**.*Ladies in Waiting List*.**.***.****.*****

Re: *****.****.***.**.*Ladies in Waiting List*.**.***.****.*

Can I be added to the list? :appl:
Re: *****.****.***.**.*Ladies in Waiting List*.**.***.****.*

eXistentia|1362870556|3400838 said:
Can I be added to the list? :appl:

Of course! Please feel free to make a thread telling us a bit more about yourself :wavey: nice to have you here!
Re: *****.****.***.**.*Ladies in Waiting List*.**.***.****.*

OMG....just saw that I was number 30 on the last list update, and got engaged on my 30th bday...that HAS to mean something!
Re: *****.****.***.**.*Ladies in Waiting List*.**.***.****.*

Update since I can't (but should) sleep!

Unfortunately some ladies past check in...goodbye to katieofatey and Renee317 for now. Please come back and join us soon! :wavey:
Congratulations to BeeCushion who got a lovely birthday proposal with a beautiful asscher!!! So very excited for you! :praise:
And lastly, a very warm welcome to eXistentia! May your stay be short and sweet. Please tell us more about you and your SO ::)

1 Deia
2 MayFlowers
3 IndyLady
4 Glitz *please check in!*
5 vintagelover
6 CaprineSun
7 lktx
8 madelise
9 dragonfly411
10 pandabee
11 LoveLikeCrazy
12 petit_bijou
13 Chewbacca
14 PhillyMcGee
16 Lady5 *please check in!*
17 antiquesparkler
18 starrylight
19 maccers
20 lin_ny
21 misscuppycake
22 BereniceFrench
23 cygnet
24 maple2012
25 Impudent_Crumpet
26 luckyerialc
27 teacup
28 BeeCushion
29 vip0802
30 fabulousfindk
31 Ms_Lovely
32 Stephny691
33 glitzandglamour

Happy pi day! (3/14 :bigsmile:)
Re: *****.****.***.**.*Ladies in Waiting List*.**.***.****.*

aaaand this is why I shouldn't post late at night. Thank you to my editor Chewbacca ;))

1 Deia
2 MayFlowers
3 IndyLady
4 Glitz *please check in!*
5 vintagelover
6 CaprineSun
7 lktx
8 madelise
9 dragonfly411
10 pandabee
11 LoveLikeCrazy
12 petit_bijou
13 Chewbacca
14 PhillyMcGee
16 Lady5 *please check in!*
17 antiquesparkler
18 starrylight
19 maccers
20 lin_ny
21 misscuppycake
22 BereniceFrench
23 cygnet
24 maple2012
25 Impudent_Crumpet
26 luckyerialc
27 teacup
28 vip0802
29 fabulousfindk
30 Ms_Lovely
31 Stephny691
32 glitzandglamour
33 eXistentia
Re: *****.****.***.**.*Ladies in Waiting List*.**.***.****.*

How fun that BeeCushion came off the list on her 30th birthday at #30!

I'll have to update the Lucky LIW thread once your reign is over, pandabee. I forget where I left off.
Re: *****.****.***.**.*Ladies in Waiting List*.**.***.****.*

:appl: :appl: Congratulations to maccers for a sweet pre-st pattys day proposal!!
Lovely welcome to wsucheerleader! ::)

And final reminder to Glitz and Lady5 to please check in!!!!

1 Deia
2 MayFlowers
3 IndyLady
4 Glitz *please check in!*
5 vintagelover
6 CaprineSun
7 lktx
8 madelise
9 dragonfly411
10 pandabee
11 LoveLikeCrazy
12 petit_bijou
13 Chewbacca
14 PhillyMcGee
16 Lady5 *please check in!*
17 antiquesparkler
18 starrylight
19 lin_ny
20 misscuppycake
21 BereniceFrench
22 cygnet
23 maple2012
24 Impudent_Crumpet
25 luckyerialc
26 teacup
27 vip0802
28 fabulousfindk
29 Ms_Lovely
30 Stephny691
31 glitzandglamour
32 eXistentia
33 wsucheerleader
Re: *****.****.***.**.*Ladies in Waiting List*.**.***.****.*

Happy weekend to everyone! Here is the updated list for the week.

Sad to see Lady5 go due to inactivity...please come back and join us soon!
Welcome to sortmon and mandasand for finally *officially* joining the list, and welcome to Mickeylover! May your stays be short and sweet ::)

1 Deia
2 MayFlowers
3 IndyLady
4 Glitz
5 vintagelover
6 CaprineSun
7 lktx
8 madelise
9 dragonfly411
10 pandabee
11 LoveLikeCrazy
12 petit_bijou
13 Chewbacca
14 PhillyMcGee
16 antiquesparkler
17 starrylight
18 lin_ny
19 misscuppycake
20 BereniceFrench
21 cygnet
22 maple2012
23 Impudent_Crumpet
24 luckyerialc
25 teacup
26 vip0802
27 fabulousfindk
28 Ms_Lovely
39 Stephny691
30 glitzandglamour
31 eXistentia
32 wsucheerleader
33 sortmon
34 mandasand
35 Mickeylover
Re: *****.****.***.**.*Ladies in Waiting List*.**.***.****.*

OH NO! I posted the day after my last reminder! :cry: I've been so busy with my internship that I haven't been on as much lately but got on to post on the 18th just to make sure I stayed on the list! So sad to see I was too late.
Re: *****.****.***.**.*Ladies in Waiting List*.**.***.****.* hadn't even been 3 months yet. Not until the 31st. Now I'm confused.
Re: *****.****.***.**.*Ladies in Waiting List*.**.***.****.*

Sorry a bit ahead of myself and didn't see your last post. Will add you back!
Re: *****.****.***.**.*Ladies in Waiting List*.**.***.****.*

Thanks, Pandabee! :appl: whew! :D
Re: *****.****.***.**.*Ladies in Waiting List*.**.***.****.*

Sorry again Lady! No hard feelings...I apparently need to spend more time editing the list :lickout:

1 Deia
2 MayFlowers
3 IndyLady
4 Glitz
5 vintagelover
6 CaprineSun
7 lktx
8 madelise
9 dragonfly411
10 pandabee
11 LoveLikeCrazy
12 petit_bijou
13 Chewbacca
14 PhillyMcGee
16 Lady5
17 antiquesparkler
18 starrylight
19 lin_ny
20 misscuppycake
21 BereniceFrench
22 cygnet
23 maple2012
24 Impudent_Crumpet
25 luckyerialc
26 teacup
27 vip0802
28 fabulousfindk
29 Ms_Lovely
30 Stephny691
31 glitzandglamour
32 eXistentia
33 wsucheerleader
34 sortmon
35 mandasand
36 Mickeylover
Re: *****.****.***.**.*Ladies in Waiting List*.**.***.****.*

Yay! Thanks for adding me back, Pandabee! :D

Number sweet 16! Thats how old SO and I were when we first started dating. ha. :naughty:
Re: *****.****.***.**.*Ladies in Waiting List*.**.***.****.*

Congrats mandasand for your very short but well deserved stay!! Very sweet story and gorgeous art deco ring!

Warm welcome to Fayethful and MischiefManaged! May your stays be short and sweet. showmethebling did you want to be added to the list?

1 Deia
2 MayFlowers
3 IndyLady
4 Glitz
5 vintagelover
6 CaprineSun
7 lktx
8 madelise
9 dragonfly411
10 pandabee
11 LoveLikeCrazy
12 petit_bijou
13 Chewbacca
14 PhillyMcGee
16 Lady5
17 antiquesparkler
18 starrylight
19 lin_ny
20 misscuppycake
21 BereniceFrench
22 cygnet
23 maple2012
24 Impudent_Crumpet
25 luckyerialc
26 teacup
27 vip0802
28 fabulousfindk
29 Ms_Lovely
30 Stephny691
31 glitzandglamour
32 eXistentia
33 wsucheerleader
34 sortmon
35 Mickeylover
36 Fayethful
37 MischiefManaged

Happy Easter to those who celebrate and happy April fool's day tomorrow!! Any goodies to share, or ideas for pranks for tomorrow? :bigsmile: :naughty:
Re: *****.****.***.**.*Ladies in Waiting List*.**.***.****.*

Hi LIW!!! Thanks for the add Im so excited to be on the List!! #35!!! I'll write a small update on my first post. . . Happy easter to all of you ladies!! :D
Re: *****.****.***.**.*Ladies in Waiting List*.**.***.****.*

Thanks for adding me! :bigsmile:
Re: *****.****.***.**.*Ladies in Waiting List*.**.***.****.*

Can i be added to the list :-) I'm a returning lurker basically lol... Now that we are actively looking at rings I like to get more involved in this site.
Re: *****.****.***.**.*Ladies in Waiting List*.**.***.****.*

Top 20-ish movement has been so s-l-o-w.
Re: *****.****.***.**.*Ladies in Waiting List*.**.***.****.*

pandabee|1362959015|3401582 said:
eXistentia|1362870556|3400838 said:
Can I be added to the list? :appl:

Of course! Please feel free to make a thread telling us a bit more about yourself :wavey: nice to have you here!
Re: *****.****.***.**.*Ladies in Waiting List*.**.***.****.*

Hi ladies, sorry for being MIA. It's been a very busy week for me and next week won't be any better! Quick update with some of the new ladies, happy to have you here bobbypins and Caguilera. May your stays be short and sweet!

meredeth11 I was a little confused by that post...did you want to be added to the list?

1 Deia
2 MayFlowers
3 IndyLady
4 Glitz
5 vintagelover
6 CaprineSun
7 lktx
8 madelise
9 dragonfly411
10 pandabee
11 LoveLikeCrazy
12 petit_bijou
13 Chewbacca
14 PhillyMcGee
16 Lady5
17 antiquesparkler
18 starrylight
19 lin_ny
20 misscuppycake
21 BereniceFrench
22 cygnet
23 maple2012
24 Impudent_Crumpet
25 luckyerialc
26 teacup
27 vip0802
28 fabulousfindk
29 Ms_Lovely
30 Stephny691
31 glitzandglamour
32 eXistentia
33 wsucheerleader
34 sortmon
35 Mickeylover
36 Fayethful
37 MischiefManaged
38 bobbypins
39 Caguilera

Lots of happy dust going around...congrats to maple2012 for having a ring purchased and Caguilera for getting the stone down. Also belated congrats to madelise for getting into grad school, and congrats to princesss as well for a grad school acceptance!! Smart group of ladies we got here :appl: :appl:
Re: *****.****.***.**.*Ladies in Waiting List*.**.***.****.*

At #6 on the list, I am signing off. No ring, but I would like to be removed from the list. No longer feel like a LIW.

Sending all my love and *~*dust*~* to all the ladies left on the list! :wavey:
Re: *****.****.***.**.*Ladies in Waiting List*.**.***.****.*

Sorry to see you go CaprineSun... please let us know how wedding planning is going!

Congrats to maple2012 with her beautiful ring and intimate proposal! Happy planning!

I think those are all the LIW updates for the week...lots of other good news going around with acceptances and jobs. So proud of us ladies!! :appl:

1 Deia
2 MayFlowers
3 IndyLady
4 Glitz
5 vintagelover
6 lktx
7 madelise
8 dragonfly411
9 pandabee
10 LoveLikeCrazy
11 petit_bijou
12 Chewbacca
13 PhillyMcGee
15 Lady5
16 antiquesparkler
17 starrylight
18 lin_ny
19 misscuppycake
20 BereniceFrench
21 cygnet
22 Impudent_Crumpet
23 luckyerialc
24 teacup
25 vip0802
26 fabulousfindk
27 Ms_Lovely
28 Stephny691
29 glitzandglamour
30 eXistentia
31 wsucheerleader
32 sortmon
33 Mickeylover
34 Fayethful
35 MischiefManaged
36 bobbypins
37 Caguilera
Re: *****.****.***.**.*Ladies in Waiting List*.**.***.****.*

Woohoo, lucky number 7, Im betting on you!
Re: *****.****.***.**.*Ladies in Waiting List*.**.***.****.*

Thanks, panda! Yeah, venue & date booked, photographer booked, videographer booked, officiant booked, DJ booked, florist almost booked. Dress will be custom-made. Shoes already bought, etc. And my SO is even getting involved now. Our families have gotten together & talking as if we are engaged. It's crazy. I'm definitely not a LIW anymore. Looks like I just stopped waiting altogether. :lol:

I'm thinking (ok... so my friends told me) that the reason for the long wait is that he has something grand planned for a specific time of year (i.e. spring). So, that is why the proposal has felt like it was taking so long. But apparently, he planned this since last year. I'm just so happy. Wedding planning is FUN! Well, till you think about the ever-growing budget!
Re: *****.****.***.**.*Ladies in Waiting List*.**.***.****.*

Sad to see you go, CaprineSun, YOU HAD BETTER UPDATE US WHEN YOU ARE ENGAGED! I'm starting to feel the same way, I understand why you signed off early!

Re: *****.****.***.**.*Ladies in Waiting List*.**.***.****.*

Chewbacca|1367453433|3438471 said:
Sad to see you go, CaprineSun, YOU HAD BETTER UPDATE US WHEN YOU ARE ENGAGED! I'm starting to feel the same way, I understand why you signed off early!


I knew someone had to understand me. :wink2: I will be sure to update. :-) Miss you ladies already. I feel left out now, in a sort of way, but it's just the natural progression.
Re: *****.****.***.**.*Ladies in Waiting List*.**.***.****.*

CaprineSun|1367455525|3438493 said:
Chewbacca|1367453433|3438471 said:
Sad to see you go, CaprineSun, YOU HAD BETTER UPDATE US WHEN YOU ARE ENGAGED! I'm starting to feel the same way, I understand why you signed off early!


I knew someone had to understand me. :wink2: I will be sure to update. :-) Miss you ladies already. I feel left out now, in a sort of way, but it's just the natural progression.

The modern engagement process for progressive women is very confusing. The labels and events are no longer a situation where the woman sits at home desperately waiting for a proposal. I def understand why you don't feel like a LIW, but at the same time, HELLO MR.CAPRINE, wth are you waiting for! I feel the same way with my own SO. It feels like purgatory, and it's daunting. That's why I refused to plan a wedding. I'm confused enough on where I stand.
Re: *****.****.***.**.*Ladies in Waiting List*.**.***.****.*

Congrats to Caguilera for a super short but sweet stay!!!! Such a unique proposal and beautiful ring. Happy planning!
Welcome to AnnikinSkywalker! You are in good company here ::)

1 Deia
2 MayFlowers
3 IndyLady
4 Glitz
5 vintagelover
6 lktx
7 madelise
8 dragonfly411
9 pandabee
10 LoveLikeCrazy
11 petit_bijou
12 Chewbacca
13 PhillyMcGee
15 Lady5
16 antiquesparkler
17 starrylight
18 lin_ny
19 misscuppycake
20 BereniceFrench
21 cygnet
22 Impudent_Crumpet
23 luckyerialc
24 teacup
25 vip0802
26 fabulousfindk
27 Ms_Lovely
28 Stephny691
29 glitzandglamour
30 eXistentia
31 wsucheerleader
32 sortmon
33 Mickeylover
34 Fayethful
35 MischiefManaged
36 bobbypins
37 AnnikinSkywalker
Re: *****.****.***.**.*Ladies in Waiting List*.**.***.****.*

Hi Ladies,

I'm new to the forum and would like to be added to the list. Hopefully my stay will be short and sweet. SO and I have been looking at rings for the past 2 months but the search has slowed down so it seems like he's got something in the works. Wish me luck!