Date: 4/23/2006 1:13:57 AM
Author: brneyedgrl
my fiance''s diamond cutter friend did not want to cut the large stone because he felt that it should not belong in jewelry. He thought that for jewelry he should have used a lesser grade stone. He even offered to trade him other stones.
Date: 4/23/2006 1:19:51 AM
Author: windowshopper
TO the OP: two seems darn about one big one and a nice eternity band. if you want to waste 25,000 why dont you donate it to an AIDS clinic. Why hide seemed silly to one world i amsimple 23 yr old with 2 carat to the other world i am ms 4 carat....just wear your ring and if not appropriate wear the band. it seems that you and your fiance are mainly concerned with the fact that you NEVER be without a ring.........what does that sayDate: 4/22/2006 12:38:56 AM
taking things out of context fools no one.Date: 4/23/2006 1:44:42 AM
Author: decodelighted
It''s so interesting how someone asks an opinion about one thing, but gets opinions about all sorts of other things UNSOLICITED. And even other posters are just randomly critiqued.
What I''ve learned from this thread:
1) a 2nd solitare is ''ridiculous'' but a large eternity ring + 4 carat ring is perfectly fine
2) if you want to ''waste money'' - try AIDS organizations
3) fashion ''insiders'' get their kicks by bashing those with different tastes & comparing them to Paris Hilton
4) it''s super ''classy'' to get up on a high horse & throw stones -uh- opinions on questions NO ONE ASKED.
You need not apologize! I just wanted to make sure that people understood my p o v in anwering this post, since I know it is hard to know someone via some emails. I wanted to be sure that people were making their assessments with all the facts. I agree with you, over coffee with a buddy you could converse about it and it would seem very normal. It is not an unreasonable question to ponder in thinking about your daily life. I was just saying that you should decide what you like and follow it, and maybe later the 4 carat will be as comfortable as anything...heck, you might want to wear the biggie on your left hand and reset the other into an amazing right hand ring at some point in the future!!! I think in the end that generalizing is a dangerous thing, we might look at someone and decide not to bother because of outward appearances and they could be a wonderful person! As you say, we all have our passions, and clearly our pet peeves, too! Show some photos soon!!!Date: 4/23/2006 2:53:58 AM
Author: brneyedgrl
Diamondfan, I don''t think that you were bragging about your possessions (I never got that from your post). I know that you were trying to illustrate how nicer and bigger jewelry fits into your own lifestyle. Yes, you are lucky enough to have some of the designer brands. I get your point.
I guess this conversation would play out differently over coffee than it does on the internet. I am learning that we shouldn''t pass judgement on others belongings without knowing the whole picture. My fiance probably would not have bought a 4 ct. diamond, but it was acquired in a busines deal. I have met wealthy people who live like paupers, and I have met people of average means who live way beyond their limits.
I''m glad that some people on here are concerned about the greater good. I most definitely am, but we all have our vices or little things that we indulge in. I''m sure that some people in this forum have more cars than they need or more shoes than they could ever wear, but we aren''t criticizing that.
Perfect illustration of what i was responding a discussion over the appropriateness of a large stone there several people who have chosen to make statements defined to impress upon others the amount of money they are wearing or carrying: "I also carry Hermes handbags exclusively." These statements or those previous "my juicy sweats" or "my dior glasses", "Louis bags" were made to elicit attention but these ladies are annoyed that we are not impressed and are mocking them instead. I can make all the same statememts you did crafftygrrl. Despite your comment to the contrary, material things do most certainly define you or you would never in a million years have said what you did. AND THAT is what we found so offensive about the other posters commented on .....Date: 4/23/2006 9:45:59 AM
Author: crafftygrrl
It really depends on your personal style. As I''ve gotten older, I''ve come to like significant, but not gaudy jewelry. I also carry Hermes handbags exclusively.
My jewelry / handbags are more expensive than my friends. Some acquaintances that I know respond to me with somewhat jealous body language, but I can''t contol that.
My personal tastes are part of who I am. But material things don''t necessarily define me. What''s most important to me is my husband, children and family. If I did not have a firm foundation in life with them, no amount of jewelry or Hermes could make me truly happy.
Best of luck--Please post your rings (hand shots) once you receive them!!
Date: 4/23/2006 11:46:35 AM
Author: brneyedgrl
Diamondlove, thank you for your response. I appreciate you pointing out that I and diamondfan were not trying to be offensive or ostentatious. I think that if any of you met me in real life, you would soon find out that I''m very far from that. That Paris Hilton comparison was amusing, but if you read more about Diamondfan, she sounds far more educated and interesting than Paris Hilton appears to be. Additionally, Diamondfan rocks a beautiful and substantial rock, so I appreciate her feedback.
Kristydarling, you and I sound very similar. I am not yet 30, and I too get confused for a college student. I used to work at USC as a fundraiser, and yes, I got to see a lot of nice rocks on some of the big donors. However, being somewhat fresh faced and prone to a zit every now and again, if I was dressed more casually, I would get mistaken for a college student. One of my friends from grad school is from Oakland, and I also worked in an area of Los Angeles county that is similar to Oakland. You are right, the larger, more flashy stone or stones may very well be inappropriate for that environment.
I totally agree, MB!Date: 4/23/2006 12:16:54 PM
Author: Madam Bijoux
This is boggling my mind. Just asking here: How can anyone possibly be offended when someone says ''I wear this label'' or I have these handbags'' or ''I have this size stone''?
Here''s what I find offensive: Thousands of lives were destroyed on 911. Genocide. Prejudice.
i am not offended and i dont think the others who have made similar comments are offended either--extremely turned off by those making a big deal about their preferred labels and brands would be a better way to say it. i love diamonds and the bigger the better well almost for the OP--I have NO problem with her large stone. I found the need for a second somewhat strange--it was the responses to her post that i found really distastefulDate: 4/23/2006 12:16:54 PM
Author: Madam Bijoux
This is boggling my mind. Just asking here: How can anyone possibly be offended when someone says ''I wear this label'' or I have these handbags'' or ''I have this size stone''?
Here''s what I find offensive: Thousands of lives were destroyed on 911. Genocide. Prejudice.
Posts on message boards about designer clothes & bags don''t blip my radar.
You could use them as game board pieces, or to cut holes in the windows, perhaps as a light catcher....sorry I have been studying uber hard this week and the wise part of me just could not resist.Date: 4/23/2006 12:54:36 PM
Author: KristyDarling
Browneyed - I was wondering the same thing as Decodelighted: How else would a top-grade diamond be used, other than in jewelry? I''m really curious about this.