canuk-gal|1458513549|4008579 said:HI:
It is possible you might be offered a conscious sedation. No pain/memory of the procedure.
Strength and healing vibes your way!
kind regards, Sharon
ksmom|1458760965|4009977 said:Dear Alex,
I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. I've undergone a pregnancy termination at 19 weeks for Trisomy 9 with fetal anomalies as well as a D&C for an anembryonic pregnancy at 7 weeks. Both were anxiety provoking experiences and deeply sad ones for me as we had so wanted both of these pregnancies to lead to healthy babies.
Your procedure this early on will likely be more like the D&C I had done at 7 weeks, and that's definitely a good thing. I was under general anesthesia for both procedures and am glad for that now- having as little awareness as possible during the procedure was probably better for my mental health. My greatest suffering in both cases was emotional: losing the baby I had already named and dreamt of meeting (in the case of the abortion) and in the case of the D&C, reliving the pain of having lost my daughter the year prior (abortion and D&C were separated by almost exactly a year.)
I bled very little after the D&C and am glad you will have this taken care of sooner than later. Sending you hugs.
Alex T|1458767018|4010049 said:ksmom|1458760965|4009977 said:Dear Alex,
I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. I've undergone a pregnancy termination at 19 weeks for Trisomy 9 with fetal anomalies as well as a D&C for an anembryonic pregnancy at 7 weeks. Both were anxiety provoking experiences and deeply sad ones for me as we had so wanted both of these pregnancies to lead to healthy babies.
Your procedure this early on will likely be more like the D&C I had done at 7 weeks, and that's definitely a good thing. I was under general anesthesia for both procedures and am glad for that now- having as little awareness as possible during the procedure was probably better for my mental health. My greatest suffering in both cases was emotional: losing the baby I had already named and dreamt of meeting (in the case of the abortion) and in the case of the D&C, reliving the pain of having lost my daughter the year prior (abortion and D&C were separated by almost exactly a year.)
I bled very little after the D&C and am glad you will have this taken care of sooner than later. Sending you hugs.
I am so incredibly sorry to hear about thisI can only imagine your pain & emotional suffering. Thank you for feeling able to write about your procedures & experiences. It is really helping me to realise I am not alone, I am not a freak with my freaky blood, and most importantly, that the actual event should be swift. I am terrified. And also as time is passing, I am feeling less un-attached emotionally, so have decided to take the general anaesthetic. I just need it to be over & done. Monday 4th is the first of a 2 week Easter Holiday here in the UK, so whilst the children will be staying with my mum for those first 2 days, I am busy planning exciting but gentle days out for the second week. I feel that I need to focus my energy on my girls & their enjoyment. I have sneakily convinced my brother to come with me on one trip with his children, as they adore him & he'll run them ragged whilst I can sit with a coffee, and my mother on a couple of other trips, who is in the loop. Only 1.5 weeks to go...
missy|1459593471|4014498 said:Ugh Alex, I am so sorry. This sucks so much! Grrr I wish I could do something to help you. I am furious for you. How could they not realize this sooner? I mean they just thought of this now?![]()
Damn doctors.
It will all work out Alex though I know right now it doesn't seem like that. Hopefully your older sister can be there for you and that the hematologist can see you this week and you can safely have the procedure on the 11th. As you said safety is paramount even if it means postponing by a week. Better safe than sorry. But I am so so sorry about this!
Biggest (((hugs))) and lots of love being sent your way. Wish I was there for you in person but I am here for you in spirit and sending bucketloads of PS dust your way.
I al really sorry this has been dragging on for you. I can't imagine the emotional and physical stress you must be going through.Alex T|1459710585|4014957 said:Thank you. The D&C is basically what I'm having & I have agreed to have a general anaesthetic now. The stress is just getting me down so we think it's for the best, otherwise I may not relax. I know this has an end date & logically all will be fine as I am clearly in very good hands, I am just upset that it's dragging on. I am 8 weeks this weekend & found out somewhere between 1-2 weeks. I was told immediately it wasn't viable, so it's been a LONG time physically & mentally.
I am sorry to hear about your miscarriage. It's incredibly sad to have to experience that![]()