Awww... shucks, thanks for the compliments!
Scintillating: the story is that I LOVE antique cushions and just had to have one! I wish there were something more exciting and romantic, but it was just me - I found something to obsess about and ran with it! The search started almost a year ago... (at last, I finally found one... My husband has been very patient.
I was originally looking for something in the 2-3 carat range, and this was actually the only 3+ carat stone that I even looked at! I guess I got lucky.

Scintillating: the story is that I LOVE antique cushions and just had to have one! I wish there were something more exciting and romantic, but it was just me - I found something to obsess about and ran with it! The search started almost a year ago... (at last, I finally found one... My husband has been very patient.
I was originally looking for something in the 2-3 carat range, and this was actually the only 3+ carat stone that I even looked at! I guess I got lucky.