
Ladies who lift weights in later life……

Happy to answer whatever questions I can! Ask away. I really love to see this topic on the forum.

@Tonks Ok I have another question because I have been stalled in buying creatine as I cannot make a decision. There are so many choices! Any recs for which brand? I would have said I prefer capsules but they look like horse pills so I know I won't stick to that. I am exploring powder instead since I drink smoothies every day, but I don't know it would change the taste.
@Tonks Ok I have another question because I have been stalled in buying creatine as I cannot make a decision. There are so many choices! Any recs for which brand? I would have said I prefer capsules but they look like horse pills so I know I won't stick to that. I am exploring powder instead since I drink smoothies every day, but I don't know it would change the taste.

Horse pills :lol-2::lol-2:
@Tonks Ok I have another question because I have been stalled in buying creatine as I cannot make a decision. There are so many choices! Any recs for which brand? I would have said I prefer capsules but they look like horse pills so I know I won't stick to that. I am exploring powder instead since I drink smoothies every day, but I don't know it would change the taste.

Really any brand of creatine monohydrate will do. I’m using Thorne at the moment. Yes, you can find pills, but powder is the more traditional route and has the bonus (for me) of reminding me to drink a protein powder drink with it.
@Tonks Ok I have another question because I have been stalled in buying creatine as I cannot make a decision. There are so many choices! Any recs for which brand? I would have said I prefer capsules but they look like horse pills so I know I won't stick to that. I am exploring powder instead since I drink smoothies every day, but I don't know it would change the taste.

Oh, I missed your last comment. If you put it in protein powder, no, it does not change the taste.

Now, creatine in water alone? Doable, but yuck.

My fave protein powder is Ascent. Super clean mixing. Some powders are really a challenge to get off your drinkware. Ascent you can just rinse and toss in the dishwasher.
August marked 33 years I have been lifting. I started when I was 17 and have consistently lifted ever since, did a fitness competition once, and was a personal trainer for a few years a million years ago and had some certifications that have long expired. With that said, I would never in a million years say that I know what I’m talking about. Lol! There’s just so much information and opinions, and the information is fluid, we learn things with new research every day.

Everyone has an opinion, every expert has some method they believe in. Although I agree that you need to consult an expert who will sit with you and find out your goals and your health history and your medical background and come up with a good plan for you… my concern is the definition of “expert” here lol

I watch trainers in the gym I belong to and I’m horrified at what they’re having people do, stuff that’s completely inappropriate for the persons ages or fitness levels.

The great thing about the Internet though is that you can actually find a really good expert with years of experience and they don’t have to be within a 5 mile radius of your area , like you can search someone who is training age appropriate and has the experience and knowledge to give you a great plan for your specific needs.

This is my personal opinion. For weight training at my age I can’t go super heavy, I can’t go to failure, it’s just not appropriate for my body anymore. I like to focus on trying to do 4 sets between 8 to 12 reps but they should be difficult for me, I shouldn’t be able to breeze through them, i should have perfect form. I focus on two or three heavy free weight exercises and then supplement with two or three machine type exercises. For example for chest I do flat bench and I do incline dumbbells as free weight exercises and then I’ll do push-ups and the machine chest press. I tend to do one major muscle a day and then I also either do spin class or I bike outside. I always hike in the woods outside my house with my dog on a daily basis. I'm physically incapable of running lol I have to bike if I want cardio. I also do a CrossFit type workout once a week.

I think you’re off to a great start which is just understanding that we lose muscle mass as we age and weight bearing exercises are so important at our age to combat the muscle loss. Also, i always told my clients, find the thing you enjoy doing, maybe it's yoga, maybe it's spin, maybe it's zumba, maybe it's swimming, but you wont stick to it if you dont like it so try to find something you like doing.

It changes as you age.... here's me, in 1993 at 20 years old


and here's me this morning at the gym at 50 years old

Damn yo!! Your shirt is amazing though, I need this.
10 months now and going strong! :wavey:

Mainly simple weight resistance exercises. I started out very slow in March 2024 and in June I added healthy eating to my routine. I removed most added sugar, processed food, gluten, dairy, caffeine from my diet. I drink homemade bone broth in replace of coffee and focus on gut health.

* down 60 pounds
* back pain has been eliminated
* blood pressure, normal range
* cholesterol, normal range
* more energy now
* less mood swings
* less pcos symptoms
* intestinal issues resolved
* my skin cleared up
* since my cardio is mainly walking the dog, she is no longer fat either :lol-2:

Although I will say, the best thing to come out of all this is my 60 minute morning walks. Yes, they happen at 4:45am and yes I am a zombie most days, lol! But… my husband comes with and we TALK. Omg, I didn’t realize how much we texted and how little we actually talked. Between work, hauling our kiddo to the next sport activity, homework, helping him learn how to study, managing housework, cooking and meal planning, we weren’t talking as much as we needed. It has brought us closer and greatly improved our relationship.

I do a very simple routine.
8 min ab morning workout
60 min morning walk
10 min other* evening workout
30 min evening walk

*Other being either arms, legs,or butt
I rotate between the three and by the end of the week, manage to work through each body part twice.