
Length of Average Engagement

How long was/will be the length of your engagement?

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we have been engaged since 4 years ago (I was 23)... and we still engaged and not married yet since we want a decent wedding at two places (so that means 2 wedding for me) and we want to be financially stable and accomplish our career goal before marriage....

besides there no hurry for us since he only lives 10 houses away from my house (that''s one of my criteria: to live as close as possible to my family)..
Date: 12/14/2006 9:00:42 AM
Author: Maria D
I''m wondering if Imperial is a man. Maybe men underestimate the time it can take to plan a wedding and thus don''t understand the ''rush'' (rush in boytime) of getting engaged?

4 months here.
I actually laughed out loud when I read this! I am a female but you are right I have absolutely no idea what is involved in planning a wedding. Hopefully I will soon find out though.

I guess I just think that once I am engaged I will want to be married!!! It is a vicious cycle. When I was single I just wanted to be dating, when dating I just wanted a serious boyfriend, now I have the serious boyfriend and just want to be engaged, then once I am engaged I will probably just want to be married, and then as a Mrs. I will want kids, aaaaaahhhh it never stops!!
i hear ya imperials! i was waiting so long for engagement that right after it happened, i was wedding planning and wanted it asap. my bf was like, hey slow down, it takes time. so my 5 month window b/came 10 month (but still short period). I didn''t know much about weddings so didn''t realize the amount of time it takes to get things organized. And yes, I realize the kids question comes right after, agh!
I also hear that once kids are in the picture, you start to envy your single friends (so much time! so much freedom!) and worry about where your kids go to school, are getting the best,etc. Of course I STILL look forward to all that, but the moral of the story, is enjoy the NOW because the anxiety changes and goes through ebbs and flows, but never goes away.
I WILL say marriage waiting IS much better than engagement waiting, so something to look forward to! I wonder when your bf is going to propose..we ALL know he has the ring!!!
A year and a week, exactly. It probably would have been sooner if it weren''t for graduate school taking up so much time.
ours was almost 11 months. it''s whatever you''re comfortable with. some people need a longer period of time to plan the wedding, some barely need anytime at all. when you''re trying to set a date, don''t forget that during the time you are planning the wedding, life happens too, so remember to factor that in.

i have a coworker that was engaged for less than 2 months! they rushed the wedding partly due to the fact that she was preggos.
9 months, not necessarily because that was a particular time frame we had in mind, but because when we found our wedding venue and compatible dates as far as what worked for our bridal party/groomsmen as well, it just happend to work out that way.
Ours will be 1 year, 10 months, 11 days ... that''s the first time I ever did out the math haha
Ours was 8 months. Once we were commited to getting married, we wanted to do it ASAP without running around like crazy people.
guessing 15 or 16 months

Knew I wanted to get engaged within the first month of dating, he followed suit 3 months after.
It has taken since April to complete the ring, it will be ready in 3 more weeks.
8 months
1 yr and a 1/2
Date: 12/13/2006 11:11:47 AM
Author: dmbfan
Mine was 2.5 months....

My ex and her mom had the wedding for 250 people done in that time frame. My ex had the dress and almost everything els set, she was missing the groom. I was basically there to stand in that possition. We found out we were pregnant in January and got married March 22. She even threaten to go buy her own ring..... good times!!! good times!!!

That is horrible
We''re thinking about 20 months.

I''d really like to get married on 08/08/08 - it''s a Friday so could be possible. Will do my best.
My friend recently got engaged over thanksgiving...her wedding date? march 31, 2007! I don''t know how she did it, but she was adamant about wanting a short engagement. It is also going to be in another state.
I hope that when I become engaged I can get married within a year, hopefully ten months or sooner. I''ve been dating my boyfriend for so long that I''m just READY to be married already! However, never having planned a wedding who knows if this is realistic or not, but i will sure try!
Ours was about 5 mths.. Sometimes I wondered how we managed to pulled the wedding off..
Three months and a day - engaged on Christmas Eve and we will be married on March 25th. We are having an informal wedding ceremony on a beach in Kauai - most likely just the two of us, so no real issues with needing more time to plan.
My fiancee and I agreed to a no definite date. No pressure. I also like to have a long engagement. I want to be able to really enjoy being engaged. :)
We have the wedding date set on 1 Aug 2009, but he has yet to propose. But my best guess will be ard 1 yr.
It was 7 months and 1 week from the time we met until we got married. Met in June, proposed two weeks later, officially proposed on one knee with all the fanfare in August married the beginning of February. Next month will be 8 years! woohooo! yes, i''m still in love!

By the way, I had a full blown out Italian wedding with 200 guests and even had a 10 man group of bagpipes and drummers perform (husband is Scottish, he was in full Kilt attire and yes, it''s true!) Just remeber anything can be done no matter how much time you have to plan, it just takes a few more calls to see who''s available to make sure you get what you want!
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