
Leon Mege art deco-esque ring with EC tsavorite + trapezoids

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Your ring is absolutely gorgeous!! I''m so glad that Leon was able to translate the reproduction. Nothing is more special than honoring a meaningful piece from your family. Congratulations!!!
Wow, just saw this in SMTR and had to come and look at more pictures! That ring is just perfect.

I love the fact that it will be named after your Grandmother, what a great way to honor her!
Your ring is a stunner! What a wonderful tribute to your grandmother.
Love it!
bebe, mariedtiger, ma re, snooper, luckyeshe, crow, Burberrygirl, skippy, lurchie, upgradable, April20 - Thank you for your lovely comments. I am just amazed at how well the ring turned out.

megeve - I have you to thank for prompting me to a quick decision when you posted the tsavorite as I''d been looking at it the previous day and wondering if I should get it. The color is incredible -- I liked it before it was set and it looks even better set
How is your project with the sugarloaves coming along?
San Diego Lady My company is having its holiday party tonight, so my jewelry will match the season :)

DiamanteBlu Thank you!

I attempted some more photos this afternoon, but they didn''t turn out as well
Here''s a shot of the ring on Leon''s box.

A nod to the holidays - I haven''t decorated yet, so had to pick the holly out of the front yard

With some emerald earrings my dad brought back from Europe when I was in high school. He also brought me a pair with synthetic rubies that match my grandmother''s ring perfectly :) The lighting in this photo is really bright - the emeralds are very included and their color is much less saturated than the tsavorite.

it''s just beautiful!
That is one amazing ring. I really like how it''s inspired by a sentimental piece.
mrs salvo & oddoneout - thanks for your comments and for visiting the thread :-)

A shot showing the side view of both rings:

I just love how refined and elegant Leon''s work is, such a dreamy dreamy ring.
What a beautiful heirloom in honor of your Grandmother!!!!

It''s gorgeous! Leon''s work is amazing!
Your ring is amazing!!! I love the sentimental value behind it!
Tsavvy, the ring turned out to be even more of a showstopper than I had envisioned! I adore the addition of the round diamonds, and the extra bit of metal that mirror''s your Grandmother''s ring. It''s a stunning heirloom piece, and I''m so excited you have it!!!!

WOW that ring is stunning - leon really does have an eye for making things
- what a wonderful piece, lovely stone and most importantly a lovely way to honour your grandmothers ring :)

wear it in good health it is truely beautiful :).
MTG Back for another visit?
When you posted your tsav lotus, I kept returning to your thread to check out the pictures :) I love tsavorites....

Loriken Thank you - I''m looking forward to seeing what you do with the beautiful pink spinel you picked up from Gene!

Portia and Starburst Thank you!!

Lauren Good to see you
Leon did a great job with adding the round diamonds - he told me he was going to include some, but wasn''t sure how they would be worked into the final setting. I had visions of shanks that matched my grandmother with a diamond stuck in the middle of the step - fortunately, Leon''s idea surpassed my imagination!! I''m sending another tsavorite off to Leon to be set in a pendant

Deelight Thanks for your nice comments :)
It turned out beautifully! I have to admit, I am not use to seeing a Leon ring without the claws...but it looks beautiful all the same!!!
Oh my gosh! That is absolutely fantastic! I love how it is both like and unlike your grandmother''s ring. It''s gorgeous, and perfectly proportional and and and - yeah. WOW.
It''s SO pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SPECTACULAR ring - and what a lovely story to go with it
What a beauty! Your tsavorite is gorgeous (ECs are my favorite!), and Leon did a fabulous job on the vintage replica.
Wow, gorgeous ring! Both rings are stunning!
That is so gorgeous!
What an absolutely stunning ring! The color of the tsav is gorgeous and the design really pays homage to your grandmother''s ring.
that''s just divine! what a beautiful ring!!!
cushioncutnut Funny you would mention the pointy claw prongs - part of me felt it was just wrong to order a Leon without them! His version of the tab prongs is very delicate :)

geckodani, princessplease, AmberGretchen, kittybean, Diamond Dana, vespergirl, legra, Brown.Eyed.Girl Thank you all for your lovely comments - I keep being amazed at the wonderful job Leon did every time I look at the ring
Wow, it is stunning! I love it!
Hehe, love the new avatar there tsavvy
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